In the cave.

Chen Lin opened his eyes and checked the situation on the island. After seeing nothing unusual, he took out the title token.

There is also a golden masculine character on the front, giving it an aura of majesty.

The five stars on the back have disappeared, replaced by the exclusive pattern of the nightmare world, which is the same as the one on the road guide.

Following His Highness the Sixth Prince's method, Chen Lin activated his own imprint in the token, and immediately felt a mysterious connection between himself and the token.

A stream of information immediately appeared in his mind.

This situation has already been experienced when binding the Shepherd's Token. The information flow contained an introduction to the title. I did not check it for the time being and directly probed the mind into the token.

A dim space immediately appears in perception.

The space is not very large, but it is much larger than the Sheep Order, but only one item is stored in it.

With a thought, Dong was taken out.

After looking at it, I saw that it was something like a document, folded in half from the middle, and after opening it, complex characters were written inside.

These characters have nothing to do with monk writing. They are a kind of exclusive writing in the nightmare world. Chen Lin has a certain understanding of them and can get a general idea of ​​them without being in the nightmare world.

After reading all the words, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

That maid really didn't lie. The title status does come with a fief. This is the 'fief document'.

As long as the energy of the title token is used to stimulate it, the fief can be bound. This fief will become his exclusive territory, and he has absolute control.

Putting the paperwork aside, Chen Lin began to check the content in the information flow.

It is equivalent to a title description, describing the rights and obligations of the title in great detail.

After reading it, a look of relief appeared on his face.

A key piece of information was mentioned in the content, that is, there are actually two types of titles.

There are real lords and fake lords.

The so-called full title is obtained through military merit through a title invitation letter, which is very difficult.

But the status is not comparable to that of a pseudo-lord.

The title mark of the noble identity token is gold, and the pattern on the back is a pattern specific to the nightmare world, which is valid in any area of ​​the entire nightmare world.

In addition, Zhengjue has no affiliation and will not be controlled by superiors. They are independent of each other, but have different authority and status.

Pseudo knights are issued by high-ranking knights or guardians who have the right to issue titles, and are awarded to those who have made meritorious service to their territory.

This kind of title is only valid within the territory. The title mark is black and the pattern on the back of the token is the pattern of the territory.

For example, the Jinzunhou in Food Island is a pseudo-jue.

The status of a pseudo-lord is not as good as that of a real knight, and it is only valid in the place where it is granted, and is subject to control by superiors.

Like the Marquis of Jinzun, he has to obey the orders of the food guardian. If the other party is a real noble, he doesn't need to look at the food guardian's face and just act according to the rules.

Of course, the difficulty of obtaining them is also different.

If you want to reach the level of marquis with military merit, you may have to kill the real Luo. The most important thing is to have a corresponding invitation letter to the title.

Seeing this, Chen Lin couldn't help but secretly feel regretful.

In fact, his achievement in killing Ronaldinho was enough to reach the rank of viscount, but what he got was only an invitation letter from baron. No matter how great his achievements were, he could only obtain the title of baron.

This rule is a bit too rigid.

But he can't change the law of nightmare, he can only accept it.

Chen Lin took out the title token again and became more and more satisfied with it.

Independence from superior control and versatility that can be used in any scenario are the results he most hopes to see.

He just wants to use the resources of the nightmare world and does not want any development in the nightmare world. Freedom is the most important thing.

However, there is also a situation recorded in the information flow. If a huge crisis occurs in the nightmare world, the nightmare law will automatically issue a summons order, and the conscripted people are obliged to respond, otherwise they will be deprived of their title.

The law of nightmare is the supreme rule of the nightmare world, and no one can resist it.

However, Nightmare Law is not controlled by humans. Even if a task is issued, it is open to everyone and will not be targeted, so there is no need to worry too much.

After reading the content carefully, Chen Lin put away his thoughts and activated the token.

The token suddenly glowed with fluorescence, shrouding the fief document.

The documents turned into points of light, manifesting a pattern in the void, and then merged with the token.

Chen Lin immediately felt that he was closely connected to a scene and could enter it at any time.

But for the sake of safety, he sent a message to call an old cultivator to conduct experiments.

"Try it, can you enter the corresponding scene through this medium?"

Chen Lin took out a starlight grass and handed it to the other party, giving instructions for action.

The old cultivator who came was called Gu Jinliang. He was very old and had only practiced Qi training. He came to Wuming Island on his own initiative to look for opportunities.

This old cultivator was not afraid of death at all and put his hand on the title token without hesitation.

He immediately said: "Reporting to your lord, there seems to be something blocking it. Although I can sense the existence of the scene, I can't get in."

He has entered other nightmare world scenes before and has some experience with the feeling of entering the nightmare world.

