Chen Lin handed the chart to Qian Li.

When he lived on Xiaoqiu Island of the Sea King Sect, he participated in an exchange meeting held by Yunhai people and killed a Yinji monk on his way back. This sea map was obtained from the other party's storage bag.

According to the information recorded in the storage bag, the location of the sea map was an undersea ruins, where there was a technique for condensing Yin Dan. At that time, he was quite excited and wanted to explore it.

Qian Li took the chart in his hand with some confusion, looked at it carefully for a while, and then showed a look of surprise.

"Yes, this is the place. Could it be said that the traces of previous explorations there were left by you, Brother Chen?"

Although the chart was simple, he had a deep memory of the place that changed his life, especially the triangular island mark. He was hunted there and had to dive into the sea, and then accidentally entered the ruins.

Chen Lin shook his head.

"No, I just got the chart of this ruins, but I haven't been there. The person who went there happened to be killed by me. The chart is a trophy."

Qian Li grinned and said nothing.

He knew that Chen Lin was not a good man and a believer, and there was no one who could cultivate to the realm of Yuanying who was not ruthless. However, this had nothing to do with him, as long as the other party still recognized him as a friend.

After thinking about it, he took out a talisman pen and drew on the blank space of the sea map for a while, and then said to Chen Lin: "This is a location on the north side of Vientiane City. The teleportation array connected to the ruins is there. Brother Chen You can go and have a look if you need to.”

Chen Lin smiled and said jokingly: "Yes, you are still as good at doing things as before. I am optimistic about you."

After speaking, he looked at the chart and put it away.

"Since you gave me a gift, I can't take it for nothing. It just so happens that there is a magical secret method that matches the method of practicing Yin Dan. Let's see if you can use it."

Chen Lin took out the jade slip that recorded the magical power of the golden body and handed it to the other party, along with a purple light bottle.

The biggest trouble for Yin Dan monks is the invasion of Yin Qi. If the opponent does not have a good solution, this magical power is just right to use.

After speaking, he reminded: "To practice this technique, you need something called purple gold glaze liquid, which is a specialty of the Ziguang tribe. You should look for it yourself first. If you can't find it, tell me and I will help you find it."

Qian Li read the contents of the jade slip and was immediately overjoyed.

"Thank you Brother Chen for the gift. This technique is of great use to me. I am worried about the invasion of Yin Qi. Although I can suppress it, I can't relax at all times. As a result, I can't even go to Wuzhen Tower to find the fairy for dual cultivation. open."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Chen Lin and said mysteriously: "Brother Chen, do you know that Fairy Azhu, one of the two mortals, is in the Wuzhen Building in the city at this time. I wanted to kiss Fangze, but unfortunately If you fail to do so, if you, Brother Chen, take action, you will definitely be able to take that beauty into your arms, do you want to give it a try?"

Chen Lin suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

He said speechlessly: "Brother, this suggestion of yours is very dangerous. If Sect Master Luo knew that you advised me to go to a brothel, I'm afraid the end would be very tragic."


Qian Li's expression changed drastically.

He only thought that Chen Lin had longed for Wuzhen Tower in the past, so he thought of using this to get closer, but he forgot that the other party had already formed a Taoist couple with Luo Qinglan.

Thinking of Luo Qinglan's decisive and killing style, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

"Brother Chen, I didn't say anything just now. You must never go to a place like Wuzhen Building. That kind of dirty place is not something that a gentleman like you can set foot in. You and Sect Master Luo are the immortals, but... Don’t let your feelings get hurt because of this!”

Qian Li looked solemn, as if the words he just persuaded people to go to the brothel were not his.

Sensing the other party's strong desire to survive, Chen Lin couldn't help laughing.

Then the smile faded and he said with curiosity: "I have seen Fairy Alan, one of the two mortals, and she is very extraordinary. What kind of fame does Fairy A Zhu have? Also, I heard that the number one card in Wuzhen Tower is It's the 'One Immortal', have you seen it?"

Qian Li hurriedly shook his head and said, "No!"

Seeing Chen Lin's expression of disbelief, he immediately explained: "This is really not true. I heard the news about Erfan, but the person in charge of Wuzhen Building said that Fairy Azhu did not see guests. It must be that I did not catch her eye. As for the As far as I know, the Yixian that Brother Chen is talking about is actually the boss of Wuzhen Building, but no one seems to know who it is, it’s very mysterious.”

Chen Lin just asked casually. Although he was curious, with his current status, it was impossible for him to go to Wuzhen Building again.

The two chatted while eating until late at night.

The life of a monk is divided into day and night. After the two came out of Lingshi Pavilion, Chen Lin separated from Qian Li and returned to Qingyang Sect.

Originally, he wanted to invite Qian Li to Qingyang Sect, but the other party had already opened up a situation in Guangming City, and the Lingjiu business was doing very well, so he had no intention of coming here.

However, he felt that the other party was simply a fairy who couldn't bear to part with the Wuzhen Tower. There was no Wuzhen Tower on Qingyang Island.

