
As soon as the source of the Heavenly Fire entered the body, the speed of the magic formula immediately accelerated.

Like a whale swallowing it, the power of the stars was introduced into Chen Lin's body.

With the energy replenished, the aperture outside Chen Lin's body became extremely bright.

And glowing slightly red.

Without pausing, Chen Lin once again peeled off a trace of the source of the sky fire and increased the intensity of the magic formula.

Fairy Star continues to be compressed.

This goes on and on.

Little by little, the critical point was finally reached.

Chen Lin's eyes flashed with determination.

Directly separate a small half of the fire source and put it all into the body!

At the same time, he was running the Innate Transformation Source Technique, frantically absorbing the energy of the mysterious stone.

"Buzz buzz!"

Blessed by the source of fire and the energy of the mysterious stone, the strength of the Seven Stars Shining Sun Technique has once again increased significantly!

The two inner stars in the body are all buzzing and trembling, and they are rotating in the same rhythm.

Chen Lin's body.

The fairy star halo completely turned red.

One white and one red, two haloes of light surrounded him, giving people a solemn and eerie feeling.

at the same time.

Above the sky, among the stars.

A light spot flashed and appeared, like an eye, blinking constantly.

The light spots became brighter and brighter, slowly revealing their original appearance.

It turned out to be a star.

This star only appeared for a moment, and then slowly disappeared, but before disappearing, it shed a piece of starlight.

On every continent without borders.

Countless strong men raised their heads at the same time, looking up at the night sky, showing various expressions.

In Vientiane City.

The strong men who sensed it flew out from their residences one after another, floating above the city, talking to each other.

"It seems that someone has triggered extraterrestrial energy again. Does the nameless Taoist friend know who it is?"

A blue-haired man looked at the Nameless Lord next to him and asked tentatively.

The Wuming True Lord smiled faintly.

"The place where the stars shine is thousands of miles away from here. How could I possibly know?"

Then he spoke again: "Looking at the location, it should be deep in the south. Fellow Daoist Xu should know better than us."

The blue-haired man's eyes flashed.

Then he took out a crystal ball and concentrated on sensing it.

After a while, put away the crystal ball.

"It's from Wanxing Lake. It should be a cultivator who specializes in the power of the stars. According to the intensity of the stars, the level of the skills he practices is not low, but I don't know which force it comes from."

The blue-haired man didn't hold anything back and told the information he got.

The Wuming True Lord did not answer the call.

Instead, he turned his head and glanced towards the far north.

Seeing this, the old man on the other side stroked his beard and said: "It seems that the unknown Taoist friend has also discovered that the star changes that occurred this time are very similar to those that appeared in the Soul-Dead Continent last time, even if they were not caused by the same person. , which is also the same method of cultivation.”

The Wuming True Lord withdrew his gaze.

Look at the old man.

"Taoist Master, what kind of effect does it have?"

"Haha, why do unknown Taoist friends ask questions knowingly?"

The old man chuckled.

Then he said: "I don't believe you don't know the unique omens of the Seven Stars Shining Sun Technique. However, this technique is incomplete and notoriously difficult to practice. It is not easy to be able to activate the stars."

Powerful people from all over the world made speculations.

Chen Lin encountered trouble here.

The starlight enters the body, the star core lights up, and the process goes smoothly.

However, after the star core was lit, the source of the sky fire was not completely consumed. Instead, it was integrated into the two inner stars.

No matter what he did, he couldn't clear it.

According to normal thinking, this situation should be a good thing, as it can give the power of the inner star a breath of fire and increase its power.

But his situation was different.

The Seven Stars Shining Sun technique was created to condense the eternal fire. He was afraid that doing so would affect the purity of the technique.

There is another hidden concern.

Currently there are only two inner stars, and there are still five more to be condensed. They may not all be able to integrate the aura of heavenly fire, which will lead to imbalance.

What the outcome will be is difficult to predict.

Chen Lin sat in the training room, frowning, thinking hard about how to deal with it.

For a long time, he showed a look of determination.

With a thought, he took all the remaining sky fire into his body.

Simply refined it.

Then he used the power of the inner star to suppress it, and while continuing to refine, he took Xiaocao and flew out of the cave.

He didn't get out of the lake.

Just moving sideways at the bottom of the lake.

After escaping for more than ten thousand miles, he returned to the ground.

"Haha, you are really careful. Why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you stop and share your cultivation experience. I am very curious about your skills."

