After thinking for a long time, Chen Lin still felt that the light gate scene was not reliable.

Now he doesn't even know if there is any danger in Luminous City, so risking his life is too exaggerated.

Smiling to himself, Chen Lin returned to Tianji House.

After thinking for a while, he took out the soul nest.

Since you don't dare to go out now, you might as well continue to complete the reincarnation of this thing and see what mysteries are at the thirty-sixth hole.

Chen Lin's original plan was to wait until the core of the second inner star was condensed before using this object.

But now that the situation has changed, it doesn't hurt to advance a little earlier. Anyway, the cultivation level has reached the Mahayana. If you don't enter the virtual realm, there is no room for improvement in the soul level.

Make a decision and stop hesitating.

Chen Lin stretched out his hand, took out the petals of the immortal soul lotus, held it with his hand, and activated the soul nest.

"In March and a half, jacquard lanterns and window paper illuminate people's shadows, face to face, unable to see clearly..."

In an empty area of ​​a dirt road, several children were playing, singing weird songs while playing.

Not far away, a chubby little boy watched quietly.

There is no intention to participate, nor to leave.

"Xiao Lin, come over and play!"

A little girl with pigtails waved to the little boy.

Instead of passing by, the little boy walked away expressionlessly.

"Stop calling him, he is just a fool and doesn't know how to play..."

The little boy who left heard the disdainful sounds of other children.

But he still had no expression. Instead, he touched his chin like an adult, showing a thoughtful look.

"It's been so many years and I haven't found anything special. Where is the mystery hidden?"

The little boy muttered to himself.

He is none other than Chen Lin who has entered reincarnation.

As soon as he entered the Soul Nest, he was sure that his guess was correct. The thirty-six mentioned by the Immortal Soul Lotus Shadow meant the thirty-sixth hole in the Soul Nest.

Because of this reincarnation, he has not lost his original memory!

Under normal circumstances, soul nest reincarnation has no memory, and is an unknown life experience with a new identity.

When you wake up, your original memory will be restored, but you will be immediately excluded from the soul nest space.

But this time it was different.

He had original memories since he was in his mother's womb, but after he was born, he was not forcibly excluded. Obviously, it must be the reason for the immortal soul lotus petal.

The phantom gave him petals and reminded Thirty-Six, letting him enter here with his memory.

But now he is ten years old and has spent ten years here, but nothing has happened. He doesn't know what the other party wants him to do here.

Chen Lin walked along the path towards his home.

There is no extraordinary power in this world.

There are only some so-called martial arts people, but the highest level is that they can break stone monuments, climb over eaves and climb walls. They rely on the power of blood and energy, such as magic, soul power, spiritual thoughts, etc., none of them.

It is true that there is none, not that there is no inheritance.

He has tried it, but no extraordinary method can be successfully practiced here.

This made him realize Zhou Jing's helplessness.

In such an environment, it is almost the same as a peerless spirit body. There are countless inheritances, but it can only stare.

The difference is that in the Broken Soul Continent, only Zhou Jing has a unique spirit body, but here everyone is the same, so the living environment is still acceptable.

And he is not without merit, more or less, he is still a little different.

"Xiao Lin is back, go wash your hands and eat."

After returning to the small courtyard at home, Chen Lin just pushed open the courtyard door, and a woman wearing an apron walked out of the house, picked up a bundle of firewood, and greeted him.

"I know, mother."

Chen Lin responded.

At the beginning, with his original memories, he was very resistant to this strange woman calling her mother. As a result, he could not speak even when he was four or five years old, which made his family anxious.

Later he also thought about it.

The other party was born to him in the eighth month of his pregnancy, so there was no doubt that she was his mother, both physically and in other aspects.

And she loves him immensely.

So he gradually accepted it and started calling.

Whether it was a coincidence or the arrangement of the soul lotus shadow, his name in this life was also called Chen Lin.

"By the way, Uncle Han next door said that he found the thing you asked him to help find and asked you to go and get it."

Chen Lin's eyes lit up.

He immediately said: "Then I'll go get it first and then eat when I get back."

After saying that, he couldn't wait to run out.

After a while, he came back with a package.

When the woman saw this, she immediately stepped forward, grabbed the package and said, "What did you ask your Uncle Han to buy for you? You must give money to someone else for something that is too expensive."

"Nothing, just some gadgets."

Chen Lin hurriedly dodged.

Then he said with a smile: "Otherwise, I think mother will just live with Uncle Han. I think he is very interesting to you."

The woman suddenly became angry.

"You brat needs a beating again, right? I'll let you do whatever you want!"

After saying that, he picked up the fire stick and was about to spank Chen Lin.

Chen Lin hurriedly ran out and said, "I won't eat anymore. I'll eat when I'm hungry at night."

He ran to a hill outside the village before he stopped and opened the package.

Inside are several pieces of ore.

He picked it up piece by piece and inspected it, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

Then he wrapped up the package and walked deeper into the mountain.

After walking for more than an hour, we came to a hidden valley, then came to the foot of a steep mountain and climbed up.

When they climbed to a height of more than ten feet, they pushed aside the dense vines and revealed a hole only the size of a fist.

Chen Lin put his hand into the hole and seemed to turn on some mechanism. The stones next to the hole began to move sideways, turning into a hole more than a foot wide.

He got in immediately.

Immediately, the stone returned to its place, and the fist-sized hole was blocked by a small piece of stone.

Inside the mountain is a hidden cave, not too spacious, but very long.

The other side leads all the way to the opposite side of the mountain.

This is the secret base created by Chen Lin.

At the beginning, it was just used as a refuge because his mother in this life was not an ordinary person.

But he is a martial artist with good martial arts skills.

When he was just born, the other party took him on the run. She didn't know who she had offended, and she kept chasing her.

After running for more than a year, he escaped from pursuit and came to this small village, where he lived incognito.

The other party thought he didn't remember these things and never mentioned them to him.

He never showed off his kung fu.

It was really like a peasant woman who bought two acres of land and a cow and lived the life of a farmer.

But he didn't dare to be careless.

This reincarnation is different from the past. I don’t know how to leave, so I must not die in the middle, otherwise it is very likely that I will die.

So I found this hiding place outside the village.

Later, he discovered that his natural ability was still effective, but it became a sure hit ten times, so he began to experiment here and make some things.

However, what makes Chen Lin depressed is that his natural ability cannot break the rules of this world. He can only make ordinary items, but cannot make extraordinary things.

But he didn't have the opportunity to learn martial arts, and making ordinary swords was useless. In the end, he could only put his ideas into the books Zhou Jing gave him.

Thinking of making some technological weapons to keep for self-defense.

Keep going.

Chen Lin came to the depths of the cave. There was a spacious space here with a lot of coke and some iron blocks.

And some simple forging equipment.

He had accumulated it little by little over the years, but it took a lot of hard work.

Putting the package next to him, Chen Lin went to a nearby rock wall and took out a note.

Turning through the pages.

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