As time went by at night, Chen Lin put down his weapon refining books and came to the rabbit cage. He found that the rabbit was still jumping around and nothing abnormal happened.

Now he was finally relieved.

The elixir he refined was similar in taste to the enlightenment elixir recorded in the Shuiyue Pavilion woman's book, but the appearance description was slightly different.

But now he has no time to do more careful verification. No matter how good the elixir looks, as long as it is not poisonous.

"It was made with more than three hundred spiritual stones. I hope you can use it!"

After making sure that the pill would not poison him to death, Chen Lin swallowed it in one gulp.

Spicy, sour and bitter.

Even if he swallowed it whole, Chen Lin's taste buds were tortured.

But soon, a mysterious feeling came to his mind, leaving him no time to think about the taste.

As this mysterious feeling appeared, Chen Lin felt that his thinking became extremely active. Many forgotten things in the past were remembered one by one. When thinking about problems, he became more organized and could discover things as quickly as possible. key point.


He was surprised at first, and then became ecstatic. He hurriedly took out the "Detailed Explanation of Elementary Spells", turned to the page of Expelling Objects and started reading.

This time he immediately felt different.

He thought he had studied this spell thoroughly before, but when he looked again, he found that he had missed many hidden key points.

The main reason is that he used scientific theory to deduce it before. Although it was rigorous enough, it ignored the difference between the scientific system and the training system.

After understanding it again, he took out the Xiaoyao Sword and continued to understand while trying it.

A quarter of an hour later.

Chen Lin, who was enjoying his cultivation, suddenly trembled, and the mysterious feeling quickly receded like a tide.

Then, he screamed, covered his head and fell to the ground.

He screamed and rolled around, wailing for quite a while before the splitting headache slowly dissipated.

"Is there something wrong with this elixir?"

Tormented by severe pain, Chen Lin couldn't help but doubt the reliability of the elixir.

But that mysterious feeling just now does indeed exist, and it does have the effect of increasing understanding.

In just a quarter of an hour, he had basically mastered the art of repelling objects and was already able to use it skillfully.

With a thought, Xiaoyao Feijian levitated out of thin air, like a flexible little fish under the control of the object-repelling technique, as if it were a finger-arm.

It seems that the effect of the elixir is quite good.

If he works hard with water, it will probably take at least several months, or even half a year, for him to reach this level of object-repelling technique.

But now it only took a quarter of an hour.

Of course, being so fast is also related to practicing for a long time before.

But the effect is also exaggerated.

However, although the effect was good, the side effects were also very obvious. The heartbreaking headache was really unbearable for him.

"Forget it, as long as it doesn't hurt to death, you still have to use it. If you learn a few more spells, your chances of survival will greatly increase."

As he murmured to himself, Chen Lin's eyes became firm.

What he feared more than the pain and torture was the strange state here.

After taking a look at the rabbit that was still jumping around in the cage, Chen Lin rested for a while and started making talismans.

Early the next morning, he came to Fangshi with the refined fireball talisman. After selling the fireball talisman, he bought a batch of materials for refining the Enlightenment Pill.

When he came back, he started making pills.

After a whole day of repeated refining, I finally got two more black, spicy and pungent elixirs.

After cleaning up the iron pot and elixir furnace, Chen Lin stared at the two elixirs for a long time. Finally, he gritted his teeth, picked up one and swallowed it.

Along with the spicy and sour taste, the mysterious feeling appears again.

He did not dare to neglect and immediately began to understand the art of wind control.

Sure enough, as his understanding improved, he had a new understanding of this spell, and he felt a sense of enlightenment.

He suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and concentrated on the realization.

A quarter of an hour later.


Severe pain struck, and Chen Lin fell to the ground again holding his head.

This time the pain lasted longer than last time, and the pain became much worse.

After the severe pain, Chen Lin's face became a little ugly.

He never expected that the side effects of this elixir would change and become more and more serious!

In this case, he didn't know how many more times he could endure it. His previous idea of ​​relying on this elixir to refresh all the spells he could buy was in vain.

