Chen Lin was very happy to get the salted fish medium.

Although it may offend a Mahayana monk, the acquisition of this item is of great significance and it is worth taking some risks.

As long as he can get in touch with that little fish, he can learn about Niu Niu's current situation. He hasn't had any information about Niu Niu for a long time and is very worried. There are also many mysteries that he needs to help him solve.

"Is there anything else you need?"

When Chen Lin put away the box, Xiyue spoke again.

Chen Lin was really flattered now.

It's not a good thing for the other party to be so kind to him. I'm afraid there may be very dangerous things waiting for him to do next.

But then he thought about it, even if he didn't want any benefits, he couldn't refuse the other party's order, so he might as well get some benefits.

Thinking of this, he thought for a while and said: "Back to the Immortal, my subordinate's innate ability is luck-related, so there is a great demand for air-luck balls and origin balls. If you can get these two things, then use the innate ability You can get twice the result with half the effort.”

If you encounter danger within the light gate, you will have to use your natural ability. If you can get the Qi Dribble Ball, it will be much more maneuverable.

Therefore, even if the innate ability is exposed, one can only admit it, and with the other party's methods, it would have been exposed long ago, and there is no use in covering it up.

As for the origin ball, it is purely a casual mention.

The Origin Ball is something that all talented people need. Even if the other party has it, it is impossible to give it to him.

However, what surprised Chen Lin was that Xiyue tapped a purse on her waist, and a delicate box was taken out and thrown directly to him.

"I have an Origin Ball here for you. As for the Qi Dribble Ball."

She looked around and said, "Whoever has the energy to dribble, take it out, and I can give him a spot to become my subordinate."

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man in yellow robes flew forward, took out a box and said: "I'm Juventa, if you have the luck to dribble a ball, I'm willing to dedicate it to the immortal!"

In the crowd, Yang Qianxing looked at the yellow-robed old man's actions with doubts, as if he couldn't believe that the old man would do this.

Xiyue took the box, opened it, looked at it, and threw it to Chen Lin.

Then he waved to Juwenda, who immediately stood happily beside Huangfuying and Zhen Linyu.

Chen Lin put the box away with a little anxiety.

There is no free benefit in the world. The more things are given, the more demands will definitely be made. If the other party responds to everything he asks for, he doesn't know what will be waiting for him next.

"Okay, I've given you everything you asked for. Just follow me closely and don't leave. Wait for my orders!"

Xiyue said something to Chen Lin, then turned her gaze to Guangmen with a thoughtful look on her face.

After a while, she picked up the round card and pressed it against the light door.

As soon as the circle card came into contact with the light door, it immediately trembled. Then, the lines on the light door began to bend and squirm, separating to both sides, revealing a dark passage.

Chen Lin's eyes flashed slightly when he saw this scene.

This round card is indeed an item that opens the light door, and it is not limited to one person. It can open the passage for multiple people to enter.

He used his eyesight to see what was in the passage, but he couldn't see anything.

After thinking for a while, he released his spiritual thoughts again, but immediately groaned.

After his spiritual sense penetrated into the dark passage, he immediately lost his sense of perception, and a strange energy came back, causing his soul to suffer a lot of damage.

Not only Chen Lin, there were many monks in the crowd who, like him, found out their spiritual thoughts and suffered the loss of being mute.

"Hmph, the holy tower inside is a treasure in the real world. What it emits is the power of laws. How can your soul be able to touch it? Don't seek death!"

Xiyue snorted coldly.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Everyone should use the source of rules to protect their bodies, resist external erosion, and enter the passage!"

Seeing that everyone was hesitant, she said coldly: "Don't worry, it's not the real world inside after all, and the power of the laws is not that strong. It is enough to use the source of the rules to protect the body, but don't waste the power of the source on other places, lest you can't persist. for how long."

After hearing this explanation, Chen Lin immediately understood. It turned out that these monks who were summoned were all the gods' favored ones in this world, or people who had formed the origin of rules in it. No wonder there are some well-known Hedao strongmen. He didn't see it.

"Why, why don't you ask me to send you in one by one? I will distribute the benefits in the Holy Tower according to your performance. Don't say that I favor one over the other!"

Seeing that no one had taken action yet, Xiyue's eyes became a little unkind.

Everyone suddenly felt a coldness enveloped their bodies, and they did not dare to neglect any more. He Jinlin and other three Mahayana monks took the lead in coming to the light gate and ducked into it.

With the three of them taking the lead, the others also flew in.

Soon, Chen Lin and others were left outside.

Xiyue glanced at Huangfuying and Zhen Linyu and said, "You guys are guarding outside. You are not allowed to leave until I come out!"

The two of them seemed a little reluctant, but they didn't dare to object, so they could only respond respectfully.

Chen Lin actually didn't want to go in, but he knew it was impossible. Anyone could stay outside, but he couldn't.

But he still said: "Shangxian, my Taoist companion is of low strength, and she can't help much if she goes in. It's better to let her stay outside and wait, so that my subordinates don't have to be distracted and can concentrate on doing things for the Shangxian."

When Huangfu Qingrou heard Chen Lin's words, he immediately wanted to express his attitude, but was stopped by Chen Lin's eyes.

He had a hunch that the area within the Light Gate was by no means a good place. It was said that there were benefits, but the possibility of death was probably greater.

If the other party needs him, he can still protect him, but Huangfu Qingrou will not receive such treatment, so it is better not to go in.

Xiyue glanced at Chen Lin with interest and said, "I didn't expect you to still be a love interest, okay, then let her stay outside and let's go!"

After saying that, a ball of light burst out from his body, leading Chen Lin and the old man in yellow robe into the light door.

As the three people entered, the passage instantly closed and turned into a curtain of light again.




Chen Lin felt his body light up and appeared in a dark space, and then bursts of screams rang out in his ears.

He took a quick look around.

Then I saw the monks who had just come in, exploding one by one into clouds of blood mist, and the screams were caused by them.

"Shangxian, what is this?"

Chen Lin asked in a deep voice, holding the sword of light in his hand tightly, ready to activate it at any time.

In addition, he also took out the Thunder King Stone. If it didn't work, he would try his best to activate the Thunder God Sword and give the opponent a fatal blow.

"Nothing, I just need some energy to manifest the holy tower."

Xiyue spoke expressionlessly.

This indifferent attitude made Chen Lin's heart run cold.

He had a feeling that the other party did not regard them monks as human beings at all. It was not normal cruelty and cold-bloodedness, but a natural indifference, just like the natural mentality of people when killing chickens and fish.

"Don't worry, since you two have become my subordinates, I will not use you as sacrifices. These people are rich and have more than enough."

Chen Lin and Youwenda looked at each other, their expressions not very good.

This Immortal of Xiyue regards life as nothing, and what he says is simply untrustworthy. He may be able to save their lives now, but when it comes time for them to die, he will definitely not hesitate.

"Witch, I'll fight you!"

Amid the screams, an angry voice sounded, and it was none other than He Jinlin.

Immediately, a terrifying sense of rules appeared on He Jinlin's body, and the shadow of a golden unicorn faintly appeared, looking at Xiyue with bloodshot eyes.

But it was all in vain.

Before the unicorn shadow completely emerged, it collapsed suddenly, and then He Jinlin's body suddenly exploded, and a golden light floated out from the blood mist and flew into the depths of the space.

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