What Chen Lin didn't expect was that the node mentioned by Lord Phantom was actually in Wanku Mountain.

No wonder Mu Linglong knew about the soul-washing pool deep in the cave. He should have discovered it when he came here with Fairy Silver.

What made him even more unexpected was that Mu Linglong was still alive, but because his soul was damaged, his cultivation had dropped to the foundation-building stage, and he had become a little sluggish.

"I've met senior!"

The space node is in a large cave. The entire cave is sealed at the moment. True Lord Anmu is practicing in seclusion here while paying attention to Fairy Silver's situation.

Decades of time are just a snap of a finger for the Nascent Soul cultivator, and True Lord Anmu has not changed much.

"I didn't expect you to be alive. This is good news."

Lord Anmu has always had no expression, and now his tone was only slightly softened, which was already considered happy.

At this time, the Phantom Lord on the side said: "How is the situation over there in Baiyin?"

Lord Anmu shook his head, "It's not good. Once the nightmare starts, it can't be stopped. I'm afraid it won't last long."

Chen Lin's expression changed when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "Senior, this junior wants to go and have a look, what should I do?"

Seeing Chen Lin's anxiety, Anmu didn't say much and took him directly into a secret room inside. Then he took out a weird snow-white dagger and slashed it into the void in the middle of the secret room, and a crack in the void was opened. .

Immediately afterwards, the opponent got into the crack.

Although he was surprised about what the dagger was, Chen Lin didn't think much and got in immediately.

The Phantom Lord also followed suit.

As soon as the scene changed, Chen Lin found himself in a dark, dilapidated village. The familiar nightmare aura in the air indicated that this place was undoubtedly the realm of nightmare.

"in front of!"

Lord Anmu pointed forward, and Chen Lin followed.

Turning around an earthen wall, I saw a well, exactly the same as the well I encountered last time, and the Silver Fairy was sitting by the well.

At this moment, Silver Fairy's whole body was filled with black energy. She sat there with her eyes closed and motionless, as if she was suffering from great pain.

Chen Lin took a breath and walked over slowly.

I have learned from the Phantom Lord before that there is no danger in this well, but it is impossible to get close to it no matter what, and the Silver Fairy cannot get out of it.

Sure enough, when I walked about ten meters away from the well, it was like there was an invisible barrier that couldn't be crossed.

This feeling is very similar to reaching the boundary of the scene, but the road guide does not work.



Chen Lin shouted a few words loudly.

Not sure whether she heard it or had a reaction, Fairy Silver slowly opened her eyes.

But she just glanced at him and slowly closed her eyes.

Chen Lin's heart was as sharp as a knife.

He had always felt that he and Fairy Silver were not very close, and at first they were just using each other, but the emotions at this time told him that he had regarded the other party as a relative.

He really couldn't bear to watch the other person being transformed into an irrational nightmare creature.

Moreover, the other party has been trapped for more than thirty years. You can imagine how lonely and helpless he is. Even if the Yuanying monk is in a perfect state of mind, it is not so easy to bear.

"Two seniors, do you really have no solution?"

Chen Lin looked at the two Phantom Lords who were approaching, and asked in a dry voice.

Both shook their heads.

True Lord Phantom said: "I have thought of all the ways I can think of. Originally, I wanted to see if I could go to the south to cultivate immortality this time and try with True Lord Wanmeng, but the Yinming of the Great Crack in Wanhun Ridge The anger is so violent that I can’t get over it at all, and with the current situation, even Zhenjun Wan Meng probably can’t do anything about it.”

Chen Lin looked ugly.

He also thought about True Lord Ten Thousand Dreams, but now the distant water cannot quench the thirst for nearness, and even True Lord Phantom Spirit cannot pass the middle stage of Nascent Soul, let alone Wanhun Ridge, and if he waits until he breaks through Nascent Soul, then Silver Fairy has long been completely transformed into a nightmare, and there is no point in saving her or not.

Next, Chen Lin tried various methods, but neither other spiritual skills nor the soul-destroying finger worked. The barrier was invisible and there was no point at which it could be destroyed.

"Senior, is it possible that our road guide is not high enough, and this well is an independent scene, so it is impossible to enter?"

Chen Lin asked again.

Phantom nodded and said: "We thought so too, so we went to find the All-Lings True Monarch. The other party's Lu Yin has been upgraded and we can do a test. But according to my feeling, it may not be Lu Yin's problem, but that The frog used some special ability to lock this small space, because after the scene was generated, even the frog itself never appeared again."

Then he added: "It's a pity that there are no items related to this well except for the willow jar. Otherwise, we can try to see if it can be projected into it. If it can, it will prove to be a small scene."

After Chen Lin heard this and thought about it, he could only shake his head helplessly.

When he first encountered this well, he even dismantled the well platform, but all he took out was the willow jar and nothing else related to the well.

After thinking about it, he held the amulet on his chest and tried to contact Niu Niu. With the other party's ability, it might be possible to break the situation.

However, there was no contact, and the other party was still closed.

