Seeing the other party's reaction, Chen Lin knew that this giant knew about the World-Destroying Sword and had a certain connection.

He immediately said: "As long as you let me get this Yuan Lei Nirvana Sword, I will help you take off the soul talisman."

Yang Qianxing stood quietly in the distance, listening to the conversation between Chen Lin and the giant, and couldn't help but look surprised.

He also knew about the World-Destroying Sword. It was rumored that it was the culprit that led to the collapse and virtualization of the Immortal Realm, and the changes in the Nightmare Realm were all related to it.

But he didn't know that the Yuan Lei Nirvana Sword in Xiyue's mouth was the World-Destroying Sword.

If so, could Miao Guanhai's scabbard be used to hold the world-destroying sword?

He immediately rejected this speculation.

The World-Destroying Sword is such a powerful treasure, how could it be stored in a scabbard of this level? It should be that the scabbard has been corroded by the sword intention of the World-Destroying Sword, leaving some breath.

While thinking, Yang Qianxing waited for the giant's answer.

He knew that Chen Lin asked this question because he probably wanted to know the information about the World-Destroying Sword, and he wanted to know this too.

The giant fell silent, with a look of fear on all his faces.

But then, they all became ferocious again.

Black energy rolled over his body, and waves of terrifying aura that shook the soul came one after another, causing Chen Lin's expression to change drastically and he hurriedly stepped back.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The giant seemed to be stimulated by something, and went crazy. He pounced on Chen Lin, and the chain he pulled rattled.

Fortunately, Chen Lin saw that the situation was not going well and retreated first. Although he was still shocked by the opponent's aura and vomited blood, he was not seriously injured.




The giant became more and more manic and completely lost his mind. Chen Lin and Yang Qianxing were frightened, fearing that the other party would break the chain.

Fortunately, the chain was still strong. No matter how much the other party pulled, it was still intact, which made them secretly relieved.

After waiting for a while, seeing that instead of calming down, the monster became more and more manic. Chen Lin hesitated and fired a soul-destroying finger.

This finger was a test, and only the golden soul source was used.

The golden light flashed and fell on the giant's body, causing the giant's breath to stagnate.

This surprised Chen Lin.

The effect of the Silver Pattern Soul Refining Pill is truly extraordinary. Not only does the soul level increase, but the original rules are also purer, more than doubling the attack distance of the Soul-Destroying Finger.

In this way, he can attack the monster within a safe range, and it seems that the Soul-Destroying Finger also has a restraining effect on it.

Yang Qianxing obviously discovered this as well.

Immediately urged: "Fellow Daoist Chen, when you killed the old monk before, the power of this fingering method was more than this. Don't keep it now. If there is any consumption, I will do my best to give it to you after I leave here." You compensate!"

Needless to say, Chen Lin knew that he couldn't hold back at this time.

With a thought, all three colors of soul sources in the soul seed were mobilized, and by clicking with his fingers, there were three attacks.

The giant monster's target was huge, and it didn't know how to dodge even in its frenzy. All three attacks hit.

But Chen Lin immediately discovered that the other party's aura had only become weaker, and he didn't appear to be much hurt.

Yang Qianxing frowned upon seeing this, and then showed a look of surprise.

He reminded helplessly: "Chen Daoyou, each face of this monster is an independent life. The opponent seems to be able to transfer your attack to these independent lives. Although your attack restrains the opponent, it is not that big once it is dispersed. The effect."

Chen Lin stopped attacking and retreated to Yang Qianxing's side.

The other party has been practicing for a long time, has a sharp eye, and what he said is very reasonable.

But if this is the case, the Soul-Destroying Finger will basically be unable to exert its effect. With his current mastery of the Soul-Destroying Finger, it is not enough to kill more than a thousand independent lives at the same time.

"Is there anything you can do, Fellow Daoist Yang?"

Chen Lin asked.

Apart from the Soul-Destroying Finger, the only thing he can restrain this giant monster is his innate thunder power, but the innate power he can use is also limited, so he doesn't know if it will work.

Yang Qianxing was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Let me give it a try."

After speaking, he touched the storage bracelet and took out a fist-sized ball.

