The same answer, but the old monk did not disappear like last time, but instead exuded an ancient and terrifying aura!

Chen Lin quickly thought about countermeasures in his mind, and at the same time restrained his soul, and immediately returned to the real world when the situation was wrong.

"Don't kneel down when you see the Buddha!"

The old monk's voice sounded again, and he was extremely angry at this moment, as if he was about to take action.

Chen Lin frowned, suspecting that the reason why his last words didn't work this time was probably because he and the other party had switched to kneeling at Buddha statues. Different Buddha statues cannot be responded to with the same Buddhist words.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed, so he decided to give it a try and leave immediately if it didn't work.

Thinking of this, he was on guard while recalling words related to Buddha in his mind.

Then he chose a line that suited the occasion: "Buddhas are enlightened people, and people are unenlightened Buddhas. All living beings have Buddha nature. As long as there is a Buddha in your heart, everything you see is a Buddha. Why do you need to kneel down and worship?"

After saying that, Chen Lin's eyes lit up.

The old monk with the long nose suddenly fell into a sluggish state just like last time. A strange aura emanated from his body. At the same time, his nose began to shrink and became like a normal person.

Soon, the whole person faded away and disappeared bit by bit.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, he needed different Buddhist verses to deal with it. Fortunately, when he passed through the inner demon tribulation of Nascent Soul, he recalled some verses from his previous life.

Although he is no longer as helpless as last time, it is best to solve it in this way.

Suddenly, Chen Lin's expression changed and he slowly walked to the place where the old monk disappeared.

I saw a Buddhist bead appearing on the futon again, exactly the same as the one I got last time!

"Will you give me a Buddhist bead every time you give the correct answer?"

Chen Lin secretly guessed.

After sensing it and confirming that there was nothing abnormal about the beads, I picked them up and checked them.

After looking at it for a while, he took out the one he got last time and compared it. He suddenly found that the two beads were still somewhat different.

The colors and sizes are the same, but the patterns on them are slightly different. If you stick two beads together, the patterns can be coherent.

He thought thoughtfully. This thing seemed to be a set. He didn't know if he could get it together after a few more attempts, and what changes would happen after getting it together.

This was not the time for in-depth research. Chen Lin put away the two beads and then left the hall and went to the backyard.

"My lord, you have been waiting for a long time!"

True Lord Wanmeng was standing next to the big clock in the courtyard. Chen Lin immediately stepped forward to pay his respects.

"Haha, I have been here countless times, but I have never been able to enter the front yard. It seems that you, Fellow Daoist Chen, are indeed destined to be connected with the Buddha."

Lord Wanmeng smiled and did not ask Chen Lin what he encountered in front.

The other party didn't ask, so Chen Lin didn't take the initiative to say anything. Instead, he looked at the other party and said, "Sir, I only have one cassock. Can you take the two of us into the small door?"

Next to the small door, it was written that only those wearing the abbot's cassock could enter. He had this doubt before, but when he thought that since the other party asked him to come over, there should be no problem, so he did not ask.

Lord Wanmeng nodded, "Yes, you can enter as long as you are covered by the cassock. However, the cassock is too small and can only cover two people at most."

So that's it.

Chen Lin didn't speak any more and followed Zhenjun Wan Meng to the small door.

The small door was still closed and unlocked. He tried pushing it, but it didn't move at all like last time.

"You must use cassocks. It looks like a door here, but it is actually a teleportation array. Even I can't break it open."

After saying that, Wanmeng Zhenjun took out the cassock, shook it off, and covered himself and Chen Lin in it.

"Just leave."

He reminded him and walked forward.

Chen Lin followed immediately, feeling as if there was nothing, and walked directly through the door.

The scene changed and appeared in a small space.

There is nothing else in the space, only a huge stone step going down. Next to the entrance of the stone step is a towering stone tablet with the three characters "Demon Suppression Tower" written on it!

"This Demon Suppression Tower is upside down, all the way down. I don't know the specific floors, but I have only gone to the third floor so far."

Zhenjun Wan Meng briefly explained.

Chen Lin felt a little surprised. It turned out to be a tower buried underground. It was indeed very evil.

And what is suppressed by such unconventional means must be extraordinary.

"Sir, can these first two floors suppress monsters?"

Since it's called the Demon Suppression Tower, the ones suppressing it must be demons, because the other party came in very anxiously, and he didn't have time to ask about it when he was outside.

True Lord Wan Meng shook his head.

"It's hard to say, you'll know just by looking at it yourself, but be sure to follow me and don't wander around on your own."

After saying that, he walked down the stone steps.

Chen Lin hesitated for a moment, then started to follow.

The stone steps were very long, and the two of them walked for a long time before entering a space similar to a hall.

Seeing the scene in the main hall, Chen Lin was immediately stunned.

Monks, all monks!