As soon as Chen Lin got out of the ground, a sharp voice sounded.

Then a figure flashed, and a man in black with a domineering aura appeared in front of him.

A looking down look.

It's no wonder that he has such a posture. This person's cultivation has already reached the fourth level of the virtual realm. Chen Lin, who has not yet entered the virtual realm, is like an ant in front of him.

But he didn't expect that this ant was different.

Chen Lin didn't even hesitate, he just gave him a death stare.

Then the golden armor was added to the body, and the love-cutting knife was acquired.


With a low shout, he slashed out with his sword.

Xiaocao's sword light also bloomed at the same time, turning into heavy sword shadows and covering the man in black.

"Humph, you are so small..."

Facing Chen Lin's operation, the man in black showed contempt, thinking that Chen Lin was struggling to his death.

The difference in cultivation between the two is as great as heaven and earth, and there is no point in resisting.

The more you resist, the faster you will die.

If it were him, faced with such a situation, he would first beg for mercy, and then slowly seek relief.

But before the man in black could finish speaking, the effect of the death gaze had affected him!

This unique secret technique is invisible and silent. Unless you understand the characteristics of the technique in advance, you won't even have a chance to avoid it.

And as long as it hits, it will be immediately eroded by the death energy.

Almost impossible to defend against.

The Man in Black is no exception.

He, who had been so confident just now, suddenly felt that his vitality was rapidly dissipating, and he could not stop it by any means.

This startled him.

Fortunately, the vitality dissipated not too fast, and he had time to react, so he would not be killed immediately.

Even so, the man in black broke into a cold sweat and immediately put away his contempt.


The man in black had been practicing for more than ten thousand years and was a battle-hardened man. When he saw something was wrong, he immediately took out a golden ancient talisman.

After being activated, golden light flashed.

A circular light shield instantly formed, completely covering him.

Whether it was the Love-Breaking Knife or Xiaocao's sword light, they were all blocked.

But the mask just shook.

Chen Lin's eyes shrank.

Xiaocao's sword light was nothing, but the Love-Severing Knife was a 'semi-real' treasure. He was driven by the power of the inner star, but he couldn't break the light shield!

If so.

The opponent's golden ancient talisman is either at the level of a real treasure, or it contains real characteristics.

Either way is troublesome.

Chen Lin started to think about quitting.

He can fight across levels by relying on energy level suppression, but if the opponent has such a treasure, his advantage is gone.

Death Gaze has a sufficient level, but its power is average and cannot directly kill the enemy.

As long as the opponent has items that can quickly replenish vitality, they can stay alive.

Just when I thought of this, I saw the man in black take out a gourd, opened it, and poured a sip of liquid into his mouth.

A lot of vitality was restored immediately.

"I underestimated you!"

The man in black breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Chen Lin seriously.

Chen Lin did not respond.

Instead, he put away the love-cutting knife and took out the broken knife.

He originally wanted to escape directly into the fief, but when he saw the other party's words and deeds, he knew that although the other party could suppress the death energy of the death gaze, it was still very difficult.

The combat effectiveness is at least halved.

Then there is no need for him to run away in a hurry.

Entering the fiefdom, there is a risk of being left waiting, so it is better to deal with it directly. It is just a good time to test what level his strength can reach after the second star is condensed.

"How brave!"

The man in black is full of murderous intent.

In the past, he was the one who jumped up the ranks to fight others. Unexpectedly, today, he would be forced into such a situation by a guy who didn't even have a virtual realm.

If word spreads, he will become a laughing stock, so even if he uses all his cards, he will kill the opponent on the spot!

With this thought, the man in black solemnly took out something.

It's a black broken palm.

Not only was the palm broken, but there were only three fingers on it, and the other two were only broken.

Even so, when this thing comes out, it still gives off a dangerous aura that makes people's hair stand on end.

Chen Lin's face changed slightly.

After the opponent took out his palm, an early warning appeared in his natural ability!

This is not a good sign.

He didn't hesitate anymore and chopped off the broken knife that had been activated in the air!

While slashing down, he was worried that the strength was not enough to break through the opponent's light shield. He gritted his teeth and integrated the newly refined sky fire into the sword light.

The giant flame tiger roared out.

Chen Lin perked up.

After receiving the blessing of the sky fire, the giant flaming tiger released by the broken sword was larger and more powerful than before.

And it’s as vivid as if it were real!

The flame aura emitted was extremely majestic, and as soon as it appeared, the surrounding space was ignited.