This sphere is completely black, but when you look hard at it, you can see countless stars inside, twinkling like the vast night sky.

At the same time, a very strange wave emanated from inside.

"This is?"

Chen Lin asked in surprise.

"Nothing, just an auxiliary treasure."

There was a look of reluctance in Yang Qianxing's eyes, but he immediately became firm again.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I only have one weapon, and it can only be used once. It will definitely cause damage to the monster after being used, but there is no guarantee that it will be killed. You still have to cooperate with me to attack the monster. "

Chen Lin nodded to make it clear.

This is not the time to hide your secrets.

Yang Qianxing paused, then suddenly changed to voice transmission, "I will also take the opportunity to look for the Thousand-faced Fox. If I find it, I will give you a signal. You just need to attack the Thousand-faced Fox. This monster cannot break free from the chains. Sooner or later it will be able to Find a way to deal with it.”

This time, before Chen Lin could respond, he threw the ball into the air, and then a starlight shot out between his eyebrows and landed on the ball.


The ball collapsed.

Chen Lin suddenly felt that his eyes were darkened, and the space that was originally filled with black energy became pitch black.

He suddenly felt defensive and heightened his vigilance.

Although the relationship between the two is acceptable and they are still in the same boat, they still have to guard against such a strange situation.

But no danger came.

The space just darkened for a moment, and stars lit up one by one on the dome, making the entire space shine again.

In the middle of the stars, a bright moon hung high, facing the giant pillar that reached the sky.

"Broken Star!"

Yang Qianxing's whole person became extremely otherworldly, and his lips were slightly opened as he looked at the starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, the stars in the sky exploded simultaneously, turning into streaks of light that connected with the full moon.

As the light was absorbed, the full moon unfolded little by little and turned into a huge scimitar, with a vast aura emanating from it.

Even at such a distance, Chen Lin could feel the terror of the energy inside.

This sword is far beyond the Sky-Breaking Spear. Although it is not as good as the Thunder God Sword, it is not far behind.

At least it’s at the level of the Origin Treasure!

Chen Lin was secretly shocked. Sure enough, no one should be underestimated. It is impossible for a strong man who has practiced for more than ten thousand years not to have some life-saving trump cards.

Those who died in Xiyue's hands could only say that they were too unlucky and had no chance to use their trump cards.


With Yang Qianxing's finger, the moonlight knife fell with a little bit of starlight, and cut straight into the thousand-faced giant.


The Thousand-faced Giant was still mumbling to himself, lost in some thoughts, and only regained some of his consciousness when he felt the light of the sword.

"The characteristics of the Star Law are unfortunately too weak."

The Thousand-Faced Giant's tone was somewhat disdainful, but his expression was very solemn. The faces on the two giant horns above his head squirmed quickly, and each opened his mouth to spit out a beam of light.

One black and one white, merged into one place.

In Chen Lin's astonished eyes, a Tai Chi figure actually formed, spinning to meet the Moonlight Knife!

Tai Chi Diagram, which has always been a symbol of Taoism, was actually used on a strange creature, which made him very surprised.

However, he didn't have time to think about the reason. Instead, he always paid attention to Yang Qianxing and waited for the other party's signal.

"No, the Thousand-Faced Fox is on this monster!"

Yang Qianxing, who was concentrating on controlling the moonlight knife, suddenly changed his expression and spoke in shock.

Chen Lin's expression changed when he heard this.

He also wondered how the Thousand-Faced Giant could still maintain a rational mind after being suppressed here for countless years. It turned out to be the reason why the Thousand-Faced Fox was parasitic.

It is estimated that the other party, like the ancestor Xuanyin, has completely given up the physical body and fused spiritual consciousness and soul pulling together. However, the other party can parasitize such a powerful existence. In addition to the loss of the Thousand Faced Giant's mind, the suppressed strength has become On the other hand, it is probably related to the other party's colorful treasure.

And the other party has been staring at him, just wanting to use his prison-suppressing power to destroy the soul talisman on the giant pillar.

Once the soul talisman is destroyed, the thousand-faced giant can be freed, and the other party will suddenly step into the ranks of immortals!

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