I Possessed Iron Man Chapter 84

"I said I have a home theater at home, and I want to invite this beautiful lady to a romantic movie, what's the problem?" Ye Qingyang's eyes were full of innocence.

"hmph, if people don't follow you, you will make fun of them!" Betty Ross is also a university professor at this moment, a little girl who has been carried away by love.

"Betty, it seems to be windy outside, put on your windbreaker." Ye Qingyang picked up the clothes she put behind her and put it on her.

“Why don’t you wear a windbreaker if you’re not in a car?” Betty Ross was a little puzzled.

Ye Qingyang took her to the roof of the school and pointed to the suitcase on the roof.

"I didn't drive, but I brought this."

"It's Iron Man Armor!" Betty Ross rushed over, fondling the mechanical suitcase, It's like looking at a very special toy.

“Want to fly over New York once?” Ye Qingyang looked into her eyes.


With a scream, Ye Qingyang slowly flew into the sky with Betty Ross in his arms.

"Paul, open the protective cover."

Suddenly, an invisible barrier wrapped the two of them tightly. Although the wind whistled in their ears, they lay in Ye Qingyang's arms. But Betty Ross in the middle of nowhere didn't feel the cold.

This is a function that Ye Qingyang specifically asked Yinsen to add. Iron Man Armor's flying speed is too fast, with a full Mach 6, and the speed will be faster and faster in the future.

If humans fly at such a high altitude without any protective measures, it is estimated that the eardrums will burst immediately and the skin will be frostbitten.

"Is this what it feels like to fly?" Betty Ross's eyes opened wide, looking at New York City beneath him, with tall buildings and buildings scattered, a glance at the many mountains that seem The feeling of being small poured out from the bottom of my heart.

The mayfly is sent to Heaven and Earth, a drop in the vast ocean.

She hugged Ye Qingyang tightly with both hands and said in a mosquito-like voice

"Tony, I like you so much."

I am controlling Iron Man Armor's Ye Qingyang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the first confession from a beautiful woman was in the night sky of New York.

53rd Zhang Ai is a ray of light

He doesn't know if Betty Ross's words came from the heart or if he was suddenly stimulated, but the confession of such a beautiful college professor , For Ye Qingyang, whether it is this life or the past life, it is the first time.

In his previous life, he was one of the poorest, and his family background, appearance, and talent could only be said to be lower than average.

Nowadays, a woman with both talent and beauty and excellent temperament, who is Goddess-like in the eyes of countless people, confessed to him. This is something Ye Qingyang could never dream of.

Ye Qingyang's heart couldn't contain a ripple, an excitement, and even a touch of emotion.

"Paul, speed up!"

He couldn't wait to enjoy this mature female professor in his arms. Betty Ross has a skyquake at this kilometer altitude!

It's exciting to think about it!

Because of the replacement of new energy sources, Iron Man Armor's flight speed is very fast, and the original ten minutes flight took less than six minutes.

The two slowly landed in Ye Qingyang's sea-view mansion in New York's Xicheng Villa.

"Welcome back, sir!"

Jarvis' voice sounded, the smart system detected Ye Qingyang's DNA, and all smart homes in the villa turned on instantly, brightly lit.

"Wow, do you usually live here?"

Betty Ross is excitedly running around in this high-tech villa, which is full of future The tech-savvy device is enough to make any woman fall in love with it.

This is not only the power of money, but also the charm of technology!


The Combat Armor on Ye Qingyang had already fallen off automatically and was taken back by the robot.

He walked barefoot behind Betty, wrapping his arms tightly around her soft body.

"Didn't you say you want to watch a movie?"

Betty's voice was a little trembling, terrified, and also hopeful.

Because she saw a rifle with a bayonet in Ye Qingyang's hands.

Sanba Dagai, also known as Ancient Mulberry's assault rifle, is a well-known rifle during the Anti-Japanese period, with the characteristics of strong combat capability, strong adaptability and low failure rate.

The disadvantage is that the recoil is large, the gun body is long, and it is not easy to carry.

But that doesn't factor into its being a qualifying firearm.

As the so-called treasured sword slays the dragon, orders the heroes.

Three or eight out, who will compete with each other!

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