"try again."

Chen Lin's expression changed, he put his hand on the token and ordered again.

When the other party tried to enter the fiefdom, he immediately sensed it, and the aura of the other party's soul appeared on the token.

This situation is easy to understand. His approval is required before the other party can enter.

It is quite convenient for the fiefdom to have such rules.

He can even strip some of the aura out of the token, just like when Gegeyun gave him the shepherding order, and make a pass token to give to others.

In this way, the person holding the pass can enter the fief at any time, which is more convenient. If he wants to take back the pass, he can just cut off the connection between the title token and the pass.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin suddenly remembered something.

Ge Geyun must also be able to determine whether he has entered Baiyun Ranch through the induction of the Shepherd Order. He has not gone in to check the situation for so many years, and he does not know whether the other party will be angry.

But now even Fat Tiger can't be summoned, which means there must be something wrong with the ranch. He doesn't dare to go in. Moreover, only he can use the Shepherding Order, and he can't use the old cultivator to detect the situation.

So we can only continue to wait and see when Fat Tiger can be summoned.

Now that he has a title, he is still a full knight, and can be exempted from many punishments. It is not easy for the other party to rely on the rules of the nightmare world to punish him.

While Chen Lin was thinking, Lao Xiugu Jinliang had touched the title token again, and then his body went limp and fell to the ground.

This is a successful entry.

After checking the other party's body and seeing that there was nothing abnormal, Chen Lin helped him to a chair and waited quietly.

After burning the incense, he felt again that someone was leaving the fief, and the aura of Gu Jinliang's soul also appeared on the token.

After getting his approval, the other party woke up.

"How's the situation inside?"

Chen Lin couldn't wait to ask.

Gu Jinliang stood up immediately and said respectfully: "Reporting to your lord, there is only a small space inside, with a low hill and a pool formed by a small spring. There is nothing left."

Then he said with a puzzled face: "But I didn't find the mission to leave. The energy of the Starlight Grass was exhausted and it was passively rejected, but nothing abnormal happened."

"So young?"

Chen Lin did not explain the other party's doubts, but frowned, feeling that something was not right.

According to his understanding, the so-called fiefdom should be the kind that has a population and can generate income. Only a small hill is too shabby.

Could it be that His Highness the Sixth Prince deliberately targeted him because he touched the flower tree?

But he immediately rejected the idea.

What he obtained was a noble title, and everything was controlled by the rules of the Nightmare Realm. Not to mention His Highness, not even the other party's father had such ability.

"Okay, go back. I'll call you if necessary."

Chen Lin took out two Foundation Building Pills and gave them to the other party as a reward. He had refined too many of these pills and could not use them up no matter how much he used them.

Gu Jinliang was overjoyed.

What he needs most now is the Foundation Establishment Pill. He came to this unknown island for adventure, and it was for this reason that he immediately thanked him with a big gift, and then left the room happily.

After Gu Jinliang left, Chen Lin thought for a moment, then made a thought and tried to enter the fiefdom.

The title token in his hand suddenly burst into light, enveloping him.

Then he disappeared into the cave.

Chen Lin flashed and landed on a small hill.

He looked at his body and looked happy.

It turned out to be his real body entering!

Needless to say, the benefits of entering the real body, especially now that there are fewer and fewer nodes in the nightmare world and the food island scene has disappeared, he lacks this method.

And now he has silver level three navigation authority, which allows him to travel through many scenes. If he makes good use of it, he can not only transfer various interfaces, but also use it as a life-saving means.

The only regret is that entering this fief requires an identity token, and the speed is also slow, so you can't hide in during the battle.

No matter what, this was a surprise, and it finally made Chen Lin feel that his hard work in the title mission space was not in vain.

Putting away his thoughts, he began to check the environment.

After looking around, he made sure that Gu Jinliang was right. His fiefdom was pitifully small, less than one mile in diameter.

Except for a small hill, there is only a clear spring at the foot of the mountain. The spring water formed a small pool downstream.

The rest is empty.

Although I don't know if this is the case for the baronial fiefdom, but the matter has reached this point, and there is no place to reason, so I can only accept it.

Then, Chen Lin began to conduct various experiments.

First check whether the items in the storage ring can be taken out and whether various real-world treasures can be used.

After some tossing, I came to a conclusion.

Basically, it is the same as entering through the node normally. Everything can be used, but it will be greatly suppressed.

But there is one thing. Your own fiefdom does not have the characteristics of a food island. Things made with real world materials here cannot be regarded as nightmare world items by default.

The rules are similar to those of Baiyun Ranch. All the original things in this scene can be taken out, but there is nothing here.

Finally, Chen Lin had a thought and tried to leave.

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