Chen Lin was shocked when he caught a lucky treasure chest on the first fishing line.

Not daring to be hesitant, he pulled the treasure box to the shore. Just as he was about to check it, he saw the shadow of a golden toad appear on the lake.

"Dear guest, you are very lucky. However, the value of the items in the luck treasure box varies greatly. You may not be able to get the treasure you are satisfied with. You can choose to sell it to me. My unified recycling price is 20 A nightmare coin."

Jin Chan Xuying's mouth opened and closed, and he said something that made Chen Lin stunned.

The other party actually recycled this thing.

But the price doesn't seem too high.

Judging from the three treasure boxes caught by He Changhong, it seems that each one is worth more than twenty nightmare coins, and one of the treasure boxes even contains a hundred nightmare coins!

Even so, Chen Lin was still a little tempted, because there might not be nightmare coins in the treasure box, and he didn't have many nightmare coins on him.

If the nightmare coins are exhausted, you can no longer continue fishing.

"Thanks for the reminder, but this is the first lucky treasure chest I've caught. I want to try my luck."

In the end, Chen Lin politely refused.

Even if he wears the Luck Gloves, he doesn't dare to say that he will definitely be able to catch the Luck Treasure Box. If there is an Origin Ball in it, he will be in trouble. Even if it is not an Origin Ball, but some other special high-level treasures, he will not be able to catch it. Good deal.

Moreover, the Luck Glove consumes a lot of his own luck, so he cannot use it multiple times. If he misses this one, he will never have the chance to get it again.

Jinchanxuying glanced at Chen Lin, nodded and said: "As you wish, please pay the fishing fee as a distinguished guest. This is a rule restriction and I must collect it."

Its tone was very polite, and at the same time it glanced at the straw amulet on Chen Lin's chest, with a look of fear deep in its eyes.

Chen Lin didn't notice the change in Xuying's expression. Knowing that the rules could not be changed, he immediately took out a nightmare coin and threw it to the opponent.

The golden toad phantom swallowed the nightmare coin and slowly faded away.

Before disappearing, Xuying glanced at Chen Lin's amulet again, hesitated and reminded: "Dear guest, I want to remind you that once some things become dependent, the consequences will be fatal. Foreign objects are foreign objects after all. Things can be used, but cannot be relied upon..."

Chen Lin frowned as he looked at the calm lake.

What does the other party mean by these words? Is there something wrong with the gloves?

Or is he deliberately being alarmist to prevent him from continuing to fish for the Luck Treasure Box with his gloves?

For a moment he couldn't figure out what the other party meant, so he ignored it for the time being. Instead, he held the treasure box in his hand and observed it.

The treasure chest is rectangular, not too big, and is integrated. There is no gap that can be opened, but there is a button-like protrusion on one side.

Chen Lingang put his hand on the button, intending to try to see if it could be opened, when he saw numerous figures in the distance, and it seemed that many creatures were coming towards him.

Thinking of the scene where a large number of anglers came over to squeeze in fishing after the old man caught the treasure chest last time, he immediately put away his fishing rod, gathered his spiritual power, and walked into the woods holding the treasure chest.

Soon, a feeling of rejection came over him, and the figure slowly disappeared.

In the secret room, Chen Lin opened his eyes.

First, he glanced around him and saw that the treasure box had been brought out. His face was relieved. Then he looked around again, and finally looked outside through the crow puppet's field of vision.

After making sure everything was OK, he took the treasure box in his hand.

Without hesitation, press directly on the raised button.

In his shocked eyes, the treasure box instantly turned into a ball of golden light, slowly disintegrating, and an item was suspended in the air!

Chen Lin was happy and surprised when he saw this item.

Because this thing is nothing else, it is actually a one-armed circle!

Although it was not as big as the one he got from the merchant, almost half the size, the wave and shape it released were exactly the same, and he would never admit it wrong.

Taking the thing in his hand, Chen Lin fell into thinking after making sure it was correct.

In terms of value, this item is barely worthy of the specifications of the Luck Treasure Box, but in terms of demand, it is more important to him than any other treasure.

But apart from refining soul-refining pills, no one would be able to use such a strange thing, and it also requires luck pills.

Wouldn't it be useless if someone else caught it?

If you are caught by a one-armed creature, your life may be in danger.

In addition, he was in urgent need of this item, and it was directly opened from the treasure chest. Is it too much of a coincidence?

After thinking about it, Chen Lin felt that it couldn't be such a coincidence. Either it was the golden toad's fault, or the treasure in the luck chest appeared according to the needs of the anglers.

Either way, it's very shocking.

If it was Jin Chan's fault, it means that the other party has magical powers such as mind reading and can know what he is thinking. All anglers are transparent in front of the other party.

