I practice cultivation cautiously in a strange world

Chapter 1620 Zhou Ximei's Changes


Chen Lin took back the mermaid sword, feeling a little confused.

Such a title as Saintess is not given casually, and his mermaid sword came from the drifting bottle scene, but it was recognized here, which had to make him think a lot.

The fact that the Mermaid Sword can not be suppressed here is probably due to more than just level.

But Chen Lin didn't have time to think too much. There was a lot of explosion noise here, and someone would be coming soon.

He was seriously overdrawn and needed to finish the matter and leave immediately.

"Sir, I can recognize the Earth Spirit Sword as its owner now. The Earth Spirit Sword is the symbol of mastership of the Zhou family. As long as the Earth Spirit Sword is recognized, I can legitimately take over the rights of the Zhou family."

Zhou Ximei walked up to Chen Lin, holding the dark red dagger she picked up in her hand, unable to conceal her excitement.

Chen Lin took the dagger.

He tried it, but it turned out that he couldn't use it. There seemed to be a spirit in the sword, which was very repulsive to him.

But he didn't hand it over to the other party immediately.

"It's better to leave first. After killing so many people, it won't be good if others see you."

After a pause, he added: "Although everyone knows that you did it, as long as you don't see it with your own eyes, you can just find an excuse to cover it up, and taking over the family will be smoother."

After saying that, he came to Zhou Xuanwu's body and rummaged through it carefully.

"Where is the rare pipe treasure you mentioned?"

Chen Lin looked at Zhou Ximei with a somewhat unkind tone.

He risked his life to help the other party, in addition to his quota to enter the Holy Land, just for this rare treasure.

"Don't get me wrong, sir. The rare treasure of the tobacco bag and pot needs to absorb the power of the moonlight, so it is enshrined in the family ancestral hall. When I become the head of the family, I can open the ancestral hall and hand over the treasure to you."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you. I hope you won't disappoint me."

After saying something coldly, without waiting for the other party to reply, Chen Lin used the soul illusion and took the other party out of the back door.

At this moment, everyone in the Zhou Mansion was alarmed by the explosion and rushed over.

However, the few powerful people in the Zhou family were basically dead, and the others were ordinary people. No one could find them in the chaos.

Returned to Zhou Ximei's residence smoothly.

After waiting for a while, Chen Lin handed the dagger to the other party.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to restore the death gaze.

After the opponent refined the Earth Spirit Sword, he had extraordinary power. Once he had any objection to him, he would become a joke.

Can't help but be on guard.

Zhou Ximei also regained her composure.

He solemnly took the dagger in his hand, then raised his hands above his head and bowed to the sky.

"Zhou Ximei, a descendant of the Zhou family, in accordance with the legacy of his ancestors, respectfully requests the support of the Earth Spirit Sword to rebuild the great cause of the Zhou family and help the family's glory!"

After praying for a while, Zhou Ximei held the Earth Spirit Sword upside down and stabbed it into his heart!

Chen Lin's eyelids twitched.

This kind of recognition ceremony does not seem like a righteous behavior.

However, when he thought of Zhou Xuanwu's evil skills and the wailing shadows when the Earth Spirit Sword was activated, he did not stop him.

The inheritance of the other party's family is probably partial to the demonic path.

But it has nothing to do with him. As long as the other party pays according to the agreement, nothing else matters.

The dagger absorbed Zhou Ximei's blood, and became redder and redder, and even bursts of whimpering could be heard from it.

It seemed like countless people were crying.

The scene is very strange.

But Chen Lin didn't react at all. He had seen more weird scenes than this and was already numb.

It took a full quarter of an hour for the strange signs of the dagger to stop and slowly penetrate into Zhou Ximei's body.

This process seems painful.

Zhou Ximei's face was pale, and his body was shaky. In the blink of an eye, he became skin and bones, reaching the point where he was exhausted.

Death could occur at any time.

But as the Earth Spirit Sword was fully integrated, it quickly regained its vitality and became more energetic than before.

"Hahaha, it's done, I'm done!"

Zhou Ximei jumped up from the ground, dancing excitedly.

Just as Chen Lin was about to speak, he heard footsteps coming from outside the courtyard.

Then the courtyard door was kicked open.