He even wanted to crush the amulet directly to summon Niu Niu, but he was worried that if he still couldn't contact her, he would have no way to actively contact the other party again, and even if he did, the other party would be in a sealed state and it would be difficult to do anything. Helping hand.

After observing for a while and seeing that Fairy Baiyin had no intention of opening her eyes, Chen Lin and the Phantom Lord left the nightmare world.

Back in the cave, Chen Lin met his senior sister Mu Linglong again, and as expected, he became dull.

The other party actually knew him.

"Junior brother!"

Seeing Chen Lin, Mu Linglong seemed to regain some energy and smiled slightly.

But it immediately became sluggish again.

No matter what I asked, he looked confused, and his memory was even more intermittent, and it was only limited to the part after Wanhunling was rescued.

Chen Lin's face was as gloomy as water. He gently adjusted the other party's clothes and whispered: "Don't worry, senior sister, I will save you and master. You protected me before, but now it's my turn to protect you."

After leaving the senior sister's room, Chen Lin met with the Phantom Lord and the two. After some exchanges, he opened a simple cave in the cave and entered the nightmare world.

Gambling luck lake.

This time Chen Lin did not hesitate and went directly to the lake, took out his luck gloves and put them on.

Ever since he traveled back in time, he has made calculations everywhere. Every time he did something, he had to weigh the gains and losses to see if it was beneficial to him. But this time, he didn't care about it anymore. He just thought that if the luck treasure box was as he guessed, what would happen to it? By generating treasures based on the needs of anglers, you may be able to get something that breaks the game.

Even if doing so would lower his natural ability by another level, he would not look back.

Take out the fishing rod to stimulate it and throw it out directly!

This time, I didn't have the same luck as last time. After waiting for two quarters of an hour, I didn't catch anything. Instead, the golden toad controlled the wooden boat and galloped over.

Of course, he did not immediately increase the output of the power of luck. He wanted to try whether he could catch the treasure chest by using the luck gloves normally.

After swallowing a nightmare coin from Chen Lin, Jin Chan looked at Chen Lin's luck gloves again, shook his head without saying anything, and turned to leave.

At this moment, the old man from the world of mountains and seas suddenly appeared. The golden toad drew a circle in the water and returned.

"Old man, your fishing fee has increased again this time, three nightmare coins at a time!"

Facing the old man, Jin Chan's attitude immediately became bad.

To Chen Lin's expectation, the old man was not angry this time, but calmly took out three nightmare coins and handed them to Jin Chan.

Jin Chan was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uninterested. He grunted and steered the wooden boat away.

Seeing the other party leaving, Chen Lin immediately said to the old man: "Old man, I have something to ask you. Is it okay?"

Fairy Baiyin was behind bars, and he no longer cared whether speaking rashly would cause displeasure to the other party.

"Tell me."

The old man threw the fishing rod into the lake and responded nonchalantly.

Feeling that the old man seemed to be in a good mood, Chen Lin told the story about the trapped frog and the Silver Fairy.

"Does my husband know how to rescue people from this situation?"

After asking, he looked at the other party expectantly.

"Toad again?"

The old man frowned, as if he didn't like frogs very much because of the golden toad.

Then, he spoke again: "Two ways, one is to find a guardian-level being from the nightmare world to break through directly. I guess the frog will be scared to death when he sees the guardian."

After speaking, he glanced at Chen Lin's chest.

Then he added: "The second method is to use advanced road guidance, and the level must be extremely high, at least level 4. The well can move with the frog, which is an exclusive scene for this creature. It seems that you are in In front of us, we actually don’t know where it is, and without the shuttle ability of Level 4 or above, we can’t locate it and break through it.”

"Lu Yin still has so many levels?"

Chen Lin was shocked, but his previous guess was good. The well where the frog appeared was a scene, but it became special with the presence of the frog.

"Of course." The old man said calmly: "And it's not just level four, but if you upgrade normally, you will need 10,000 nightmare coins to upgrade to level four. Do you have any?"

"Ten thousand!"

Chen Lin immediately gave up the idea of ​​using this method.

Not to mention ten thousand, he doesn't have even ten now.

But with the difficulty of obtaining nightmare coins in the nightmare world, who can get so many nightmare coins?

When I knitted an extra scarecrow for Niu Niu, I only received one Nightmare Coin as a reward.

"Ten thousand is a lot? There's a money tree scene where you can get it just by shaking it a few times. It just depends on your luck."

The old man said casually, then looked at Chen Lin and said: "Do you still have to find other ways? Just ask the person who gave you the amulet for help. Since he can give you the amulet, it means that your relationship is very unusual. This It’s just a trivial matter, so I won’t refuse.”

Chen Lin nodded and said, "Thank you, father-in-law, for clarifying my doubts. I understand."

After thanking him, he did not continue to ask, but focused on the fishing rod.

If he could ask Niu Niu for help, why would he risk his talents and abilities and come here to catch the luck treasure chest? But in the end, if he is desperate, he still has to give it a try.

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