"This child is called Zhou Jing. Granny Zhou, a casual cultivator, picked it up by a well."

The shopkeeper spoke.

"At first, Granny Zhou was very surprised when she saw that his soul was abnormal, and wanted to send him to the Soulless Sect in exchange for some benefits. However, after being identified by the adults of the Soulless Sect, he found that this child had a very rare spiritual body and could not practice any techniques. , so there is no storage.”

"Having no choice but to do so, Grandma Zhou raised her by herself, but she also managed to raise him alive."

"This Zhou Jing has a unique ability. He can sense the evil thoughts of soul-like creatures before encountering them, and he can seek good luck and avoid evil in advance. Granny Zhou used this ability to get a lot of benefits in the Sea of ​​Souls. "

Chen Lin's eyes flashed.

This ability is really useful to him.

There are endless strange creatures in the underworld, and there must be many who are good at hiding. With this ability, you can discover them in advance and respond in time.

"Is that Granny Zhou willing to let her go, or does she need him to come with her?"

Chen Lin asked aloud.

Such a little boy was already considered a treasure, and Granny Zhou would not let him leave her side.

"Mother Zhou is dead."

The shopkeeper spoke calmly.

Then he said: "Grandma Zhou is only a fourth-level cultivator and has not yet entered the semi-virtual realm. How could she keep such a treasure? After the news was leaked, she never appeared again, and Zhou Jing also fell into the hands of a second-rate family. "

Before Chen Lin could speak, the shopkeeper continued to speak.

"This second-rate family used Zhou Jing's ability and gained a lot of benefits, but the good times did not last long. It was destroyed not long after, and Zhou Jing was acquired by another force."

"This force has also been destroyed?"

Chen Lin looked at the shopkeeper and immediately thought of something.


The shopkeeper nodded.

"All the strong men of this force suddenly disappeared."

After a pause, he continued: "Then there were two more powerful people who also coveted Zhou Jing's abilities, but the final results were not very good. After these incidents, no one dared to use Zhou Jing anymore. They all said that he was In the Sangmen Star, the price for gaining innate abilities is to be riddled with bad luck, and life in the city is very difficult."

"Are you plagued by bad luck?"

Chen Lin pondered for a moment and did not speak immediately.

He doesn't care about bad luck or anything like that, because he himself has the talent for destiny, and he can tell at a glance whether the other person is suffering from bad luck.

What made him doubtful was that the collapse of those forces, including Grandma Zhou, might not have been an accident, but was done deliberately by Zhou Jing.

Then this little boy must not be contacted.

Even if he is not the reincarnation of a powerful person, he must be very evil, and carrying him around is a time bomb.

"Can he, a mortal, enter the underworld?"

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Lin still asked.

The other party's ability is really useful for traveling to the underworld.

Being able to sense the evil thoughts of strange creatures in advance and avoid them will eliminate many dangers and will be of great help in obtaining the Soul-forgetting Spring in the end.

"no problem."

The shopkeeper nodded.

"The other party has a body of extraordinary spirit. Although it cannot practice, it will not be eroded by energy. It is just that it cannot fly or travel for a long time. It needs to be carried by someone."

"Is he willing to accept employment? What are the requirements?"

The shopkeeper glanced at Chen Lin.

"You must be willing to accept the employment. I can make the decision for him. Granny Zhou and I have some connections. After her death, I have been supporting Zhou Jing, but I can't control him forever."

"To be honest, it is easy for me to raise a mortal. To take over a hundred years of time is just a snap of my fingers."

"But I am also a little worried about this child's misfortune, and I don't want to be tainted with too much karma, so my request is that after completing the task, you must give him a place to settle down, so that he can live in peace and not come to me again."

This requirement is not high.

Chen Lin thought secretly.

The shopkeeper's purpose is obvious, which is to transfer this cause and effect and no longer bear the risk of bad luck.

It's not like he was hiding anything, he was aboveboard.

After thinking for a while, Chen Lin said: "I'd better take a look at the person first, and then consider whether to use it or not."

The shopkeeper nodded, summoned a waiter, and gave some instructions.

Not long after the man left, he came back with a little boy.

He looks ordinary, neither good-looking nor ugly, a little thin and not very energetic.

Chen Lin looked at it and his eyes suddenly flashed.

Not only did the other party not have the aura of bad luck, but he actually had quite strong luck.

With his small perception of the laws of destiny, this is absolutely unmistakable.

In this case, the destruction of those forces and the death of Granny Zhou were not caused by bad luck.

"Zhou Jing, this is Master Chen. I plan to hire you to go to the underworld. If you can complete the task, I will take you in and let you live the rest of your life in peace. Are you willing?"

The shopkeeper pulled Zhou Jing to his side, pointed at Chen Lin and said.

Zhou Jing glanced at Chen Lin timidly, pursed his lips and said nothing, as if he was very afraid of these practitioners.

"Don't be afraid. Although I am not a good person, I am not an evil person either. As long as you can help me, I will keep my promise and do my best to let you live safely."

