I Possessed Iron Man Chapter 94

"che, I am the great Iron Man - Tony Stank!" Ye Qingyang looked all around warily.

Central Park was silent at this time, and Ye Qingyang could hear the sound of water flowing in the distance.

Suddenly, a huge silhouette fell from the sky.

The sound of "bang—" hit the ground, and the shock wave of the air wave blew the trees within a radius of ten meters to keep shaking.

"Can you leave your name?"

"Ivan of Maozi National University!"

The helmet of the huge steel mecha opened, revealing the hair inside, combed into adult The toothpick brother who looks like Ivan.

"It feels so good to be back!"

Ye Qingyang looked at him with some doubts, not knowing where he dared to speak to him like this.

Ivan smiled wickedly, and fiercely flicked the two robotic arms,

"Stab, stab—"

Lightning whip appeared!

Longer, thicker and more aggressive looking than before.

“pa pa pa ――”

Ivan kept waving the two blue lightning whips in his hands and rushed towards Ye Qingyang quickly.


The small missiles on Ye Qingyang kept firing, hitting Brother Toothpick's mecha, but he was unscathed!

"Damn it!" Ye Qingyang saw Ivan getting closer and hurried to fly mecha, wanting a kite.

Ivan had a long whip in his hand, and the lightning whip had wrapped around one of Ye Qingyang's legs. With a fiercely flick, Ye Qingyang was smashed to the ground.

"You successfully angered me!"

Ye Qingyang got up in embarrassment.

"Hehe, what's the matter with angering you? Have you done bad things enough? Just allow your state officials to set fires, and not allow my people to light the lights!" Ivan's full anger erupted at the moment, holding up two A lightning whip rushed towards Ye Qingyang, shouting

"Tony! Take my life!"

Ye Qingyang complexion turned cold, sighing lightly

" Goodbye, big Ivan!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingyang's mecha instantly emitted dozens of red rays, like a laser.

“ka ka ka ――”

Ivan’s mecha all split up and in pieces instantly, and even the Ivan inside was cut into three pieces by laser.

Ivan vomited blood and fell to the ground unwillingly, staring at the sky with both eyes.

At this moment, he misses the scenery of the northern country very much.

Ye Qingyang can't bear it, but for these stubborn villains who want their own lives, his purpose is only one word


"Sir, you are under arrest!" Several New York Police officers in uniforms came over.

"What? Me? I'm trying my best to help you!" Hans looked at Pepper in disbelief.

"I thought we were on the same front. You can't blame me for everything. You're eradicating your competitors! Suppressing your peers!"

"Mr. , hurry up!" The police handcuffed him and pushed him out the door.

Hans turned his head hard and looked at Pepper and said

"You think you're causing trouble for me, so I'm going to get you into big trouble! Trust me, we'll see you again soon. See you."

Pepper looked at his retreating back, and for some reason, she had a bad premonition in her heart, she felt that what Hans said just now might be true.

"Pepo—" Ye Qingyang connected Pepper's phone.

"What's the matter? Tony." Pepper felt a little tired when he heard Ye Qingyang's voice, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"It's alright, you can make arrangements-" Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingyang saw that these Iron Man Soldiers had Blink red spots on their chests.

"Get out of these Iron Man Soldiers!" Natasha's voice sounded, uncharacteristically calm.

"What's going on?"

"These Iron Man Soldiers self-destruct! They've been implanted with self-destructing programs!"

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