Chen Lin was quite moved by the old man's proposal, but he would not accept the price of the three-cage steamed buns.

Although the soul buns are almost costless to him, and with the current strength of his natural ability, he does not need the blessing of luck, but if he takes out too many, the other party will sell them if they can't eat them. He is worried that it will affect the exchange of Xiaoyao coins tomorrow. .

And if you take it out too quickly, it will make the other party feel worthless.

After thinking about it, he said: "My buns are not easy to make, so three cages are impossible. I can only give you one cage at most."

"Two cages!"

The old man held out two fingers and spoke decisively.

Chen Lin shook his head and said: "That's good, it's just one and a half cages, but you have to explain to me the details of the nightmare scene, and you need to sign a contract to ensure that you are not lying."

The old man frowned and seemed a little unhappy.

But after looking at the almost empty cage, he nodded and agreed to the deal.

A quarter of an hour later.

Chen Lin and Huangfu Qingrou left the old man's stall with a box in their hands.

"Husband, is the nightmare world really that dangerous?"

Huangfu looked at the box softly and asked curiously.

Before following Chen Lin, she had hardly heard about the Nightmare Realm, nor had she paid much attention to it. It wasn't until she was with Chen Lin that she became interested.

However, there are very few people in Three Pillar City who know about the Nightmare Realm. Even if they meet someone who knows about it, they will talk about it with disdain, let alone explore it.

She knew about Chen Lin and Yang Qianxing's exploration of the Nightmare Realm, but Chen Lin didn't want her to know too much, lest she would have the idea of ​​exploring, so he rarely shared this information.

Chen Lin put away the box and said: "It depends on how you put it, the nightmare world is a collection of rules. As long as you can understand the rules inside and act according to the rules, there will be no danger at all, but you will get huge benefits.

But if you don't know the rules, once you touch it, the chance of survival is very small, and you may even be transformed into a creature from the nightmare world. "

Seeing the worry on the other party's face, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, your husband, I am a senior explorer of the nightmare world. In terms of familiarity with the nightmare world, there are really not many people who are better than me, and I am not Will enter without warning."

Huangfu nodded softly and said no more.

Although she didn't agree with exploring such a strange place, the two of them couldn't find stability in their current situation.

Moreover, she also knew very well that Chen Lin's character would make it impossible for him to take risks unless he had no other choice.

Chen Lin didn't speak anymore, but thought about the old man's words.

The other party's medium is a pipe.

According to the other party, the scene corresponding to this medium is a main hall, but the specific environment is not known, because even if there is a third-level road guide, it is impossible to leave the scope of the main hall, so it is suspected that there may be a silver scene there.

There are many paintings in the hall, but they are all blank.

There is also a statue with something strange carved on it. I don’t know what it is. The task of leaving is to bow three times to the statue.

The rest is nothing.

There is nothing special in the hall. If you don't get it through missions, you can't bring out the things inside, so this scene is of little value for the time being.

Chen Lin recalled all the information in his mind and fell into thinking.

Although the scene is worthless, according to the other party, the space inside is stable and there are no abnormal fluctuations.

This can prove from the side that the great projection of the heavens has ended.

that's enough.

When he left the knighthood mission scene, the projection of the heavens had already begun. He felt it at that time, and the unique sense of space vibration was very obvious.

Coupled with Yang Qianxing's previous exploration of Zhiwu County, it is basically certain that the Nightmare World has returned to normal.

But just because the nightmare world has returned to normal, it doesn't mean that the scenes inside are normal.

Zhiwu County has undergone great changes, and other scenes are likely to be the same, and the old man also provided information that some Nightmare World scenes have completely disappeared.

The rest of the scenes don't matter, there are only three that Chen Lin cares about most.

One is a food island, another is a gambling lake, and the third is the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance scene.

These three scenes are all crucial to him, especially the food island. It is the simplest and most effective channel for him to get out of the current predicament, and it is also the only way to communicate with other interfaces. If there are changes, it will have a huge impact.

After thinking for a while, Chen Lin put away his thoughts.

There is no use thinking about it now, it is better to seize the time to browse the things in the market and don't miss the treasures you need.

"Ma'am, is there anything you want to buy?"

After walking for a while, Chen Lin asked Huangfu Qingrou.

