"Master, someone brought you something."

Zhou Jing came to Chen Lin's room and placed the box in his hand on the table.

Chen Lin took a look and asked, "Who sent it, where is the person?"

"It was sent by a guy from Lingmi Store in the city. He didn't know who he was. He said that he gave him a soul bead and asked him to help him run some errands. He named it to be given to you, Master."

Zhou Jing's answer made Chen Lin raise his eyebrows.

Then he waved his hands and said, "Okay, you go down first."

After Zhou Jing left, Chen Lin took a closer look at the box and found that there was nothing unusual except for a layer of talisman array on it to prevent prying eyes.

Moreover, this talisman formation is very simple and can be broken at will.

It just acts as a seal. If it is intact, it means that no one has opened it.

Who would send him something anonymously?

Chen Lin was very curious.

But for the sake of caution, he did not open it directly, but took out a puppet from the storage ring.

Let the puppet pick up the box and take it into the secret room to open it alone.

There was no danger.

This is?

Through the puppet's field of vision, Chen Lin clearly saw that there was a manual inside the box, and there was a piece of golden paper underneath the manual.

This piece of paper gave him a sense of familiarity, and he couldn't help but look surprised.

Have the puppet take out the book and golden paper.

Chen Lin took it in his hand, glanced at it, and was stunned.

This golden paper is actually a page recording the Qixing Yaori Kung Fu!

Who would be so generous as to give him such a precious thing?

Chen Lin's first reaction was that of a blind girl.

Because the blind girl had found a treasure box for him and knew that he had a key to the treasure box, it would not be impossible for the other party to get the treasure box again and bring him the contents.

But he and the blind girl have never had any conflicts. If the other party can give him something, there is no need to avoid it.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Lin couldn't figure it out, so he put the page in front of his eyes.

It’s still Xingdouwen.

Seven Stars Sun·Refining Immortal Chapter.

Sure enough, it is the Seven-Star Sun Cultivation Technique, and it is aimed at immortal cultivators.

This also proved that his previous guess was correct.

The seven inner stars of this technique correspond to the upper seven realms.

Chen Lin didn't rush to learn the techniques, so he picked up the old book again.

After opening it, there were contents recorded in Taixu script. After browsing through it briefly, his eyes slowly became weird.

These Taixu texts turned out to be translations of the contents of the golden pages!

However, the other party is probably not proficient in Xingdouwen, and the translation is not comprehensive. Some parts are consistent with the essence of the practice, while other parts are completely irrelevant.

This was not the main thing. The main thing was that some of the handwriting on the pages, especially the annotations, made him feel familiar!

But after thinking about it, it was hard to remember who wrote it.

He could only continue to flip through the books, looking for clues.

But before he reached the end, he knew the answer.

In the middle of the book, there is a piece of letter paper recording the whole story.

It was Yang Qianxing who gave him the golden pages!

This was something Chen Lin never expected.

In the letter, Yang Qianxing said that the page was accidentally obtained in a magical place when he was young, and the book was also together.

After he learned that this might be a so-called real-world exercise, he immediately felt like he had found a treasure and practiced according to the translation in the book.

He actually made it happen!

However, Yang Qianxing did not really practice it, nor could he condense the inner stars. Instead, he strangely developed a special ability that could communicate with the stars for divination and condense the star sand.

The other party's original innate ability was the same as that of Yang Zishi's 'purification'.

With the treasure of refining such as star sand, Yang Qianxing no longer lacks resources, and after using the purification talent to purify the power of the stars, it can also assist in cultivation.

Therefore, it is like cheating on convenience, and the cultivation level advances by leaps and bounds, until the Mahayana.

Mahayana monks are the pinnacle of the lower realm.

The fairy world was broken and it was difficult to ascend, so he went to other interfaces to find a way to break the situation, but unexpectedly encountered a powerful enemy.

Not only was his cultivation reduced to the realm of harmony, but his purification talent was also cursed and unable to be used, causing him to fall from the sky to the mortal world.

The next step is to keep having children, hoping that one of the descendants will inherit his purification talent, get rid of the curse, and return to the peak of life.

But it never happened.

Until I met him and learned about the existence of Yang Zishi.

Chen Lin secretly lamented the strangeness of fate. With every drink and peck, it seemed that it was already destined that they, the cultivators, would all move forward on the established track, and no one could jump out of it.

Even he, a person gifted with destiny, is the same.

