"Fellow Daoist Chen, you also know that my style, Zhang Mazi, has always been to pay the price without any counter-offering. However, this matter of yours is not without room for research."

The shopkeeper touched his non-existent beard and spoke slowly.

"What do you mean? If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you still acting like a woman after not seeing her for a few days?"

Chen Lin was anxious and his tone was a bit unpleasant.

The shopkeeper was still unhurried and glared at him and said: "With your mentality, no wonder you have been unable to improve your cultivation. Immortal cultivators are most afraid of quick success and instant gain. They must be calm in everything they do, otherwise it is easy to go crazy and fall into the devil's way. ah!"

Chen Lin was stunned.

Then he cupped his fists and said, "What Fellow Daoist Zhang said is absolutely true. I have learned from you."

Regardless of whether the other person is squinting or not, this sentence makes sense.

The shopkeeper gave Chen Lin a teachable look, and then slowly said, "What is your success rate in refining this fireball talisman?"

He didn’t understand why the other party asked this question, but it wasn’t something that couldn’t be said. Chen Lin immediately replied: “One percent!”

"It's only 10%, it's a bit less, but with your cultivation level, it's already very valuable to be able to refine a first-level mid-level talisman. As your proficiency increases, it will improve."

The other party was talking to himself there, and Chen Lin didn't know how to interrupt, so he could only wait in silence for the next step.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I wonder if you are interested in joining our Zhang family?"

Suddenly, the other party raised his head and said something that shocked Chen Lin.

"What do you mean? Could it be that some young lady from your Zhang family has taken a fancy to me and wants me to marry you?"

Chen Lin immediately imagined countless scenes in his mind.

The Zhang family the other party refers to refers to the Zhang family, one of the five major families that cultivates immortality, and the one where the foundation-building powerhouse just disappeared.

Even if there are no more powerful foundation builders, they are still one of the five major families and have a strong foundation, which is not comparable to that of ordinary forces.

The most important thing is that the other party holds the elixir in his hand, which is what he lacks most now. In order to escape from this place, it is not impossible to sacrifice oneself.

"What you think is quite beautiful!"

The shopkeeper was amused by Chen Lin's words.

Then he squinted and sneered: "How can a toad like you, Miss Zhang family, match me? If you are willing to marry a mortal without spiritual roots, I can help you match her."

Seeing the shopkeeper's tone that was both true and false, Chen Lin immediately shook his head.

"Forget it about being a mortal. If we don't have a common language, we might as well be single. So what did Fellow Daoist Zhang mean by what he said before?"

The shopkeeper's expression straightened and he said: "You may have heard the news. Something happened to our Zhang family recently, and we are recruiting a large number of talents with various skills. Since Daoyou Chen can refine a first-order mid-grade talisman, Having met the recruitment conditions, if fellow Taoist is interested, I can report it to the family and invite fellow Taoist to become our family's exclusive talisman master."

Chen Lin was a little moved, "What are the benefits of becoming an exclusive Talisman Master?"

Whether it's getting married or becoming an exclusive Talisman Master, as long as you can get the elixir.

"As for the benefits, there are naturally many. Not only can you provide more talisman refining methods for free, you can also receive corresponding spiritual stones as monthly money, and you can also be taught how to make talismans by our Zhang family's talisman master. , it can be said that there are many benefits.”

The shopkeeper touched his chin and said proudly.

"With so many benefits, I'm afraid it's not that easy to get. Are there any restrictions?"

There is no free lunch in the world. No matter how much benefit you get, you have to pay the price. Chen Lin is clear about this.

The shopkeeper squinted and sneered, and said: "The conditions are very relaxed. All you need to do is sign an oath of inner demons and never betray the family for the rest of your life!"


Chen Lin sneered secretly in his heart.

It is impossible to expect these people to be kind. It is pure wishful thinking.

This is not recruiting a special talisman master. It is simply recruiting a slave and signing a contract of sale!

The oath of the inner demon has a very strong binding force on the immortal cultivators. Once violated, the inner demon will surely bite them back.

"Forget it, I'm used to being free on my own and don't like to be restrained. Thank you Daoist Friend Zhang for your kindness."

Chen Lin refused directly.

I didn't even bother to ask if I could provide a share of the elixir purchase.

He absolutely cannot swear the oath of the inner demon, and if he does, he will not be able to leave here.

The shopkeeper didn't care about Chen Lin's attitude, but took a deep look at him and said: "Fellow Daoist Chen, Kaiyuan City is getting more and more uneasy now. I advise you to think about it carefully. If you don't depend on us, I’m afraid the days ahead for the Immortal Cultivation Family will not be easy!”

Chen Lin was stunned for a moment.