Huangfu shook his head softly and said: "Those evil eye origins and two Taoist stones are enough for me to digest for a long time. Husband, don't worry about me. Let's mainly collect treasures that can resolve our current situation. Everything else is not important. Anyway, this trade fair is not a one-time event, and we can come again if we have the opportunity in the future.”

Chen Lin nodded.

He has already understood that Xiaoyao Ling can be used multiple times and is divided into levels.

His piece is two-star, so it can be used by two people. There are also three-star and four-star ones, even nine-star and ten-star ones, and there are even unlimited ones. Of course, only the strongest ones can have them.

Next, the two of them continued to wander around the market.

The space of Xiaoyao Conference is very large, no less than that of a small town, and except for the auction hall in the center, there are basically no decent buildings. They are all temporary buildings, and there are scattered stalls with no order.

This is also in line with the word "Xiaoyao" of Xiaoyao Conference, which means freedom and no restrictions.

But in this way, the stalls selling items are a bit cluttered, so you have to visit little by little, otherwise it is easy to miss them.

After a day passed, the two of them had gained a lot, and the Xiaoyao coins were basically spent, and they also took out a lot of treasures.

In this space, Xiaoyao coins are considered hard currency because they must be used in many places, such as handling fees for item auctions, language conversion beads, and some official facilities.

Moreover, this thing itself is an energy body and can be used by practitioners of many different systems.

Another most important reason is that this item can be used to create Origin Treasures!

If used directly, it can be used as a carrier for pseudo-Origin Treasures. If it can be purified, it can even be used to refine real Origin Treasures.

However, it is just a material for refining the carrier. This does not mean that you can create the source treasure. The core of the source treasure is the source of rules, and the carrier alone is not enough.

Chen Lin felt helpless when he thought of the fake Origin Treasure.

There are all kinds of strange treasures in the market, but there are very few Origin Treasures. He originally thought that he could get a fake Origin Treasure with thunder attribute, but it didn't work out.

There is nothing suitable for Huangfu to use gently.

Huangfu Qingrou's talent belongs to the devouring type, and this type of treasure is even rarer than his thunder type treasures.

The two found a spiritual tea shop and took a short rest.

There are no inn-like facilities in the entire space. No matter which cultivation system, those who can come to the Xiaoyao Conference do not need to sleep and rest, not to mention a few days, even a few years does not matter.

There is no distinction between day and night here. ‘Day’ is just a general unit of measurement. At a certain time, the space will be slightly dark for a period of time, which represents the passage of a day.

"This tea from the shopkeeper is pretty good. I don't know what it's called. Can it be sold to the outside world?"

Chen Lin picked up the teapot and poured a cup for each of Huangfu and Qingrou. After tasting it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Huangfu Qingrou had a look of love on her face. She liked Chen Lin's equal communication atmosphere the most. She never looked down on him or acted like a boss. He never treated her as a slave even when the relationship was not yet established.

Moreover, this kind of behavior is natural and not intentional, and it can better reflect a person's character.

Chen Lin didn't expect that the act of pouring tea could move Huangfu Qingrou, so he didn't pay attention, but waited for the stall owner's answer.

He thinks this tea is quite mysterious and tastes so good that it can be taken to the food island to be rated with stars.

The shopkeeper was a woman. After serving tea to another table of guests, she said with a smile: "My lord, you have good taste. This is square inch tea. After drinking it, people will be clear and clear, and they will be able to see the true meaning, and Wuwei tea will bring out mysterious meanings." The tea is called Deyi Sanshen Tea!"


Chen Lin looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, I could hear the name of Wuwei Tea in the other party's mouth, and what the other party meant was that the effect of this square inch tea was the same as that of Wuwei Tea, allowing people to understand the power of artistic conception.

He just took a small sip and didn't feel much. He immediately refilled the cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Then slowly reflect on it.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, and a light flashed through him.

"What the shopkeeper said is correct. It can indeed increase the understanding of artistic conception. Although it is not as direct as Wuwei Tea, it has another mystery!"

Chen Lin was full of praise.

The stall owner looked surprised.

He asked suspiciously: "Have you ever drank fearless tea? Where did you drink it?"