"Zhou Ximei, I now suspect that you are related to the assassination of the family leader. Follow me to the ancestral hall immediately and wait for trial!"

More than a dozen people rushed into the courtyard, and the young man in white at the head shouted sharply.

"No doubt, it's me."

Zhou Xixi raised her eyebrows and looked at the young man in white.

"Zhou Huaquan, you are in a hurry to stand in line, but unfortunately, you are standing in the wrong position."

"Do you think……"

The young man's expression turned cold, and he was about to say something else, when he saw a red light appear and approach him in a flash.

Then he ‘flyed’.

It flew over the height of the courtyard wall and over the house.

Getting higher and higher, he saw the messy Zhou Mansion compound, the panicked ladies, and a group of brothers and sisters with different expressions.

Finally plunged into darkness.

Heads from all directions fell from the sky with a plop, which shocked the young man's men and looked at Zhou Ximei in astonishment.

It was as if he had seen some incredible scene.

Zhou Ximei pointed her dagger and said in a deep voice: "I have been recognized by the Earth Spirit Sword. From now on, I have the final say in the Zhou family. Do you have any opinions?"


Everyone's faces were blank.

Zhou Ximei's eyes turned cold.

With a raise of his hand, the dagger turned into red light, and the head of the guard in front flew high into the sky.

Chen Lin was amazed when he saw this.

This Earth Spirit Sword is really extraordinary. It can actually turn an ordinary weak woman into a sword fairy who can control flying swords in an instant.

No wonder Zhou Ximei was so scheming that he was willing to give up everything to get the sword.

"We greet the master!"

Seeing that his son and the captain had died tragically, one of the tall men was the first to bow down.

Seeing this, the remaining guards also bowed down and surrendered respectfully.


Zhou Ximei showed a happy look on his face.

Pointed at the tall man.

"What's your name?"

"Master, my name is Zhao Erchang."

"Yes, from today on, the master will give you the surname Zhou, appoint you as the captain of the guards, and follow me to take over the family!"

The tall man was overjoyed.

Immediately kowtowed and said: "Zhou Erchang is willing to go through fire and water for the master, and die!"

The other guards all showed envy.

Zhou Ximei glanced at them and said: "The rest of you are my first batch of subordinates. When the family is under my control, I will not treat you badly!"

"We are willing to die for the master!"

The guards swore in unison.

Chen Lin watched with interest.

He found that he had never seen this woman clearly. Before, he just thought that she was scheming and ambitious. He didn't expect that her skills were also excellent, and she really had the spirit of the head of the family.

However, he couldn't be sure whether this spirit was inherent in the other party or was affected by the Earth Spirit Sword.

At this time, Zhou Ximei turned around and came to Chen Lin.

First, he bowed, and then said in a deep voice: "This is my cousin Lu Jinan. From today on, he will be the chief worshiper of our Zhou family. The whole family must obey his orders!"

"Yes, see the chief worshiper!"

The guards responded in unison.

Chen Lin nodded and said nothing.

"Let's go, follow me to clean up the clan members!"

Zhou Ximei waved the Earth Spirit Sword and walked out of the courtyard with great momentum.

Next, Chen Lin once again saw the skills of this woman. She used both kindness and force. In less than a day, she completely grasped the power of the family and sat firmly on the position of the head of the family.

He also saw the horror of the Earth Spirit Sword.

This sword is more powerful in the opponent's hand than in Zhou Xuanwu's hand, which should be related to the blood compatibility.

If he didn't use the death gaze, Chen Lin didn't dare to say that he could beat the opponent.

In addition.

Zhou Ximei showed her cruel side.

Anyone who didn't obey her orders would not be left alive, and those who wanted to obey her orders but were threatening would be killed.

In the entire Zhou family, there were only her and another branch girl who was still in her infancy. No one could compete with her for the position of the head of the family.

If it weren't for the fear that the Zhou family's bloodline would be cut off, Chen Lin felt that the opponent would not even keep the baby girl.

That was really something. The whole mansion was trembling, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

But in this way, the Zhou family was also seriously injured, and it might take many years to recover.

Chen Lin didn't care about this.

On the second day, Zhou Ximei worshiped the ancestors in the ancestral hall. He got the pipe and the rare treasure, and then left the Zhou Mansion and began to formally explore this mysterious city.

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