Wherever the flames passed, the space collapsed piece by piece, as if holes had been burned out.

"What a spirit!"

Seeing the power of the giant flame tiger, the man in black exclaimed.

But it immediately felt impossible.

A half-virtual monk, even if he is in the Small Realm, can activate the true treasure, but he will never be able to fully manifest the true spirit.

Even he can't do it.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, the man in black exploded all his energy and activated the broken palm.

Then threw it out!

The broken palm grew larger out of thin air, and runes lit up on it. With endless meaning of destruction, it fiercely shot at the giant flame tiger.

When the two intersect, the earth trembles.

Chen Lin and the man in black were both waiting for the result with solemn expressions.

This attack is a life-saving means for both of them. Whoever has the upper hand can suppress the other.

However, Chen Lin did not wait foolishly.

His methods are not limited to this.

At the same time as the broken knife was slashing, he had a flash of thought and used the technique of silence to make the opponent lose his voice and weaken his sensing ability.

Then the pale eyebrows and eyeballs reappeared.

Use the little remaining power to give the opponent a death stare.

Then he flicked his fingers.

A faint red light shot out.

It's the red capillary needle!

The tactics were used one after another, but Chen Lin was still uneasy.

Finally, he put another talisman in his hand.

This is the clone talisman given to him by Master Liu Rumian. After being activated, he can summon the opponent's clone and possess 10% of the opponent's strength.

This one thing alone can easily kill the man in black.

But this thing can only be used once, and it cannot be wasted unless it is in desperate situation.

The man in black noticed Chen Lin's actions.

But he could only stare.

Because neither the Death Gaze nor the Tranquility Technique has any precursor to casting the spell, let alone the light of the spell.

By the time you feel it, the effect has already taken hold, and you can only resist it, not dodge it.

Suddenly, his world became silent, and even his perception was blocked.

This made him a little flustered.

Although he can still see things, it also has a great impact on his combat effectiveness.

The key thing is that he doesn't know what methods Chen Lin used!

But there was no time to think too much.

Being hit by the death gaze again, the death energy increased, and the man in black had to take out the gourd again and pour spiritual fluid into his mouth.

And the other side.

The Flame Giant Tiger and Broken Palm also decided the winner.

After only a moment of stalemate, the giant flame tiger roared, absorbing all the surrounding flames and turning it into a flame knife.

With one slash, the broken palm was split into two.

The sword's light remained unabated and struck the man in black's protective light shield.

This time the mask didn't hold up.

It shook twice and collapsed.


The man in black was horrified.

No longer holding any illusions, he will escape into the void in a flash.


Chen Linsen's cold voice sounded.

Before he finished speaking, countless sword lights flashed from the void.

He had already warned that the opponent would run away, so he asked Xiaocao to hide in the void in advance, waiting for an ambush.

Xiaocao's current strength has also improved a lot. He can't kill the opponent, but he can still do it if he blocks it.

that's enough.

The man in black only paused for a moment before being pierced by the red needle.

The body-protecting soft armor and defensive techniques were all ineffective.

"Don't even think about killing me!"

The man in black felt death approaching, his expression became stern, and his body exploded.

A chubby little man emerged from the exploded body and disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, a hazy shadow fled in the opposite direction.

Halfway through, one turned into three, and then changed into three different directions, and then three turned into nine, making it difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Such a decision and such a way of escaping amazed Chen Lin.

But it is doomed to be in vain.

Now that he has taken action, he has made complete preparations and cannot leave such consequences.

Chen Lin didn't even move.

As soon as his mind moved, a red halo appeared outside him.

Under the movement of the fairy star, a dazzling red light erupted.

These blooming lights are like suction, pulling back the Nascent Soul that has escaped hundreds of miles, as well as the soul that was split into three, as well as the hidden spirit.

All annihilated in the red light.

There were only a few tiny light spots left, which were retracted by the halo along with the red light.

The halo disappeared immediately.

Chen Lin stood there blankly, not feeling happy about killing a powerful enemy. Instead, he frowned and looked thoughtful.

"Master, are you okay?"

Xiaocao walked out of the void and became nervous when she saw Chen Lin's appearance.

Only then did Chen Lin come back to his senses.

Shaking his head, "Nothing, let's leave here first."

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time.

With a big move of his hand, he put away all the belongings of the man in black, and then shot away with Xiaocao.

This time he didn't escape for long before he entered the fiefdom directly.

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