In a blink of an eye, three months passed.

Yang Qianxing hasn't woken up yet, but Chen Lin has already finished refining the source ball, and his talent source has increased a lot.

But he was not too happy.

Because the growth rate is much smaller than expected.

This shows that after his talent level is improved, his demand for the original is greater, and it is difficult to advance again.

There is nothing we can do about this. Any energy system will require more energy as time goes by.

Without thinking any more, Chen Lin calmed down and displayed the picture of fate in his mind.

Once again imagining the process of refining wish noodles, the picture suddenly had strong fluctuations, and a thin line was looming.

He was overjoyed and immediately absorbed the Qi Dribble Ball.

As the power of luck increased dramatically, the lines began to become clearer, but there were several gaps on them.

Despite this, Chen Lin was in high spirits and without hesitation, he gathered the tentacles of fate to correct the gap.

The process was difficult, but the results were satisfying.

The luck power of the luck ball has been exhausted, and the gaps have been corrected.

Without further ado, he immediately took out the ingredients and started making wish noodles.

Chen Lin has made this delicacy that can reach five stars countless times in his imagination. He quickly processed all the ingredients and there were no accidents in the process.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, start mixing the powdered ingredients together to form a dough.

Logically speaking, the water used for mixing noodles should be endless water, but he did not have endless water, so he could only use fine time sand instead. A huge gap in the fate line was caused by this.

Fortunately, he had been corrected by his innate ability, otherwise he would not have been able to pass the test of just processing the Time Sand into liquid.

The dough knitted up quickly, and three different regular fluctuations emanated from it, which was very strange.

The last level is to combine the wish rules of the praying grass, the time rules of the Time Sand, and the rules of one's own destiny into one.

This is very difficult.

As for the rules of destiny, he can naturally control Ruyi, but the other two rules are very unfamiliar, and he can only hope for the blessing of his innate ability.

Chen Lin looked solemn, carefully balancing the strengths and weaknesses of the three rules, using the methods provided in the production method to make them entangled little by little.


However, just when the power of the three rules merged together, the time rules suddenly became unstable, causing an energy imbalance in an instant. The dough exploded and collapsed everywhere.

Chen Lin looked at the messy scene in front of him in astonishment, somewhat unbelievable.

It has been corrected with the innate ability, but the refining failed. This situation has never happened in the past refining items!

Could it be that after refining the origin ball, there were any changes in the natural ability?

As soon as this idea appeared, Chen Lin's heart trembled. He hurriedly took out the materials for refining the soul refining pill and started refining it.

After trying it for a while, I finally let go.

The soul refining pill can still be successfully refined normally, and it has been refined five times in a row without any failure.

This shows that there is no problem with natural ability.

Since there is no problem with the talent, the problem lies in the wish noodles. When the innateness was corrected before, everything was normal and the process went smoothly. The correction must have been successful.

There are only two reasons for the ultimate failure.

One is that the level of this delicacy is too high, exceeding the limit of the current natural ability and unable to produce any effect. Or it can produce results, but it can only increase the probability of success, but cannot guarantee success every time.

Another reason is that the effect of Wish Noodles is essentially to change fate, so the rules of fate cannot cover it.

The possibility of both reasons is very high, or even both reasons.

But there is no solution.

Chen Lin was caught in a dilemma for a while.

The best way at present is to wait for the talent level to increase before conducting experiments. If it is caused by the first reason, it can be resolved.

However, he had tried it before, and even the complete source ball was of average effect. If he wanted to increase his talent level, he would need a huge amount of pure source. He was afraid that he would not be able to do it until the Hollow Catastrophe appeared.

But if you don't want to wait, you can only continue to try and bet on the probability of success.

It depends on luck.

For a moment, Chen Lin thought of the luck-enhancing technique.

He pondered for a moment.

Finally gritted his teeth and decided to give it a try.

The prayer grass has been preliminarily processed, and he doesn't know if it will affect the effect if stored. Moreover, he is also afraid that the grass will be completely assimilated by the Thunder God Sword over time, and there will be no chance of recovery.

For Xiaocao, it was worth his effort!

After making up his mind, Chen Lin no longer hesitated, and in order to ensure that the power of luck was sufficient, he used another Qi Dribble Ball to correct the gap in the fate line first, and then used the strong luck technique.

A feeling that all the luck in the world has reached my body appeared. Chen Lin did not dare to waste time and quickly picked up the materials to operate.

The previous process was still smooth and uneventful until the final integration.

Still the same as before, during the fusion of the three energies, the time rules showed signs of instability, which made Chen Lin's heart suddenly jump.

This is a material flaw. No matter how high-quality Time Sand is, it cannot be compared with Endless Water.

With the imbalance of the three energies, the fluctuations in the dough began to be chaotic again, and then exploded with a bang!

Chen Lin's face was extremely ugly.

If all this fails, there is really no way to do it, and you will also have to face the backlash of bad luck, which means losing both your wife and your troops.

