Chen Lin is very interested in purifying water.

He had just seen the magic of this thing with his own eyes, and its suppression of nightmare transformation was obvious, and its effect was much stronger than Xu Wuye's purification scroll.

Whether it is Luo Qinglan, Fairy Silver, or himself, they may all use it in the future.

I should try to get some and keep them for preparation.

Anna shook her head.

"I can't say much about the origin of this thing, but it is extremely difficult to obtain. I only got three drops. I won't get another chance to get it in the future."

Chen Lin was suddenly disappointed.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Ms. Anna is an explorer of the real world, right? I don't know what interface it comes from, can you tell me?"

"There's nothing that can't be said."

Anna looked complicated.

"I come from a special interface called the World of Heavenly Books. The cultivators there specialize in the power of imagination and are good at creation. Those with strong strength can turn imagination into reality."

Chen Lin was amazed.

Cultivate the power of imagination, which is more abstract than the power of the blind girl's heart.

It’s no wonder that the other party can win the story contest again. With such an interface, there must be many fairy tales.

He immediately asked: "Are there any restrictions on this kind of practice?"

"Of course there are restrictions."

Anna knew what Chen Lin was thinking and immediately explained.

"You must have the talent of our race. Outsiders cannot practice it unless they have the ability to improve it, but that will not lead to very high achievements."

Chen Lin nodded.

He just asked, knowing that it was unlikely.

Generally, such strange cultivation methods have racial restrictions, otherwise it would be too exaggerated to be able to practice them casually.

"Our interface was originally isolated from the outside world. I was a princess of a kingdom. Because of some accidents in the kingdom, I ran out through the interface nodes, and then came into contact with the nightmare world."

Anna continued to speak,

"After coming into contact with the Nightmare Realm, I found that it was very helpful for cultivating the power of imagination. It was even possible to visualize my own 'Elephant Realm', so I became obsessed with exploring it."

"It went well in the beginning, and my cultivation level improved rapidly, but it didn't last long. In a strange scene, I failed to break the rules and forced my way out, causing my body to be severely eroded and almost alienated."

"Fortunately, I found purifying water and was able to save my life."

"Later I learned the secret, so I stayed in Fairy Tale Town, practicing while waiting to enter the battlefield outside the territory. Unexpectedly, I failed at the last moment."

Speaking of this, Anna glanced at Chen Lin with deep reluctance in her eyes.

Chen Lin spread his hands.

"There is no way, this is fate, we can't predict the future, otherwise if you give me a death-free gold medal in advance, I won't have to participate in the story contest."


Anna sighed.

"Forget it, according to what you said, even if I go to the battlefield outside the territory, I won't be able to get the rewards I want, and I will more likely die there. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, no one knows what changes will happen without personal experience. "

She looked at her body.

He said depressedly: "Actually, I can't accept normal nightmare transformation. With my own methods, I can still ensure the immortality of spiritual consciousness."

"But I really can't accept it turning into such an ugly look."

Chen Lin grinned.

This is really hard to accept.

A cold goddess like a queen suddenly turned into a toad, which was a huge blow.

I'm afraid they all have suicidal thoughts.

"After Lady Anna left the Heavenly Book Realm, was the interface she entered borderless?"

Chen Lin asked again.

After talking for a long time, this was the question he wanted to ask.

Anna nodded slightly.

"Yes, in the northern part of Borderless."

"However, I entered the Nightmare Realm in my true form and have been active in the Nightmare Realm. I have only spent very little time in the real world. After my body was severely eroded, I have actually become a semi-nightmare. If I stay in the real world, I will be rejected. , the cultivation speed will become very slow.”

Chen Lin's eyes flashed when he heard this.

"If Lady Anna can enter here in person, is there a golden level four guide?"

Fairy Tale Town is a golden scene, and he has never heard of the existence of nodes. Apart from the golden fourth-level road guide, he really can't think of any other way.

If the opponent has a golden level four guide, it will be of great use.

As long as it is a fourth-level road guide, it can take people through it, and he can borrow it for future use.

"It's not a guide, it's a career."

Anna explained.

But he didn't say what his occupation was. Chen Lin hesitated again and again, but still didn't ask.

What the other party wants to say, just say it directly. There is no point in asking if you don't want to say it, everyone will be embarrassed.

However, if you want to rely on your profession to obtain the gold level four guide authority, the level of this profession must be upgraded to a very high level, which is more difficult than obtaining a guide.