It would be even more exaggerated if the luck treasure chest could match treasures according to the needs of anglers.

The Nightmare Realm is connected to many interfaces, but he has seen more than a dozen strange creature types during this period. The cultivation systems of these creatures cannot be the same, and the treasures they need are even more diverse, not to mention how the treasure chest is known. What everyone needs is that the source of these high-level treasures is also puzzling.

"Amazing, amazing!"

Chen Lin was amazed and puzzled.

Then he stopped thinking about it and was secretly glad that he didn't exchange the treasure chest for twenty nightmare coins, otherwise he would really have lost money.

The one-armed circumambulator is a living creature. According to the walking merchant, the effect will be greatly reduced once it dies. He did not dare to delay and started refining the soul refining pill directly.

He has refined this elixir countless times, and it is very easy to master it. However, because it is the elixir of Qi Luck Alchemy, he can only rely on his natural ability to succeed.

"What's going on?"

As he continued to practice, Chen Lin's expression suddenly changed dramatically!

He discovered that after refining three furnaces in a row, there was no success!

Not only did he not successfully produce the elixir, but the mysterious energy of his innate ability also did not appear.

This shocked him.

If he loses his natural ability, then he is just an ordinary monk with extremely poor qualifications. Let alone the path to immortality, he may not even be able to condense the Nascent Soul.

His ability to reach this point as a second-level qi practitioner in his forties is entirely dependent on his natural ability. Without this ability, he is nothing.

At this time, Chen Lin couldn't help but think of Jin Chan's last reminder. Could it be that he meant something, and there was a price for using the Luck Gloves?

Chen Lin forced himself to calm down and continued to refine the elixir with a sinking face.

This time he did not refine the soul refining pill, but chose another pill. He wanted to test whether there was something wrong with his natural ability or the wrong material for the one-armed detour.

When he was refining to the third furnace, his nervous eyes did not blink, and there was no mistake. However, until the alchemy furnace made a popping sound of failed alchemy, there was no scene where his natural ability was stimulated.

Chen Lin's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

But he did not stop, but continued to refine the next furnace.

Just when he felt heavy and thought he was bound to fail, the invisible hand of his innate ability appeared again, condensing the pills that were about to fail into several pills.

Chen Lin was stunned for a moment, looking astonished.

It turned out that it was not that his natural ability was gone, but that his ability was reduced because too much luck was consumed after using the Luck Gloves.

Then he took out the materials for the Soul Refining Pill and started refining it.

Sure enough, this time the elixir was refined in one go.

Looking at the ten soul refining pills in the pill furnace, Chen Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although it has become a four-time sure hit, it is better than disappearing directly. However, this luck glove is too deceptive. One use will cut off one level of his natural ability. You must know that he was promoted from foundation building. The golden elixir has only been upgraded by two levels.

If you use it a few more times, won't it return to its original shape and become a sure hit for the first ten times?

Chen Lin took out the Luck Glove. The more he looked at it, the more he thought it was useless, but he still couldn't help but want to use it. The key is that the Luck Box is really considerate, and whatever he wants comes to him.

No wonder the golden toad reminded him not to rely too much on external things. There are no free benefits in this world. If you want to gain something, you must pay for it.

The so-called foreign objects are not only items such as luck gloves, but also his natural abilities.

From practicing to now, he has indeed relied too much on this ability. As a result, he does not like to delve into refining anything. He knows many skills but does not know why. This aspect must be strengthened in the future.

In addition, this ability also caused him to lose his courage and diligence.

Because he can easily obtain resources, he never competes with others. He has almost never explored any secret realms or places like ruins. He always likes to hide in the dark when encountering things. This is actually contrary to the way of cultivation.

The cultivation of monks is to compete with heaven, earth, and people. They can act cautiously, but they cannot lack the determination to move forward, let alone the will to break through everything.

Otherwise, it will be okay at the low-level stage, but at the high-level stage, the cultivation level will not be improved due to state of mind problems.

Even now he feels this shortcoming. Since entering the late stage of the golden elixir, no matter how he uses the elixir, his cultivation level has improved like a snail. This is caused by a defective state of mind.

Both Luo Qinglan and Fairy Baiyin had reminded him of this several times, but he didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until he thought his natural ability had disappeared that he suddenly woke up from the deep powerlessness and fear.

"It's time to make a change!"

Chen Lin murmured to himself.

At this time, standing in front of the alchemy furnace, a special wave suddenly emitted from his body, and his whole person fell into some kind of wonderful situation!

Immediately, his cultivation level began to rise, and it increased by a large amount before stopping.

But Chen Lin still didn't break away from the wonderful artistic conception. Instead, he sat cross-legged and began to comprehend the magical powers, as well as the alchemy talismans and other skills he had mastered!

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