Back in the cave, Chen Lin released Shi Yuelan.

And explained the situation.

"An original interface?"

After listening to Chen Lin's story, Shi Yuelan stood there in a daze.

Then she became very excited.

"There are no other strong people here, so doesn't it mean that the resources of the entire interface are all ours?"

"No, no, no."

"It's Master's, all Master's."

Shi Yuelan shrank her neck and found her own language error.

But Chen Lin didn't care.

He smiled and said, "You can collect them as you like, but there were originally many monsters in this interface, and the natural treasures were all wasted. High-level spiritual objects are rare."

"Okay, go check it out yourself!"

After another detailed introduction, Chen Lin waved his hand.

"I have already told Bai Yueguang about your situation. If you don't understand anything, go and ask her."

Shi Yuelan couldn't hold back any longer.

After Chen Lin finished speaking, he immediately left the cave to check the situation of the interface.

Chen Lin did not delay, and after a simple preparation, he came to the seabed node again.

Tongtian River.

As soon as he left the node, a strong sense of life and death crisis appeared in Chen Lin's heart.

Talent warning!

Chen Lin was shocked.

He did not hesitate to change his position and retreat back to the node.

The defense array inside could resist even ordinary real realms, which could delay time and give him the opportunity to use other means.

The pipe could not be used, and there was also the mermaid sword.

But he soon found out.

The source of danger was not the cultivator.

But a fish of nothingness.

Chen Lin's eyes flashed.

He did not rush to escape.

His eyebrows swelled, and he first gave the opponent a death stare.

The body of the fish of nothingness paused.

But it returned to normal immediately.

And it became more furious, and it was about to attack again with a swing of its tail.

But Chen Lin could not give the opponent a chance, and without hesitation, another death stare was sent out.

Then he threw the golden silkworm bottle out.

While the body of the fish of nothingness was stiff, he put it into the silkworm bottle.

The lid closed automatically immediately.

One thing can defeat another. The Golden Silkworm Bottle is the nemesis of the Void Fish. Once it is put in, there is no way to get out.


Seeing this scene, Chen Lin couldn't help laughing in his heart.

The Death Gaze is indeed very restrained against this thing. As long as there are enough Golden Silkworm Bottles, he can catch a large number of this fish.

It is a way to make money.


The number of Golden Silkworm Bottles is rare, and its value is comparable to that of real treasures, and it is very difficult to obtain.

He only has one left in his hand.

After a brief inspection, Chen Lin put away the Golden Silkworm Bottle and swam away.

He did not collect the sand between his fingers.

After swimming a distance, he chose a direction and left the river.

He has been away for more than a thousand miles.

After a round of inspection, seeing that there were no other practitioners around, Chen Lin took out the black and white jade pendant.

Only the black part of the jade pendant was left.

It was like a black worm, wriggling slightly.

The white part was placed in the secret room of the cave. He came out this time to try whether this thing could break the interface.

Put the 'black crystal worm' in front of him.

After a little sensing, Chen Lin frowned.

After coming out of Kaiyuan Realm for such a while, the soul power that was originally filled up has dissipated a lot.

And it is still dissipating.

In this way.

He wanted to fill up the soul power in advance and use it as a treasure that can break the realm at any time, but he couldn't do it.

Every time he uses it, he needs to use up the soul power three times. Not to mention breaking the realm at any time, he has to find a safe place when using it.

Unless there is a treasure that quickly replenishes soul power, this disadvantage can be solved.

No more thinking.

After putting away the distracting thoughts, Chen Lin continued to inject soul power.

Although the soul power injected in advance will dissipate, after all, the time from the node is still short, and not much dissipated.

This time, before the soul power is exhausted, the black crystal worm was stimulated.

The tentacles at one end are looming.

But Chen Lin suppressed it.

Did not let the tentacles grow completely.

Then unfold the long river of fate and make divination predictions.

The fate line did not see any danger, Chen Lin felt relieved, and continued to inject soul power to completely stimulate the black crystal worm.

The black crystal worm's tentacles protruded.

It shook for a while, then aimed at a certain direction and shot out a black light.

Just like last time, the light fell into the void, and did not shoot to the distance, but accumulated in front.

A black dot suddenly appeared.

It got bigger and bigger.

After a while, it turned into a hole of about a foot.

Chen Lin's eyes lit up when he saw it.

He had sensed the fluctuations of the white crystal worm from the hole.

Without waiting for the white crystal worm to be sucked out, Chen Lin immediately grabbed the black crystal worm and drilled into the hole.

The body tightened.

A dazzling moment.

Countless strange scenes flashed before his eyes.

After a long time, his body relaxed.

After landing, he appeared in the secret room of the cave.

Then there was a click.

The 'white crystal worm' placed on the stone table flew up, merged with the black crystal worm, and turned back into the form of a jade pendant.

Chen Lin waved his hand.

The slowly closing space channel was directly broken up.

To prevent someone from following.

"If I use this method to come in in the future, I really need to find a hidden place."

Watching the channel dissipate, Chen Lin thought to himself.

