I Possessed Iron Man Chapter 76

"Isn't it a lot of pressure to bring a child alone?" Hans's mind was full of scenes of Maria breastfeeding the child at the moment, and he was not ashamed of the great mother's love.

"Who said no?" As if thinking of something sad, Maria's pretty face showed a hint of sadness.

"Then let me take care of you, I can give you the best conditions and let your child get the best growth environment." Hans couldn't bear it any longer, stood up and hugged Maria.

"Ah—" Maria was a little stunned. She didn't know how to deal with workplace harassment for the first time.

"Mr. Hans, please don't do this, don't do anything, I'm already a wreck, I'm not worthy of you at all!"


Hans' eyes were red, and he couldn't listen to Maria's words at all. He only had a single thought at the moment, which was to put the toothpick where it was supposed to go.

"Ah—" A purple lace circular fabric came into view, and Hans's first impression was that the fabric was very big.

What a waste of national resources!

Shame, shame, shame on all the women in America wasting fabric!

This is a huge waste of world resources!

I, Hans, an enthusiastic hobbyist for an environmental organization, of course, fiercely criticize this extravagance.

It is necessary to see the essence through the phenomenon, trace back to the source, and completely eradicate this kind of malignant social trends!

Maria was stared straight at by her own Big Boss at this time, her heart was already embarrassed, and her face was instantly occupied by a bright red.

She is a conservative woman who has only experienced one man from her ex-husband.

But I can never forgive him. This is a betrayal of marriage and a blasphemy of love.

However, her body, which has always been guarded like a jade, was actually seen by the Boss, even if it was only a partial spring, but for the conservative Maria, it had already caused a great impact on her traditional concept.

"Boss, please don't watch." Maria cried and begged, but Hans remained unmoved.

Two fundamental points of trembling have filled his world, and there is no room for anything else in his eyes at this moment.

I have never seen such a big one.

"Now, I order you to come here on your own initiative!" Hans was not in a hurry when he saw Maria, who looked like a frightened deer.

"No, I won't agree." Maria said firmly.

"Then I'll fire you, and you won't get an offer from any company in New York!" Hans looked at Maria with only two pieces of fabric playfully.

"You—" Maria was at a loss for words. She couldn't imagine where she could go if she left here?

I'm just a helpless woman with no special skills, so I can only do some low-level clerical work, even more how with a lactating child.

Anyone who has raised a child knows that the money for milk powder, diapers, sickness and fever are sky-high prices!

"I—" Maria shed tears of humiliation.

Chapter 48 The Birds Are Here

"If you agree to be my lover, I'll increase your monthly salary to 5000USD!" Hans wanted to say 10000, But the words were swallowed again.

Maria was shocked when she heard the number 5000, because at this time her salary was only 3000USD a month, which was just enough for her and her daughter's expenses.

Monthly yoga classes and my daughter's babysitting cost the bulk of it. She is a delicate woman who does not allow her quality of life to decline.

"8000!" Maria gritted her teeth and said a number.

"Deal! Deal!" Hans laughed heartily.

Maria lowered her arms around her chest and turned her head to the side, daring to look at Hans' red eyes.

"Why are you still standing still? Come over soon!" Hans patted his thighs.

Maria moved her legs with difficulty, like a marionette who didn't obey her orders, walking extremely slowly with each step.

"Come here!" Hans couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Maria's soft arm and brought her into his arms.

"Yingning—" Maria sat down on Hans's lap.

The little caterpillar in Hans's heart kept squirming, breathing the good smell from Maria's body, looking at the white collarbone exposed in the air, the white dazzling The skin, just the feeling of full of QQ elasticity, made his breathing stagnate.

Hans laughed evilly, pinched Maria's soft waist, spread her jade legs of a pair of slender, and let her sit face to face on his body, playfully. said with a smile

"Madam, do you like this?"

Fighting to each other, Maria only had a professional hip-pack skirt left, because her legs were spread apart. Because of this, Hans can see some indescribable scenery.

Hmph, can I show the seascape with seafood flavor to others?

It's just me!

Hans bowed his head and drank the milk, Maria couldn't help saying

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