What made him even more depressed was that the effectiveness of this elixir did not allow him to master the wind control technique to a proficient state.

Using his magic power, Chen Lin's body slowly floated up from the ground, but it only floated less than half a foot before he began to lose strength.

Not only that, in the floating state, he couldn't drive his body to move at all.

The current situation can only be said to be a first glimpse of the door, not even a small success, let alone a master.

"No, since it is a wind control technique, it should be done with the help of the wind, and it should not be practiced inside the house!"

Suddenly, Chen Lin thought of something, slapped his forehead, packed up, and pushed out the door.

As the weather gets warmer, the ice and snow have gradually melted, and the number of monster attacks on the city has been decreasing.

Even so, Chen Lin did not dare to go too far out of the city. Instead, he began to practice the art of wind control in an uninhabited place on the edge of the shantytown.

As he expected, the effect of casting this spell in an open area was much better. There happened to be a breeze today. With the help of the wind, he could already float his body about three feet and move slowly with the wind.

This was very novel for him, who had never experienced floating in thin air, and he had a lot of fun for a while.

But after playing for a while, he stopped.

Because even in this state, it is still useless.

He did not learn this spell for juggling, but for fighting and escaping. The current effect is obviously impossible.

So I have to continue to increase my understanding of this spell.

What's more, this is a flying spell. If you don't master it, you don't dare to use it casually. It would be tragic if it falls halfway through the flight.

After resting for a while, he took out a small bottle from his pocket, pulled out the stopper, and poured out the remaining enlightenment pill.

It’s no longer possible to understand on your own, you have to take medicine.

After checking his surroundings again to make sure there was no danger, he closed his eyes and stuffed the elixir into his mouth.

Then, he began to practice with concentration.

It was a bit clumsy at first, but as the practice increased and my understanding of the spell deepened, the floating height began to increase, and the speed of movement in the air began to increase.

By the end of his training, he could even be more than two feet above the ground, but he was still a bit clumsy and could only fly in a straight line. The speed depended on the wind, and he was not as flexible as a bird.

But this is already the limit of wind control. After all, it is just a low-level spell, so you can't expect too much.

Feeling that it was almost time, Chen Lin hurriedly returned to the ground.

After a while, he skillfully held his head and leaned against a big tree, twitching continuously.

This time the pain intensified again, causing Chen Lin to claw his hands into the bark of the tree, making them drip with blood.

It took a long time to return to normal.

Chen Lin shook his sweat-wet robes and was in a daze for a while before preparing to return to his residence.

But the next moment, his whole body became tense, his eyes shrank and he looked not far away.

There was a person standing there!

"Lao Yu?"

As soon as he pressed his hand on the hilt of Xiaoyao Sword, Chen Lin screamed in surprise.

He knew this person, it was Yu Yuehai, an old man who lived in the same courtyard with him and usually lived in seclusion.

"How will you be here?"

Although he lived in the same courtyard, he didn't know this person very well and had little contact with him, so Chen Lin was still very vigilant.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Chen is indeed a man of great perseverance. He can endure this kind of mental torture. I looked down on you before."

A smile appeared on Lao Yu's old face, and he kept looking at Chen Lin, which made Chen Lin feel a little creepy.

"What do you mean? What do you want to do? I advise you not to pretend to be a ghost, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Chen Lin's tone was stern. Before the other party could speak, the Xiaoyao Sword that had been held suddenly shot out and went straight towards the other party!

Having lived in two lifetimes, he knew very well the principle of striking first to gain the upper hand, and since the other party appeared here at this time, it was impossible to say that there was no purpose, so he took action directly.

But after all, he was not a ruthless person and did not want to ignore other people's lives. This sword was taken from the opponent's shoulder and did not directly attack the vital point. Even if he wrongly blamed the opponent, there would be room for relaxation.

But his expression immediately changed.

The other party just raised his hand slightly, and his flying sword was easily clamped between his two fingers, making a buzzing and trembling sound.

"Tsk, tsk, you are very decisive, but it's a pity that you are not ruthless enough. What a woman's kindness!"

The old man's wrist shook, and the flying sword snapped into two pieces.

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