This letter was left for him. At the end of the letter, Yang Qianxing left a location for the crack in the Yuan Realm, which may be connected to the floating world.

The location is in a dangerous place millions of miles away from Wangxiang City.

The other party met a cultivator who smuggled up from the floating world. After learning the information, he came to look for it, but he was unable to enter the dangerous place, so he came here after learning the information about the Broken Soul Continent.

Before entering the Broken Soul Tower, the other party learned of his existence and entrusted the boy from the grain store. He said that one month after the Broken Soul Tower was closed, the other party still didn't go to the boy, so he asked the boy to bring these two things. Sent to him.

But instead of giving it to him, he asked him to hand it over to Yang Zishi after he found it.

After reading the contents of the letter, Chen Lin stroked his chin and pondered.

Yang Qianxing is also an extremely mysterious person. Although he has been with him for a long time, he has never been able to see through him.

The other party went to the Soul-Severing Tower. I wonder if he also knew that the golden pages came from the treasure chest, so he wanted to look there.

But Chen Lin doesn't feel like it.

If he knew it, then when they met in the Soul-Severing Tower, the other party should communicate with him and unite to search for it together.

Because the other party knew that the treasure chest of the Holy Tower in the Divine Pillar Realm was in his hands, and he must have entered the Soul-Desolating Tower for the treasure chest.

The other party's goal should still be the underworld.

Most likely it's to find a way to lift the curse.

After thinking for a while, Chen Lin put away his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

No matter what the reason was, this magic spell for the Immortal Refining Chapter actually fell into his hands, and he could finally gather the second inner star!

As for going to the floating world, we need to think about it in the long term.

Crossing the rift in the Yuan Realm is extremely dangerous, and he is now a cultivator in the Upper Yuan Realm. If he enters the Lower Yuan Realm, he will be severely suppressed, or even directly obliterated by the power of the interface.

You need to figure out the specific situation first before you can try it.

So his plan is to retreat first and improve his cultivation level.

Then condense the second inner star.

After becoming stronger, let’s talk about going to the floating world.

It would be best not to go there in person, but to hire some people to help him find it. As long as the fief's medium can be delivered to Yang Zishi and others, that would be easy.

The matter of hiring manpower can be prepared now. You can ask Qing Quan for help.

After confirming the plan, Chen Lin entered the fiefdom and began to understand the content of the Immortal Refining Chapter.

For the sake of convenience, he chose an old cultivator who was willing to stay in the mountain gate and took him as his subordinate. Then he asked the other party to bind him as a servant and report to him the situation outside at any time.

Time flies.

Three years have passed in the blink of an eye.

On the Broken Soul Continent, the aftermath of the last opening of the Broken Soul Tower has finally subsided.

The major forces did not engage in a life-and-death fight, but instead used negotiation to re-divide the interests on the continent.

The three major forces still account for the majority.

After all, among these three forces, there are still powerful people in the true realm.

The second echelon is the Nanmen family, the Dayuan Trading Company, and the two forces supported by the Soulless Sect and the Ji family.

Among these four forces, the Nanmen family is the leader!

One of the reasons is naturally the ancestor Hong Ming behind Chen Lin.

The other one is the pig demon.

The pig demon killed Nanmen Honglie with thunderous means, showing his true strength, which immediately attracted the attention of all the forces. These forces all suspected that the pig demon was the bodyguard sent by the ancestor of Hongming to Chen Lin.

If it wasn't for showing up once and never showing up again, the status of the Nanmen family would have to rise.

Nanmen Lingyue got her wish and became the head of the family. There were many things to deal with next. After Chen Lin met the other party, they stopped contacting him.

As a result of this incident, Qing Quan gained a higher status in Dayuan Trading Company.

The other party promised him to help hire experts to explore the cracks in the Yuan Domain in that dangerous place. After the investigation was clear, he would find a way to enter the Lower Yuan Domain to find out.

This is his reward for helping Tianyuan Trading Company get benefits.

In addition, the other party also agreed to help Zhou Jing find a way to extend his life.

But Qing Quan also said that even the Soulless Sect was unable to do anything back then, and there was little hope for Zhou Jing.

Chen Lin didn't have any good solution for this, he could only take it one step at a time.

Next, Chen Lin practiced the Seven-Star Sun Refining Immortal Chapter while waiting for information from Luo Qinglan.

Thanks for the peace of mind - eC boss’s huge reward! ! !

Hold your fists, hold your fists! ! !

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