But at this moment, an extremely familiar scene suddenly appeared. An invisible big hand gathered the exploded dough into one place, and then pressed it hard, and the dough merged into one place again, and the power of the three rules inside also followed. Fusion.

The dough squirmed and stretched into a wide and long noodle, floating in the air.


Chen Lin was so surprised that he hurriedly picked up the bowl he had prepared and put the noodles in.

When the noodles fell into the bowl, some juice automatically overflowed, and then a strange aroma hit the nostrils, making people feel like they were falling into the clouds and drifting into heaven.

so amazing!

Chen Lin looked at the changes in the noodles and marveled.

He even felt that this noodle was beyond the level of five-star gourmet food.

But then I thought about it. In order to make six-star food, the food guardian actually needed Ronaldinho's origin as a material, but he didn't think it was that high.

I held the noodles in front of my eyes and felt them carefully, but I didn't feel any obvious fluctuations. Apart from the extraordinary aroma, it was just like ordinary noodles. The aroma also began to fade and seemed to have converged into the inside of the noodles.

However, Chen Lin was not worried. According to the description of the production method, this noodle can be stored for a long time. As long as it is stored in an isolated space such as a storage bag, it will be no problem for a year or two.

He covered the bowl and put it away, looking at the remaining ingredients.

There's enough for one serving.

Naturally, this cannot be wasted, so I started making noodles according to the previous process.

With two production experiences and sufficient luck power in the strong luck technique, Chen Lin did not waste any more luck balls because there was only the last one left and he had to save it for emergencies.

The process went smoothly, but there was still a problem at the last level of fusion, where the innate ability forced the fusion.

In this way, you get two portions of Wish Noodles!

Looking at the two five-star delicacies, Chen Lin was so excited that he couldn't wait to pick up one and start eating.

He completely ignored the enjoyment of his taste buds and just concentrated on sensing it. It was not until the mysterious and mysterious feeling described in the production method appeared that he began to make a wish.

"Let the grass return to its original state!"

Originally, it was enough to just imagine and recite silently, but Chen Lin was afraid of being unsafe, so he directly said it out loud.

However, what made his expression change was that after making the wish, there was no change as described.

According to the description of the production method, if the wish is successful, there will be extremely obvious fluctuations and resonate with the heaven and earth.

But it was obviously not the case just now.

The effect of wishing for noodles must have taken shape. If the wish is not successful, it is natural that the request exceeds the capabilities of the noodles.

After thinking for a while, Chen Lin said again: "Let Xiaocao wake up!"

As soon as the words fell, the mysterious and mysterious feeling immediately became stronger, and the power of rules between heaven and earth also became active.

If you are on the island, you will find that the stars in the sky have changed. A bright line appears inexplicably, and then disappears in a flash.

Immediately, the Thunder God Sword in Chen Lin's body vibrated and became extremely excited.

He immediately put his mind into his body, checked the changes, and felt a friendly breath emanating from the Thunder God Sword.

"Lord, master."

An imperceptible voice sounded in Chen Lin's mind, making him so happy that he almost jumped up.

"Xiaocao, how are you? Can you sense my voice?"

Chen Lin used soul transmission to communicate eagerly, because he found that the contract relationship between him and Xiaocao in the nightmare world had not been restored, and he did not know whether it had disappeared or whether the other party's condition was abnormal.

"No, it's okay..."

Xiaocao's voice sounded again, getting weaker and weaker.

But Chen Lin was completely relieved.

Don't be afraid of being weak, as long as you wake up, you can slowly recover.

The only thing he was a little worried about was that Xiaocao could no longer condense his body and existed in the form of a weapon spirit. After all, he had previously made a wish for the other party to return to its original state, but it did not succeed.

No matter what, it's good to be alive.

"You can rest, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

After appeasing him for a while, Chen Lin withdrew his mind.

After calming down for a while, he looked at the second order of noodles.

After hesitating for a moment, he picked it up and swallowed it in several mouthfuls.

"Let me enter the safe interface of Shangyuan Domain!"

A mysterious feeling appeared, and Chen Lin made a wish.

Anyway, if you fail, the effect of the noodles will not disappear. Naturally, your wish is to choose the bigger one.

no change.

Sure enough, it is unrealistic to have your dreams come true.

The essence of wishing noodles is to change your destiny. You can change your own and others', but there is an upper limit.

"Let my cultivation level break through to the immortal realm!"

Still no change.

"Cultivation has broken through to the Mahayana stage!"

Chen Lin dropped one level.

But it was still useless, and he clearly felt that the mysterious feeling was dissipating.

It means that after eating noodles, the effect is time-limited and you cannot keep trying and making mistakes.

But if he lowers himself further, it will be meaningless. With the rich resources on his body, he can reach the realm of Taoism through self-cultivation.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he immediately said: "Eliminate the backlash of bad luck caused by my luck-enhancing surgery!"

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