Chen Lin spoke softly to relieve the other party's tension.

Then he added: "Now tell me how you use your ability, and will it be affected by the environment?"

Zhou Jing shook his head.

He whispered: "It can be used at will and will not be affected by the environment."

After a pause, he added: "I have never been affected."

Chen Lin touched his chin and continued to ask: "Then to what extent can you sense evil thoughts towards soul creatures, and in what area can they be effective?"

"I have no idea."

Zhou Jing replied submissively.

"Then roughly, does it have to be a ghost to have evil thoughts towards you, or can you sense the good and evil of all ghosts in a certain area?"

Chen Lin continued to ask.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, he looked at the shopkeeper again.

The shopkeeper immediately said: "The two situations mentioned by Fellow Daoist Chen are within Zhou Jing's ability. According to Granny Zhou, his active sensing area can reach a radius of thirty miles."

"Oh? Can the range of active induction be so large?"

Chen Lin was shocked.

You must know that the other party is a mortal, unable to use other energy blessings, and has no mana or mental power. If you rely solely on the ability itself, this range is very exaggerated.

He looked at Zhou Jing again.

Zhou Jing nodded.

This made Chen Lin suddenly excited.

The active sensing range of thirty miles is of great significance. Although for those powerful creatures, thirty miles can come in an instant, but it can give them a chance to react.

Although in the upper seven realms, his sense of the Nightmare Realm is very weak, after he was promoted to Viscount, his relationship with the fief became even closer, so it was not impossible to enter from the underworld.

If he could get in, the chance to react would be his life-saving talisman.

"Are you willing to accept employment?"

Chen Lin still hesitated and asked tentatively.

If the other party agrees, he will go to Nanmen Lingyue to check whether the other party is the reincarnation of the powerful one. Nanmen Lingyue has the talent of traveling to the underworld, and it is easy to tell whether the other party is the reincarnation.

As long as he is not a reincarnated strong man, then he has nothing to worry about.

No matter how scheming a nine-year-old child is, it is limited, and his character can be verified in many ways.

To Chen Lin's surprise, Zhou Jing shook his head firmly.

When the shopkeeper on the side saw this, he immediately frowned and said: "Zhou Jing, this is a rare opportunity. Except for Chen Xianshi, no one in Sanding City dares to keep you. I also have to retreat to break through the bottleneck. No one will take care of you then. You How to survive?”

Zhou Jing pursed his lips and remained silent.

Chen Lin waved his hand when he saw this, "Forget it, it's a child, don't force it. If I can come back from the underworld alive, I will take good care of him."

After saying that, he was ready to leave.

At this time, Zhou Jing suddenly spoke and said, "I want to become your teacher."

Chen Lin paused and raised his eyebrows.


"I'm afraid you'll leave me alone after you're done with me."

"Haha, you are honest."

Chen Lin smiled and looked at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper immediately said: "If Daoyou Chen is not taboo, I think this is a good idea. The little guy is a mortal or a supernatural being, so the contract will not be effective for him. With the identity of master and apprentice, you two can rest assured Some."

"Accepting a disciple is not a trivial matter, and I am not very willing to accept one."

Chen Lin hesitated.

After looking at Zhou Jing again, he muttered: "Let's do this. You go back with me first. I need to go through some inspections to accept you. Are you willing?"


Zhou Jing immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times.

Chen Lin did not stop him. He paid attention to the other party's expression. When he saw that there was no abnormal reaction from the other party, he turned and walked towards the door.

These three ringing heads can basically confirm that the other party is not the reincarnation of a powerful person.

Great powers that can be reincarnated are at least in a virtual state. No matter how purposeful they are, kowtowing inappropriately in public can easily affect their state of mind.

Zhou Jing saw that Chen Lin had already walked to the door. He hurriedly saluted the shopkeeper and hurriedly followed.

The shopkeeper also followed him out of the store.

He watched Chen Lin disappear before returning to the store with twinkling eyes.

Kaiyuan Sect branch.

Chen Lin took Zhou Jing into the hall, and then ordered the disciples of the Nanmen family who stayed here to go back and invite Nanmen Lingyue.

There is no way. The closer you get to the Soul-Destroying Tower, the more unstable the space becomes. The communication talisman cannot take effect and you can only rely on human communication.

But before the disciple could leave, he saw a ray of light coming towards him.

It was Nanmen Lingyue who came by herself.

"Have you finished settling your family affairs, do you still want to be a husband?"

Chen Lin greeted him with a smile and made fun remarks.

Nanmen Lingyue rolled her eyes at Chen Lin and said: "The old guys in the family were afraid that I would turn my elbows outward, so they proposed to the clan leader to disqualify me from being the leader of this exploration of the underworld. I didn't bother to argue with them. It happened to be There is no one here yet, so I will accompany you to get the water from the Forgotten Soul Spring!"

Chen Lin was silent for a moment.

He nodded and said: "That's fine. I didn't want my wife to take risks with me. In that case, you and I can advance and retreat together."

After saying that, the two entered the lobby together.

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