Hearing Zhou Ximei's request, Chen Lin was noncommittal.

He does have this heart.

Because he was worried that he was not strong enough this time and would not be able to get the treasures Niu Niu left for him, or that the treasures had been taken away by people from the six major families. If he could cultivate a force to stay here, it would be the best choice.

But it takes ten thousand years to come in once, so the value of cultivating power is really not great.

"Let me give it a try!"

Chen Lin still left something to say.

If it's not difficult, try it. If it's too difficult, forget it.

Zhou Ximei was overjoyed.

In her mind, Chen Lin is comparable to a top grandmaster. If the two of them join forces, they are not without the strength to compete.

"Sir, I have a treasure here that may be useful to you."

With anticipation, Zhou Ximei immediately took out something and placed it in front of Chen Lin.

"This is?"

Chen Lin picked it up and checked it casually.

What the other party took out was a fan, but it was square and not a rare treasure.

"This fan was obtained by killing an outsider on my way back."

"It seems that it can be driven by the power of the soul."

"But I can't use the power of the soul, so I can't verify the authenticity. You still need to try it yourself."

Zhou Ximei explained.

"Have you met an outsider?"

Chen Lin was a little surprised and gently unfolded the fan.

What made him a little speechless was that the unfolded fan was actually square, which looked awkward.

One side of the fan is blank, and the other side is a landscape painting.

There are mountains, water, and a boat.

There is a figure of a man in white clothes on the boat, and he seems to be carrying a sword.



Chen Lin's expression paused, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. This landscape painting gave him a sense of déjà vu.

"What's wrong, sir?"

Seeing Chen Lin's huge reaction, Zhou Ximei couldn't help but be a little confused.

"Tell me about the outsider's situation. It must be detailed and no information can be missed!"

Chen Lin's expression became more solemn.

He remembered that the reason why this landscape painting suddenly seemed familiar to him was that it was somewhat similar to the painting by Li Fuyao in Zhiwu County.

Maybe he saw it wrong.

After all, the pictures on the fan are also square, and the details are difficult to distinguish.

But this woman Li Fuyao is too mysterious, and she has a life-and-death feud with him. She must be careful of the other person's avatar in the world.

"At the end of the meeting, the patriarch of the Ma family and I were walking back. A man who claimed to be an outsider stopped us and asked for the jade talisman to enter the holy land. I told him that he didn't believe it, so he started fighting. The patriarch of the Ma family and I were Join forces to kill."

"The Ma family is more powerful than us, so I just wanted this fan, thinking that you might be able to use it. I gave the rest to Chief Ma."

First describe the situation.

Then Zhou Ximei asked the maid to bring a pen and paper. After a while, the pen started to draw a character.

Chen Lin only took one look and confirmed that it was not Li Fuyao's clone.

Not only is this figure a man, but he is also very tall. Even if he is square, he can clearly tell that he is not the same person as Li Fuyao.

Of course, it is not impossible if Li Fuyao's remaining soul seizes his body, or he refines a clone of another shape.

"Is the other party alone? Does he have any companions?"

Chen Lin asked again.

Zhou Ximei shook his head.

"Without companions, if we had companions, Patriarch Ma and I might not necessarily be each other's opponents. In addition to this fan, the other party also has a dagger, which is also very powerful."

"Is it?"

Chen Lin thought for a while, didn't hesitate anymore, got up and came to the courtyard.

Then try to use your soul power to activate the fan.

Everyone is dead, and it is impossible to find out the origin of the fan. It is better to try to find out the mystery of this thing first.

Since it can be used by outsiders, it must be able to break through the rules of this place, and there must be something wonderful about it.

It didn't take much effort, the soul power was injected slightly, and the fan immediately reacted.

Then Chen Lin's expression changed.

As he expected, this fan was also a rare treasure.

After being inspired, the sword behind the man on the boat flashed and he immediately pulled out a piece of the sword from its scabbard.

And this section is in a normal shape!

Immediately afterwards, a bright sword light shot out and landed on the courtyard wall in a flash.


But it didn't look very powerful, and it failed to penetrate the courtyard wall, leaving only a shallow sword mark.

"This seems to be of no use!"

Zhou Ximei looked disappointed.

Seeing that Chen Lin could activate this thing, she thought it was some special treasure, but it couldn't even penetrate a brick wall, so it was really of no use.

"not necessarily."

Chen Lin took a deep look at the painting on the fan.

Then he ordered the guards outside to go to the kitchen and catch a chicken.

Try again.

Just as he expected, after the sword light flashed, the live chicken suddenly turned into a dead chicken.

This fan is driven by the soul, and it also attacks the soul.

The most important thing is that this fan is somewhat similar to the summoning type. Like the mermaid sword, it consumes very little soul power.

"Congratulations, sir, on getting another rare treasure!"

Zhou Ximei also understood and immediately congratulated her.

Chen Lin also smiled.

What he likes most is the soul treasure, especially at this time.

After obtaining this object, his strength immediately increased greatly.

"Yes, it seems that your Zhou family is indeed destined to become one of the six major families. When will the competition begin?"

"Just tomorrow."

Zhou Ximei answered immediately.


"Then I will represent your Zhou family and try the methods of the six family masters!"

Chen Lin agreed.

Then he said: "Your Zhou family should have a treasure house. Take me to see if there are any treasures that can be used."

Zhou Ximei didn't care about such a request.

Without hesitation, she took Chen Lin to the treasure house.

It's a pity that after searching for a long time, nothing useful was found, so Chen Lin could only return disappointed.

No words were spoken that night.

The next morning, Chen Lin and Zhou Ximei came to a large courtyard used for gatherings.

"Haha, the local force that Fellow Daoist Lu mentioned turned out to be the Zhou family. It seems that Fellow Daoist Lu is also a straightforward person."

Just after entering the courtyard, I ran into Shen Wenling and Shen Anning, uncle and nephew.

Shen Wenling was the first to greet with a smile.

Chen Lin did not dare to neglect him and immediately returned the greeting: "Hello, senior. My cultivation is low and I cannot get close to the six major families. I can only use some extraordinary means. I am sorry to make you laugh."

The other party must have found out his situation clearly, so there is no need to hide it.

Not only him, outsiders who want to enter the holy land basically have to unite with local forces. After all, the masters here have to give way to the real masters.

"Daoyou Lu is too modest. The means are not important, as long as the goal can be achieved."

Shen Wenling waved his hand.

Then he said: "What I said before is still valid. If Daoyou can't get a quota, you can come to me."

"Of course, of course, thank you for your care."

Chen Lin bowed his hands to thank him.

Shen Wenling nodded, said nothing more, and walked into the room with Shen Anning.

Following them, there was also a timid little girl, about twelve or thirteen years old. Although Chen Lin was puzzled, he did not ask more questions.

"That little girl is from the Ma family."

After Shen Wenling and the other two entered the room, Zhou Ximei suddenly whispered in Chen Lin's ear.

Chen Lin's heart trembled.

This short sentence contained countless blood.

It seems that the Ma family is in danger.

He was still thinking about asking the head of the Ma family for other things from the outsider after the competition, but now he is afraid that there is no hope.

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