Then he bowed his hands.

"Thank you, shopkeeper, for the reminder. I'll think about it again."

The shopkeeper shook his head, looking like you don't know how to appreciate someone.

After leaving Zhang's Trading Company, Chen Lin wandered around other stores and purchased a large bag of materials.

He went back after almost all his wealth was spent.

The snow is still heavy.

The snow on the ground is more than a foot thick, making it difficult for even immortal cultivators to walk.

I met almost no one along the way, except for a few, who were all monks who were in the middle and late stages of Qi training and had learned the art of flying.

Chen Lin was also very envious of the flying skill. If he learned this skill, his ability to survive in the wild would be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, this spell requires at least the middle stage of Qi training to learn, and it is said to be very difficult to learn.

At the moment, we still have to focus on improving our cultivation.

Alchemy must be put on the agenda immediately.

When he got home, Chen Lin made a fire to cook, and after eating, he started making talismans.

What he made was a powerful talisman, a low-grade first-class talisman, one of the only two talismans the original owner knew.

The Fireball Talisman is not profitable and wastes a lot of time, so it can only be put aside temporarily.

Although the Powerful Talisman is cheap, the original owner has mastered it skillfully, and the success rate can reach 30%. With his ten-time sure-hit talent, the success rate is a full 40%. Discounting the cost, every ten materials can earn two spiritual stones. about.

Get up early and stay up late, and you can refine twenty ingredients in one day.

That’s four spiritual stones in the account!

Use this craft to earn enough money from buying the material spirit stones before you can start trying to make alchemy.

Chen Lin hung a Do Not Disturb sign outside the door, and then started making charms day and night.

A flash.

Ten days passed.

With two dark circles under his eyes, Chen Lin looked at the thick stack of talismans in his hand with a sense of accomplishment.

The snow outside has become a lot thicker, and there is no intention of stopping yet.

If this continues, I won't be able to leave the house in a few days.

Chen Lin opened the window and looked worriedly at the snowflakes flying in the sky. He took a long time to look away.

However, the thing he had been worried about being investigated did not happen, which made him feel a lot more relaxed.

It took a lot of effort to open the door, briefly cleared the snow, and staggered towards Fangshi.

Zhang's Commercial Bank Branch.

The room was warm, but there was no one there.

Chen Lin took out all the powerful talismans and put them on the counter.

"You actually increased the success rate of the powerful talisman to 40%. There is progress!"

Based on the refining time, shopkeeper Zhang Mazi could calculate his success rate at once.


It was impossible for such a low-level talisman to be coveted, so Chen Lin did not try to hide it at all.

He nodded and said: "Yes, since I refined the fireball talisman, my understanding of talisman making has become deeper."

Zhang Mazi naturally had no way of knowing that Chen Lin was no longer the original Chen Lin and that he had the talent to win ten times. He just thought that Chen Lin had suddenly enlightened and his potential had been tapped.

While handing the spiritual stone for purchasing the powerful talisman to Chen Lin, he sneered and stared at Chen Lin.

Chen Lin looked a little hairy.

"What are you looking at? You don't want to steal money, do you?"

Chen Lin put the spirit stone in his pocket and held it in his hand, looking at the other person warily.

Zhang Mazi squinted and sneered, "You think I'm a poor guy like you, and this little spiritual stone is worth it for me?"

Chen Lin also knew that it was impossible for the other party to be interested in the money, but it was just to lighten the atmosphere.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Zhang Mazi touched his non-existent beard and said: "I have a cousin who has been widowed for many years. Although she is older, uglier, fatter, and has a bad temper, she still practices Qi. He has a fourth level of cultivation, and also has a younger brother who is in the late stage of Qi training. If Fellow Daoist Chen is interested, I can introduce him to you."

Chen Lin's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Resisting the urge to punch the other person's pockmarked face, he refused in a cold voice: "Thank you, shopkeeper, for your kindness. I really can't compare to your young lady from the Zhang family."

He can sacrifice himself to improve his cultivation, but he cannot sacrifice to this extent.

I thought that the other party would be unhappy if I said this, but Zhang Mazi thought about it for a moment, but showed an expression of deep approval.

He squinted and sneered and nodded, "You Daoyou Chen is indeed self-aware. You are right. I took it for granted. With your conditions, my cousin will definitely not like you. If I really introduce you, I will probably be beaten." If you scold me, then just pretend that I didn’t say anything about it.”

Chen Lin opened his mouth.

I was speechless.

He secretly cursed the other party for looking down on others. He didn't even have the mood to buy materials here, so he turned around and left.

After leaving the door, his chest was still heaving with anger.

But when I thought that these people were just a bunch of marionettes, my anger dissipated a lot.

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