These monks stand or sit, lie down or lie down in various postures, and the expressions on their faces are also different in joy, anger, sorrow and happiness.

But these monks were not alive, but seemed to be petrified, motionless there.

In addition, each monk was wrapped in thick chains, as if being tortured.

"These monks can move. As long as they come into contact with them, they will become demons and become extremely ferocious and very powerful."

Zhenjun Wanmeng explained, and then said: "Even if you don't touch their bodies and just pass by, these monks will come out to stop them, but the state without demonization seems to be just an illusion, so you don't need to pay attention to it. "

"Okay, let's go over there. I've been to this level many times. You'll be fine if you follow me."

After giving instructions to Chen Lin, Lord Wanmeng walked between the two skinny monks.

Chen Lin saw the two monks suddenly moving, one on the left and the other on the right to meet Zhenjun Wanmeng, with their hands clasped together.

"This is a powerful place to suppress demons. Please don't enter without permission and return quickly!"

At the same time, all the monks in the entire hall came to life and stood in front of True Monarch Wan Meng.

"This is a powerful place to suppress demons. Please don't enter without permission and return quickly!"

"This is a powerful place to suppress demons. Please don't enter without permission and return quickly!"

All the monks made the same sound, one wave after another, deafening.

However, Zhenjun Wanmeng ignored them completely and walked straight to the two nearest monks, then stepped out and passed through their bodies!

Chen Lin was amazed when he saw it.

If it hadn't been for the reminder from Lord Wanmeng, he wouldn't have been able to tell that these monks were illusions, and there would be no abnormalities in his spiritual consciousness detection. If he had come by himself, he would definitely have been tricked.

If you don't touch the real body, it will be an illusion. If you touch the real body, it will become a demon and become a real entity. The existence of the nightmare world is indeed as unreasonable as ever.

Chen Lin took a breath and quickly followed.

The two monks stared angrily and tried to block him, which was extremely real.

He could even feel the body temperature of the other person and the gas coming out of his breath. It was hard to imagine that it was an illusion.

But at this moment, as long as he dodges to the left or right, he will come into contact with the location where the two monks were before. If it is really an illusion, he will definitely touch their bodies and cause them to become demons.

Lord Wanmeng had already demonstrated that it was naturally impossible for him to retreat, so he took one step forward and bumped into the bodies of the two monks.

Then it felt like nothing was passing through their bodies.

What a hallucination.

Chen Lin secretly thought something strange in his heart, and then continued to follow Wanmeng Zhenjun. No matter how many monks stopped him, he ignored them and made his way to the opposite side.

Another downward stone step appeared in front of him.

Looking back at this moment, these monks have all returned to their previous appearance, like sculptures, and none of them has moved.

"The steps here must be taken in an odd number. Remember, don't take the wrong step, otherwise the danger on the next floor will increase."

True Lord Wanmeng reminded him again.

Chen Lin nodded solemnly.

The first level is so terrifying. You can imagine what the second level will be like. You don't know how long it took the other party to figure out these rules. They must have encountered a lot of hardships.

Following the example of Lord Wan Meng, he landed on every other step and reached the second floor smoothly.

This is also a main hall, larger than the first floor.

But there are not so many monks, but many Buddha statues.

Chen Lin glanced around and found that each of these Buddha statues looked fierce, and they all held swords in their hands.

"This is a killing array. I didn't find the rules for the first time. I almost died here when I forced my way in. Don't act rashly."

There was a hint of fear in Zhenjun Wanmeng's voice, as if this place had left him with bad memories.

Chen Lin nodded immediately.

Even the other party almost died, let alone him. Whether it was cultivation strength or understanding of the nightmare world, there was a huge gap between him and the other party.

"Come with me!"

This time, Lord Wanmeng did not explain how to break the killing formation, but started walking forward directly, and Chen Lin immediately followed.

Then he discovered that Wanmeng Zhenjun circled every Buddha statue three times, and there were pros and cons, which almost confused him, and he finally walked out of the killing array.

Chen Lin secretly kept the process in mind so that he could use it if he came in to explore alone in the future.

"Take even numbers for this step."

Zhenjun Wanmeng's voice sounded, and Chen Lin followed him downwards.

the third floor.

This floor is also a main hall, smaller than the previous two floors.

And this floor is also very clean, there is nothing superfluous, and there are not even steps going down!

There were only seven monks sitting in the center of the hall.

The seven monks formed a circle. Each of them had a wooden fish in front of him and a hammer in his hand.

They were also motionless, as if they had become rigid like the monks on the first floor.

And in the middle of the surrounding area, there is a snow-white lotus.

Seeing this scene, Chen Lin's brows instantly furrowed and he looked suspicious.

This scene was exactly the same as the ancient temple space he entered with the Seven Buddha Pictures in Guyuan City.

If he remembered correctly, even the appearance of these seven monks was exactly the same as that of the Seven Buddhas!

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