After separating from Mu Linglong, Chen Lin came to his shop and thought about the other party's words in the training room.

The other party's words should not be false, but when Fairy Baiyin taught him the Soul-Destroying Finger spell, she didn't give any special instructions, and she didn't even show anything unusual.

"Hey, aren't all the experts willing to play riddles and just say what they have to say?"

Chen Lin was a little frustrated and secretly complained about these two women.

"Proprietor, there is a man named Yan Wuya looking for you in the store, saying that he is your friend."

The new shopkeeper is called Lu Youcai. He is also an old monk who is proficient in business management. He is in the late stage of Qi training and has already signed a contract of betrayal with Chen Lin.

Not the kind on paper, but a powerfully binding soul contract.

It's not that Chen Lin has a strong desire for control, but that he basically practices in the cave all year round. It's impossible to manage such a large store without someone who is completely reliable.

So no matter what means are used, loyalty must be guaranteed.

When he heard that it was someone from Yunhai who was coming, he immediately nodded and went downstairs with the shopkeeper.

"Brother Yan, what happened to you to end up like this?"

The appearance of the people in Yunhai shocked Chen Lin.

Some people would believe that the opponent's current state is that of a zombie. It is dry and has no moisture at all, and it is exuding a gloomy aura.

"Haha, something went wrong and made Brother Chen laugh."

Yunhairen smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Brother Chen, can we talk to you alone?"

Chen Lin glanced at the other party and took him to the back room.

"If Brother Yan is in trouble, it's okay to say it. If I can help, I won't turn a blind eye."

After the two sat down, Chen Lin said something special.

The man from Yunhai didn't say anything, but took out a box covered with talismans from his pocket. After opening it, a phalange appeared inside!

"This is?"

Chen Lin looked over doubtfully, a little surprised, because there was a faint aura of the nightmare world on this finger bone.

Yunhairen took a breath and said: "I heard that Brother Chen has entered the Nightmare Realm, so he should be able to feel the Nightmare Realm aura on these finger bones. To be honest, I also entered the Nightmare Realm with the help of the Nightmare Realm aura from Silver Tiger City some time ago. In addition, I also had nightmare coins and road guides in my hand, so I directly bought a substitute and left the scarecrow hut, but unexpectedly entered a magical scene, and this finger bone was taken from that scene."

"Oh? What's so magical about it?"

Chen Lin raised his eyebrows and stepped back while asking.

It's not surprising that the other party has nightmare coins and road guides in his hands, but he doesn't want to come into contact with things from the nightmare world. It would be a tragedy for Wanzi to be pulled into the nightmare world, especially in other unfamiliar scenes. It is impossible for every nightmare to happen. All creatures in the world would be as polite to him as a little girl.

Seeing Chen Lin's actions, Yunhairen laughed dryly and said: "Brother Chen, don't be nervous. The aura of the nightmare world contained in this item is very small, and it is not pure. Unless you actively use special treasures to stimulate it, it has no ability to bring people to it." Pulled into the nightmare world."

Chen Lin waved his hand and said: "Now I try to stay away from things in the Nightmare Realm as far as I can. It's so weird in there. I don't want to go there a second time."

Seeing Chen Lin's attitude, the Yunhai people smiled and said: "Actually, the nightmare world is not as scary as imagined. If you are lucky enough, you can still get huge benefits, otherwise even the Nascent Soul Master will not go to the nightmare world. Explored.”

Chen Lin still shook his head, "If Brother Yan wants to invite me to explore the nightmare world, then forgive me for not being able to help. Brother Yan should find someone else."

He might go explore the Nightmare Realm, but definitely not now, and even if he went, he wouldn't be with the other person.

This person has a deep scheming mind and never tells the truth. Going on an adventure with such a person is just looking for trouble.

However, the Yunhai people had no intention of inviting Chen Lin, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, brother Chen, I just want you to introduce me to Fairy Silver!"

After saying that, he resealed the box and pushed it in front of Chen Lin, saying, "Brother Chen, please give this to Fairy Silver for a look. I believe she will definitely meet me."

Chen Lin frowned.

There's no problem with introducing him, but he doesn't really want Fairy Silver to enter the nightmare world. She doesn't sit in the city, which always makes people feel unsure.

But in the end, he nodded and said: "Yes, but I am only responsible for the introduction. I can't guarantee whether the master will meet you."

Even if he doesn't help with the introduction, the other party will find other ways. If the phalanx really interests Fairy Silver, she will blame him for it.

After the box was sealed, the aura of the Nightmare Realm stopped coming out. After Chen Lin put away the things, he got up and headed to the City Lord's Mansion.

Fairy Baiyin was practicing and came out of the practice room after hearing Chen Lin's request to see her.

"What do you want from me?"

Chen Lin usually never takes the initiative to ask for an interview, but it makes Fairy Baiyin a little curious.

"This is the master. Yan Wuya from the Yan family in Yunhai Fairy City wanted to see the master and took out this thing that seemed to be an item from the nightmare world. The disciple knew that the master was very concerned about the affairs of the nightmare world and did not dare to If you make the decision without permission, come and ask Master for instructions."