As long as the interface channel is broken a little, a strong person with space power can expand it.

If a strong person finds that he uses the space channel, he can follow him in at any time before it completely dissipates.

The hidden danger is not small.

In addition.

The fluctuation of the void channel can easily attract void beasts. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by void beasts during the transmission process.

And the higher you go, the harder it is to break through the void.

This is also the reason why the void world has strong requirements for setting up teleportation arrays.

Chen Lin weighed the pros and cons and felt that it would be better not to use this thing if it could be used.

There was no way this time.

He was eager to do the experiment and took a little risk.

When the mark of the inner world is completely eliminated and the innate ability is restored to the great success, accurate predictions can be made.

You can use it in any way at that time.

In any case.

The results of this experiment made Chen Lin very satisfied.

This means that the seabed node is no longer the only channel in and out. Even if the node collapses, it will not be impossible to find the interface and lose it.

But there are also regrets.

Chen Lin picked up the jade pendant.

Looking at the cracks on the white crystal worm, he sighed secretly.

It is such a small crack that greatly reduces the value of the jade pendant.

From two-way boundary breaking, it became one-way use only.

In other words, if the seabed node collapses, he can only use this thing to come in from the outside.

But there is no way to go out again.

If you want to return the same way, you have to fix the opened space channel with space means.

"There is no perfect thing in the world, this is already good."

Chen Lin put away the jade pendant.

People who practice cultivation should avoid greed. Not to say that they have no desires, but they must always keep their minds stable.

Then he took out another thing.

It was the spiritual plant master token that could be used as a medium.

After a little sensing.

Chen Lin was immediately happy.

This thing can also be connected to the corresponding scene here, so there is another way to leave.

But immediately, Chen Lin calmed down.

The situation in this scene is unclear, and he dare not enter easily.

The colorful scene is still outside the cage formation, and the degree of danger is difficult to estimate.

It is difficult to find someone to explore.

It is useless for ordinary practitioners to go in, basically sending themselves to death.

A high-level cultivator must be at least in the late stage of the Half-Void Realm. No one would hire such a person.

If he is forced, it will be even worse.

Not to mention that he does not have the ability, even if he has it, the person being forced is not willing, and it is easy to deliberately mislead and give wrong information.

It is better not to use it.

"We have to think about it in the long run."

Chen Lin did not act impulsively.

He put away the token and took out another jade talisman.

This is a communication talisman.

He paid a great price to get it from the trade fair.

There is a pair in total.

The other one was given to Qian Ziduo.

Chen Lin picked up the jade talisman and injected some mana into it.

One of the three patterns on the jade talisman suddenly lit up, as if it was echoing somewhere in the distance.

He was refreshed.

But he immediately put away the mana.

The pattern on the jade talisman represents the number of uses. Now there are only three times left, and it cannot be wasted easily.

It is enough to make sure that Qian Ziduo can be contacted. In this way, he does not need to leave here in a hurry.

When the situation deteriorates, Qian Ziduo will send him a message, and then it will not be too late to decide whether to leave.

After Chen Lin made the decision, he entered the state of cultivation.

Mainly to condense the domain.

This is the fastest way to improve strength in the short term, and it has certain benefits for the cultivation of innate skills.

The auxiliary items have been prepared long ago.

And there are also many related items in the storage bags picked up before, which are enough for the needs.

Time passed little by little.

Chen Lin is not unfamiliar with the condensation of the domain.

In the lower realm of the transformation of the spirit, he had already opened up the soul domain, and was a cultivator who opened up the domain earlier.

It’s just that there are too many means later, and one is stronger than the other, and gradually the soul domain has been marginalized, and it has not been improved along with the cultivation.

Now it’s not difficult to pick it up again.

However, the ‘virtual domain’ of the virtual realm cultivator not only requires a lot of energy, but also requires the integration of the innate magical power, and the use of the innate magical power to pry the law and open up your own small world.

This is very difficult.

It’s not difficult in the inner world, but it’s extremely difficult in the outer world.

It can be said that it restricts most people.

Because only gifted people in the outer world can possess innate magical powers at the stage below the true realm, ordinary practitioners do not have such abilities.

Chen Lin also sighed at this.

The inner and outer worlds were originally one, but because of the cage formation, they became two worlds, and even the rules were changed.

It is really hard to say which is better.

Of course, nothing is absolute in the world.

Practitioners in the outer world can also use some treasures to replace innate magical powers.

But this method is not available to ordinary practitioners.

Chen Lin has no worries in this regard.

As the imprint of the inner world becomes fainter and fainter, his power of law is gradually restored.

Weakening is inevitable, but it can still be used.

He has seven supreme laws, and he can use any one he wants.

He can even use multiple at the same time.

But in this way, the difficulty increases sharply, so Chen Lin still plans to use the law of destiny to create the domain first, and whether it needs to integrate other abilities will be discussed later.

Next, he tried to construct the domain.

But just as he entered the state, he was interrupted by the white fox.

"Master, please go and have a look. Something seems to be wrong with the divine seedling!" (End of this chapter)

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