Although a bit whimsical, Chen Lin was in high spirits and wanted to try it no matter what.

Once the experiment is successful, he will have an extra trump card that no one knows.

Mainly because of Yu Yuehai, Ye Jingyun didn't know.

If the production is successful and the power is as great as he expected, it may be his hope to get rid of the opponent at the right time.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, causing Chen Lin to walk back and forth on the ground.

It took him a while to calm down.

After deducing the feasibility again, and confirming that it was possible to succeed, we started to try to make it.

Although his heart was burning, Chen Lin did not act in a hurry. Instead, he took out the broken weapon refining manual and reviewed the contents above.

In order to ensure a thorough understanding, he did not hesitate to waste an Enlightenment Pill and sort out all the contents, including his own assumptions, again during the drug's effect.

After making sure that there are no problems at all, start refining.

First, he cast a diamond shield on himself, then picked up the thunderbolt beads and carefully carved formation patterns on them.

This one alone made him sweat profusely.

The thunderbolt beads were originally detonated with magic power, but he had to use magic power to carve formation patterns on them. The degree of danger can be imagined.

As long as there is a slight mistake, the thunderbolt beads will explode.

Fortunately, he was skilled enough and succeeded in the first attempt.

Then he carved the second one, which was also successful.

This smoothness greatly increased Chen Lin's confidence, and he immediately put away the supporting materials and got ready to start.

The auxiliary material is a substance that is like mercury, but has a slightly higher hardness. It is dark in color and is called black silver.

Black silver has strong mana conductivity and can be condensed into various shapes. It is a commonly used low-level material in refining magic weapons.

Although black silver is not expensive, it is the most expensive material for making thunderbolt beads.

Chen Lin spread the black silver into a flat surface.

The method he speculated was to wrap two thunderbolt beads engraved with formation patterns, and then inscribe a connecting formation on them, so that the formation patterns on the two thunderbolt beads would be superimposed on one place and merged into a larger bead. Easy to use.

And according to his speculation, the effect of such superposition is not a simple addition, but a multiple increase in power.

Of course, the specific situation will not be known until it is refined.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Lin carefully placed the two thunderbolt beads into the auxiliary materials, and then used his magic power to engrave the formation pattern.

As the formation patterns were outlined one by one, the last critical finishing step was soon reached.

As long as the array patterns are connected end to end to form a complete array, the refining is complete.

But this is also the hardest time.

In the past, refining a single thunderbolt bead always failed at this step. The energy leakage generated when the magic circle was connected could easily break the internal balance of the material and explode the material.

Chen Lin's face became solemn, and he even cast a diamond shield spell on himself.

The materials used this time are two thunderbolt beads. Once they fail, they may explode with great power, so they must be prepared in advance.

Don't blow yourself up just because you innovate a magic weapon.

Just as he was about to take action, Chen Lin thought of another flaw.

His purpose for making this combination of Thunderbolt Beads was to deal with Yu Yuehai or Ye Jingyun at the critical moment, and not to refine them so arrogantly.

If he makes too much noise, wouldn't he have to be noticed by them?

Although there was movement when refining a single thunderbolt bead before, it was similar to the movement of a failed alchemy, but now that the material has become a thunderbolt bead, it is different.

The power of two thunderbolt beads might even blow up the house.

After thinking for a while, he came to the side of the house and removed the wooden boards on the ground piece by piece, revealing a three-foot-square hole with a ladder inside.

This is a vegetable cellar, used to store food for the winter to prevent it from freezing. It is not authentic.

And he didn't dig it, it was already there when he rented the house.

At the beginning, he did plan to dig a tunnel inside to lead to the outside, but because there were no storage bags at that time, it was very inconvenient to transport the excavated soil. He did not live alone in the yard, and there were many people watching. miscellaneous.

The purpose of digging tunnels was to hide them. There was no point in making it known to everyone, so he gave up the idea.

Despite this, he deepened and widened the vegetable cellar, and even opened a small room at the bottom to the side.

His idea was that if a monster attacked, he could hide inside for safety.

Now it can be used as a place for refining weapons.

Take out a luminous stone, then lie down with light, then go back and cover the lid.

Then instead of walking up the ladder, he used the wind control technique and floated down.

The vegetable cellar is more than three feet deep, and it becomes more spacious as you go down.

There weren't many things inside, they were all ordinary food stored, and some of the original owner's daily necessities, which he had thrown here.

There happened to be a broken table board that had not been used before. Chen Lin picked it up and wiped it clean, nodding with satisfaction.

When doing experiments here, even if an explosion occurs, it won't sound too loud outside. It should be similar to the noise he usually makes.

As for whether it will collapse the cellar, it shouldn't be that powerful.

It doesn't matter if he is buried alive, he still has the Earth Escape Talisman to escape.

After preparing for a while, Chen Lin took out the semi-finished product that had been refined to the key points, placed it on the wooden board and cast a diamond shield on himself.

After thinking about it, I felt that it was not too safe, so I took out the Vajra Talisman I bought before and activated it, forming another light mask, and then I felt a little relieved.

In fact, even with double-layer defense, Chen Lin is not very confident. His biggest reliance is the Six-Ding Xuanjia Talisman, otherwise he would not dare to take such a risk.

He took out another luminous stone and placed it on the wall above his head. The light was just right.

Then, Chen Lin stood in front of the wooden board, calmly, and carefully began to carve the last formation pattern.


As soon as the beginning and end of the array pattern came into contact, a bang was heard and two masses of fire exploded.

A burst of impact shook Chen Lin back, but a look of shock appeared on his face.

Failure was expected, but the power of the explosion after the failure was beyond his expectation.

too weak.

Not to mention activating the Liuding Xuanjia Talisman, even the shield created by the Diamond Talisman outside could not be broken, and it only made it tremble slightly.

With such power, even if there is no defensive means, that is, the clothes will be blown to pieces, and the skin and flesh may not be injured.

"This is unscientific!"

Chen Lin didn't understand.

He had secretly tested the power of thunderbolt beads before, and one of them was stronger than this, but here, two of them exploded together.

Is it possible that there are strong and weak Thunderbolt Pearls, and these two happen to be the weak ones?

Chen Lin thought about it and thought it was impossible.

They are all made from the same materials, how could they be different? What's more, they are all products of innate abilities, so there will definitely be no difference.

Then, there is another reason.

He couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

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