His profession as a spiritual planter only has silver level three guidance authority. Even a great spiritual planter may not have gold level four.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin changed the topic.

"I wonder what level your strength can reach in the real world?"

He had an idea, but he hesitated whether he should bring it up.

Anna noticed this.

He immediately asked: "Why, Brother Chen, what's the matter? It's okay to say anything. No matter in the real world or in the nightmare world, I still have some means."

Chen Lin pondered for a moment.

He still said: "It's like this. I have a Taoist companion who has the talent to purify all alien energy. The level is not weaker than the purifying water you use."


Anna was surprised.

"Brother Chen, are you sure you can reach the level of purifying water?"

She didn't quite believe it.

Chen Lin nodded firmly.

"Don't worry, sir, the talent level is definitely sufficient. However, her cultivation is weak and her talent is not developed enough. She won't be able to release too much energy at one time."

"That's no problem. The innate ability can be restored, which is equivalent to a steady stream, as long as the level is enough. I wonder where Brother Chen's Taoist companion is now?"

Ana's tone was a little excited.

As long as she purifies it every once in a while, she doesn't have to worry about alienation and can just slowly look for the mirror projection.

"She is in the lower realm."

Chen Lin spoke slowly.

Then the situation of Yang Zishi was explained, as well as the existence of the Yuan Yu crack.

The purpose is very simple, just to let the other party go to the floating world and help find Yang Zishi.

He didn't hide it either.

He said bluntly: "This is just a suggestion, and I don't mean to repay a favor. If you think it's feasible, then go ahead and try it. If you think it's not feasible, just pretend I didn't say it and just think about it yourself."

"Don't think about it!"

Anna spoke decisively.

"The effect of the purifying water has become worse, and I don't want to stay in the nightmare world anymore. Although the cultivation effect here is good, it has to withstand the erosion of nightmare energy, which will accelerate my mutation. It doesn't matter if I return to the real world, I also want to go. Let’s go to Yuanyu and take a look.”

"Sir, you also want to go to Yuanyu? What's the matter?"

Chen Lin looked at the other party in surprise.

"Nothing, I just want to experience a different environment. My way of cultivation requires exposure to more things to stimulate my imagination. It is precisely for this reason that I have stayed in the fairy tale town, the story house here. Just right for me.”

"So that's it."

Chen Lin suddenly realized.

He didn't know whether what the other party said was true, but it didn't matter. As long as the other party wanted to purify his body, he would definitely go to Yang Zishi and do his best to protect Yang Zishi's safety.

that's enough.

After reaching an agreement, Chen Lin drew a portrait of Yang Zishi, as well as all his other apprentices in the floating world.

and explained the situation in detail.

Finally, take out a token and give it to the other party.

"Then I'll trouble Lady Anna!"

Chen Lin performed a fist-cup salute.

Anna took the token and took a deep look at Chen Lin.

"You go around here just for this. It seems that he is a kind and righteous person. To be your Taoist companion, that woman must be very happy."

Chen Lin forced out a smile and said nothing.

Anna said nothing more, put away the tokens and said: "I will not participate in this story contest. I am preparing to leave now. These things are given to you."

As he said that, he took out a bunch of things.

Chen Lin's eyelids jumped.

There are more than a dozen documents alone, as well as death-free gold medals and a bunch of gold nightmare coins!

"Isn't this too expensive?"

Although he really wanted to put everything in his bag, Chen Lin also felt that it was a bit too much, so he suppressed his greed and refused.

But the refusal was not very firm.

"It doesn't matter. Since I don't plan to go to battlefields outside the territory from here, these things won't be used in the future. I don't want to come here again. If you want to develop here, just keep them for use."


Anna continued to look around the room.

"I will also leave this castle cabin to you. You can use the transfer documents later and go to Sir Sheila to register it."

Chen Lin was really surprised now.

He waved his hands hastily, "No, a four-star fairy tale house is too valuable. I'm really embarrassed to take it for nothing. If Lady Anna doesn't have time, I can take care of it for you."

"Haha, you think too much."

Anna chuckled.

"We are not creatures from the nightmare world, let alone the aborigines of Fairy Tale Town. The level of Fairy Tale House is of no use to us. If it is simply used to harvest gold nightmare coins, it is not good if the star level is too high. The tickets are too expensive and not many tourists can If you can afford it, the best ones are cabins below three stars.”

Before Chen Lin could speak, she continued to explain.