His former friends were still alive. Chen Lin was in a good mood and strolled to Luo Qinglan's retreat.

"Ah, I have met the true king!"

Maybe Luo Qinglan was at the critical moment of breaking through the bottleneck. There was someone guarding outside the secret room, and they hurriedly greeted him when they saw him.

Chen Lin glanced at the other party. She was a mature female cultivator with golden elixir cultivation.

Although he had been in Qingyang Sect for some time, he had not seen him before. He must have been a monk who had just returned from an outing.

Suddenly, something clicked in my mind, and I asked, "What's your name?"

The female cultivator couldn't help but blush slightly, lowered her head and said, "Reporting to the True Lord, my junior's name is Ling Ziyan. She went out on a mission before and just came back the day before yesterday."

It is indeed this person.

Luo Qinglan can make the other party's guard responsible. It seems that he has great trust in this person, which is reasonable. After all, the other party is also an old man of Qingyang Sect.

The other person's face turned red, he probably remembered him, and probably also knew that the shopkeeper wanted to introduce him to him as a Taoist companion.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head secretly. He guessed that Luo Qinglan asked the other party to be a guard not only to trust him, but also to test him secretly.

"You go and rest, I'll guard here."

Without further chatting, Chen Lin waved the other person to leave, and then he began to check the results of his trip outside.

First of all, I learned that the God Crystal can replace the God-Gathering Stone, and I am one step closer to refining the Soul Embryo.

In addition, I also got a lot of nightmare coins, and the gambling lake scene can be used again. Even if I can't catch the luck treasure box, I can increase my luck by catching more fish and shrimps.

From this trade fair, he has seen that treasures that can contain luck are very rare, and the luck fish in the gambling lake are also of extremely high value.

Luck is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it can really play a huge role at critical moments.

Moreover, the luck increased by eating fish is non-toxic, harmless and has no side effects. Although it is small, it is better than stable. If the quantity is sufficient, it is much better than the strong luck technique.

The most unexpected thing was getting the Time Sand.

Thinking of the Time Sand, Chen Lin took out the king-level time snail from his backpack. This snail was larger than the normal time snail and the color was brighter.

According to True Lord Chi Guang, if you want this snail to generate Time Sand faster, you need to feed it with spiritual fluid and flesh and blood essence. Otherwise, it will take decades to produce one.

Spiritual fluid and flesh and blood essence are two things that are of high quality and are worth a lot of money, and they are also large consumers of resources.

Chen Lin took out a container, used magic to get some water, then poured in half a bottle of spiritual liquid, took out a pile of high-level monster meat that had been stored before, and began to refine the flesh and blood essence.

After the essence of flesh and blood has been extracted, the monster meat is useless. It can be easily collected and disposed of as garbage, and then the container is returned to the backpack.

Feeling the bulging things in his backpack, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

In fact, what he needs most now is a space treasure that can accommodate living bodies. Otherwise, there are too many things that cannot be put into the storage bag. Always carrying a package with him is too cumbersome, and it will also affect the ability of True Lord Nascent Soul. image.

Unfortunately, let alone the acquisition, there is not even relevant information.

With a sigh, Chen Lin stopped thinking about it. Instead, he took out the ten thousand-year lightning strike wood he got at the trade fair and began to sense the thunder patterns on it and understand the meaning of thunder and lightning.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Luo Qinglan has not left seclusion, and there is no movement in the training room.

But Chen Lin is not worried. Every small realm in the Nascent Soul stage is not easy to break through. Let alone more than ten days, even a few years of seclusion is normal.

However, he felt that with Luo Qinglan's divine phoenix body, it shouldn't take that long.

During this period, Ling Ziyan came over twice, both times asking for opinions on how to handle the sect's affairs, and he also helped make decisions.

"Have you met the True Lord? Is there any sign of the sect leader coming out of seclusion?"

On this day, Mu Xingchen returned to the sect and came to check on the situation.

"No, it may take some time. How is the pick-up going? Is it going well?"

As soon as Mu Xingchen came back, he no longer had to worry about the sect's affairs, and Chen Lin felt a lot more relaxed.

"Everything goes well, and there is a disciple of the True Lord in the secret realm opened this time!"

Mu Xingchen smiled and answered.

Chen Lin was stunned for a moment, "Disciple, what disciple?"

He has never accepted a formal disciple since he started practicing. If he had to count, Teng Jiuliang from the Teng family in Starfall Continent would be considered one, and the rest, such as He Yuqing and others, were just in name.

Suddenly, he looked astonished and said, "Master Mu is talking about the two babies you gave me in Danding City, right?"

Mu Xingchen nodded, "Zhen Jun is right. It is the elder sister of the two children, named Sun Yun'er, and the younger brother Sun Xingwang has been dead for many years."

After hesitating for a moment, he continued: "Back then, Zhenjun, you gave the sect master the quota assigned by the alliance to enter the secret realm, and the sect master gave it to your disciple. Unfortunately, the other disciple did not get the opportunity to form a pill in the secret realm. , now that she has run out of oil and is getting old, I wonder if Zhenjun can give her a chance to form an elixir?"

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