After saying that, he took out the box containing the finger bones and handed it over.


Silver Fairy was slightly surprised. She did not pick up the box directly with her hands. Instead, she wrapped it with magic power and held it aside, and then opened it with magic power.

"It is indeed something from the nightmare world!"

Seeing the finger bones inside, she spoke in a low voice, then waved slightly and took the finger bones in her hand.

"Where is the other person?"

Putting the finger bones in front of her eyes and looking at them, Fairy Baiyin looked at Chen Lin and asked.

"Waiting in the disciple's shop."

Chen Lin bowed and answered, secretly saying that it was a good thing that he didn't send the Yunhai people away directly. The master really paid great attention to the items in the nightmare world.

"Well, you did a good job. Go and call people over. Call them to the meeting hall in front."

Fairy Baiyin put the finger bones back into the box, and suddenly thought of something, and said: "How is the practice of the Soul-Destroying Finger going?"

Chen Lin's heart moved and he immediately said: "Disciple is stupid and has just started."

Fairy Baiyin pondered for a moment and said: "This secret technique is indeed difficult to understand, but it is very effective on special occasions. It will be good for you to take more time to practice it."

"Yes, disciple knows!"

This has been made clear, and indeed, as Mu Linglong said, Fairy Silver did not do it unintentionally when she gave him this spell.

While Chen Lin was thinking about the use of this spell, he returned to the shop and then brought Yun Hairen to the city lord's mansion.

Fairy Baiyin didn't leave him alone, so he returned directly to his cave.

"Husband, Senior Sister Mu just sent me a jade slip. She said that she had something urgent and had to leave for a while. She asked me to hand it over to you. You will know after reading it."

As soon as he returned to the cave, Qin Lingyu came over and handed him a jade slip.

"okay, I get it!"

Chen Lin probably guessed what was in the jade slip. After taking it, he checked it and then put his spiritual consciousness into it.

As expected, there was a map inside, which was the place that Mu Linglong said could assist in practicing the Soul-Destroying Finger spell.

"Senior Sister, did you say where she is going?"

After watching for a while, Chen Lin put away the jade slip and looked at Qin Lingyu.

Qin Lingyu shook her head, "No, but he seemed in a hurry. He handed me the jade slip and went straight away with his sword."

"Did Yu Jian leave?"

Chen Lin was stunned. If he was going to the Teleportation Hall, he wouldn't need a sword at all. Then the other party would be going to the wild.

Then he stopped paying attention. The other party was a Jindan monk, and it was not his turn to worry about his safety.

Since even the Silver Fairy asked him to practice the Soul-Destroying Finger quickly, he should go check out the place on the map while there is nothing important to do now.

Just do whatever comes to mind, Chen Lin gave a brief explanation and then headed to the Teleportation Hall.

The location on the map is not near Baiyin Immortal City, or even the surrounding cities, but in a place called Wanku Mountain, which requires the use of the teleportation array of Xuanguang Immortal City for transit.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to go to Xuanguang Fairy City to see how the old shopkeeper Tian Haifujiang's branch was doing.

After sending a message to Fairy Silver, he started to set off.

Originally, Chen Lin, as the true disciple of Silver Fairy, could use the city's teleportation array without using spirit stones. However, for the sake of safety, he did not use his original identity. Instead, he disguised himself and paid the spirit stones like an ordinary monk. Then he mixed among the monks and teleported to Yunhai Fairy City.

After finally getting out, he was not in a hurry and stayed in Yunhai Fairy City for a few days before leaving in the teleportation array.

Xuanguang Fairy City.

This city is one of the three super cities in the northern world of immortality. The city owner Xuanguang Zhenjun is a late Yuanying monk. In addition to him, there is also a middle Yuanying monk and an early Yuanying monk in the city.

In the entire northern world of immortal cultivation, there are only about twenty known Nascent Soul Lords, and there are three of them in this city. You can imagine how strong their background is.

After walking out of the teleportation hall, Chen Lin wandered around the city. After getting to know more, he used the communication talisman to contact Tian Haifu.

After getting the reply, I followed the address to the store.

"Meet the proprietor!"

Because Chen Lin told him not to reveal his identity, Tian Haifucai saluted respectfully after taking Chen Lin into the secret room at the back.

"Well, it seems that you are running a good business, but this shop is not mainly about making money. It is mainly about gathering information and collecting treasures. If you come across good things, don't be afraid of flower spirit stones. Buy them as much as you can."

"Okay, I'll take note of it, old slave." Tian Haifu respectfully agreed.

Chen Lin heard this and said: "There is no need to address yourself as a slave. You are also a Foundation Establishment monk now. You can just address yourself as normal. I won't care about this."

Tian Haifu shook his head and said nothing, but his attitude was very clear.

Chen Lin let him go, thought for a while and said, "How are the negotiations for the teleportation array places to go to the southern world of immortality? What conditions does the other party want?"

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