"And there are a lot of things that I can't deal with when I take care of it. Once I enter the Lower Yuan Realm, I won't be able to come back here. It's hard to solve problems if they arise. Anyway, I still have the construction documents. If I want to come back in the future, I can just rebuild another one."

After hearing what the other party said, Chen Lin no longer refused.

Anna didn't seem to want to stay here for a moment. After a brief exchange with Chen Lin, she took him to the Grand Theater and found Lady Sheila.

After handing over the hut, he immediately refused to leave.

Chen Lin stood alone outside the castle, feeling unreal.

But after seeing the name on the plaque, I knew it was all true.

I actually own a four-star fairy tale house in one fell swoop!

The plaque on the plaque now no longer says Anna’s castle.

Instead, it became the Rainbow Castle.

To transfer using a transfer document, the name of the cabin needs to be changed. Anna was too anxious and just gave him this one casually.

It's not easy for him to veto.

But the word "rainbow" made him think of it again, and he couldn't be sure whether the other party did it unintentionally or if it contained some hidden meaning.

"Hey, Brother Chen is here, I'm looking for you everywhere!"

Chen Lin was thinking intently when a figure fell next to him.

The voice sounded again.

"Brother Chen, do you want to explore this fairy tale cabin? The story scenes in the four-star cabin are extremely dangerous. Are you sure?"

Chen Lin turned around and looked over.

The person who came was none other than Xu Wuye.

The other party had already said he would come, so it wasn't a surprise.

"There's no certainty, and the rules don't allow me to participate."

Chen Lin replied.

According to the rules of Fairy Tale Town, the owner of the Story House is not allowed to have adventures in his own house.

You can also enter the story scene, but there are only dangers and no rewards. The main purpose is to prevent cheating.

"No participation allowed, what do you mean?"

Xu Wuye didn't understand.

He looked at Chen Lin and then at the gate of the castle.

"Brother Chen, don't tell me, you built this story house?"

"Smart, you guessed it right!"

Chen Lin smiled and walked towards the inside of the castle.

As he walked, he said: "Although I didn't build it, it belongs to me now. Miss Xu, please come in and I will show you around."

"Do you have the transfer paperwork?"

Xu Wuye thought of the key point.

Extremely shocked.

He immediately followed up and said: "Is there any transfer document? I can buy it at a high price."

"It seems that Miss Xu has a good understanding of the rules here. Unfortunately, I don't have the transfer document. This was given to me by someone else."

Chen Lin shook his head.

Transfer documents are the rarest of all kinds of documents in Fairy Tale Town.

That is Anna, basically no one else can have it.

This is also a limitation.

The Fairy Tale Keepers may prefer that everyone build new cabins instead of transferring them back and forth.

Moreover, to transfer the fairy tale house, in addition to the transfer documents, you also need to pay a gold nightmare coin. The higher the star rating, the greater the fee. Most people cannot afford to transfer it.

Chen Lin also secretly sighed.

The level of exploitation in Fairy Tale Town is even worse than that of Food Island.

But there is no characteristic of a food island here. If it is not obtained through the rules of the nightmare world, it cannot be brought back to the real world.

Earnings are greatly reduced.

"Brother Chen, do you want to develop here?"

Xu Wuye followed Chen Lin around and asked.

Chen Lin shook his head slightly.

"We have no plans for the moment."

He is not Anna, so he cannot stay here forever. Not to mention the danger, it is also not conducive to cultivation.

Hearing Chen Lin's answer, Xu Wuye's expression changed.

He hesitated and said: "Since Brother Chen doesn't want to stay here, why not leave this fairy tale house to us, Bai Yutai, to run it, with half of the profit per person, what do you think, Brother Chen?"

This suggestion moved Chen Lin a little.

He definitely wouldn't be able to run this place himself.

It's not convenient to hire someone to watch.

Apart from anything else, every time he enters or exits, one point for customs clearance documents is consumed, so he cannot come in often to check.

Cooperating with Bai Yutai is a good idea.

But Chen Lin did not agree immediately.

Shen Sheng said: "This cabin was given to me by a friend. I need to consider whether it is convenient for cooperation. I will give you the answer after the story contest is over!"

"Okay, then I'll just wait for the good news from Brother Chen."

Xu Wuye said no more and began to communicate about other matters.

Then he said goodbye and left.

Chen Lin entered the castle and inspected various facilities and the story scenes contained in the cabin.

After he knew what he was doing, he returned to the reception room, checking what Anna gave him while waiting for customers to come to the door.

There are still a few days until the start of the competition, and every little gain is worth it.

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