Chen Lin glanced at the other party, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, is there any problem? Does that fearless tea have anything to say?"

The stall owner waved his hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, my guest. In fact, the fearless tea is a specialty of our tribe, and ordinary people cannot cultivate it at all. If your guest has drunk it, the person selling it is probably a member of our tribe who is living outside, so I asked out of curiosity. of."


Chen Lin nodded slightly.

Then he said: "I got it in the Nightmare Realm. The person I traded with is called Zhao Lingyi. I wonder if Madam has heard of it?"

"Zhao Lingyi!"

The lady suddenly became excited.

He immediately came to Chen Lin and said anxiously: "That's my second brother. My name is Zhao Lingfang. I wonder where my second brother is?"

Chen Lin was startled. He didn't expect that such a young man could meet Zhao Lingyi's relatives by such a coincidence.

But it seems that these two siblings have been separated for many years.

He had some friendship with Zhao Lingyi, so he replied: "I met him by chance, and we were still in the nightmare world, so I don't know where he is now. If the shopkeeper wants to meet him, you can give him I am a locating bead for your interface. When I see him again, give it to him. He should be able to find you through the locating bead."

The woman calmed down.

Looking at Chen Lin, he said: "I wonder what that nightmare world scene is like. Do you have any extra media?"

Chen Lin shook his head and briefly explained the situation of the food island.

"It's unknown whether there have been changes there, so even if you enter, it's hard to say whether you can see your brother again. We can only leave a hope."

The stall owner had a look of disappointment on his face.

But he still took out a positioning bead and handed it to Chen Lin.

With this relationship, Chen Lin also successfully traded a lot of square-inch tea at a very low price, which made him quite happy.

After leaving the tea shop, the two of them found a place to sit, and the day was over.

The next day, the first thing Chen Lin did was go to the exchange office.

Got some good news.

The soul buns can still be exchanged, but the price has been reduced to 50 Xiaoyao coins each, which is directly halved.

However, the number of exchanges has increased, and two hundred can be exchanged.

In other words, he could also exchange for 10,000 Xiaoyao coins, but he had to pay twice as many buns as yesterday, which made him suspect that the conference officials were deliberately lowering the price.

But no matter what, it needs to be replaced.

And if possible, he also plans to exchange for more Xiaoyao coins and take them out.

This thing can refine Origin Treasure, which is suitable for repairing his dark red gun head. Even without purification, making a gun shaft requires a huge amount of Xiaoyao coins.

If it were purified, it would be unthinkable.

And there is no weapon refiner who can refine and purify it.

He has understood that those who can do this are all famous weapon refiners in all the worlds, and it is impossible for such masters to exist in their world of immortality, especially those below the world of immortality.

After exchanging Xiaoyao coins, the two continued to browse the market.

Four days passed in a flash.

The last day of free trading is left, and the auction is next. There are more and more people in the market, and some obviously different and powerful existences can be seen.


Just when Chen Lin and Huangfu Qingrou were in front of a books stall, asking if there were any books related to refining fake origin treasures, a man in Tsing Yi passed by the stall.

But he immediately let out another sigh and stepped back.

"What is the name of this fellow Taoist?"

The man in green came to Chen Lin and spoke calmly.

Chen Lin glanced at the other person and could not detect the other person's cultivation. There was no energy fluctuation on the other person's body, as if he was an ordinary person.

This made his heart tremble.

The fact that he couldn't sense it at all meant that the opponent's cultivation level far exceeded his, and he was at least a Mahayana level practitioner.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out the other party's intention, but he couldn't ignore it. Chen Lin still clasped his fists and said, "Chen Lin, do you have anything to do?"

The man in green raised his eyelids and said, "Who are you, Xie Jinyuan?"

Chen Lin suddenly looked confused.

In his mind, he had never come into contact with a person named Xie Jinyuan. Could it be that he was the unlucky guy who died at his hands?

Thinking of this, he immediately spoke calmly and said: "I don't know the person you are talking about. Maybe you have recognized the wrong person."

After saying that, he quickly thought about what special items he had on his body that could make the other party recognize him. It was impossible for the other party to come and contact him without any reason.

What worries him the most is Bai Ruxue. If the other party is a member of Bai Ruxue's tribe!

An update today

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