Chen Lin couldn't help but frowned when he heard the cat-headed monster's words.

He also learned some information about the eight-arm circumference from the walking merchant. It seemed that creatures with no more than eight arms could not touch it. Now that the other party said so, it seemed to be true.

But he couldn't help but wonder, if this was the case, how did the person who left the recipe for the soul-refining pill refine the genuine soul-refining pill?

Thinking of this, he asked tentatively: "Is there no way to close the eight-arm circumference ability?"


The owl nodded.

But he immediately added: "But I don't have it, and it's impossible for me to get an eight-arm circumference."

After thinking for a while, she spoke again: "Is it okay to do a one-armed circumambulation? The fortune treasure box here is normally worth the same as a one-armed circumambulation. Even two-armed circumambulation is not the same, unless the luck is against the heavens." If you open the origin ball, you can indeed reach the level of eight-arm circumference, but I have been wandering here for nearly a hundred years and I have never seen anyone open the origin ball."

Chen Lin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and refused.

The Soul Refining Pill refined through the Qi Luck Alchemy Technique no longer has much effect on him. There is no way to upgrade his soul, so the one-armed detour is no longer needed.

Moreover, this treasure box was a big gift from Jin Chan, and he suspected that there would be unexpected good things in it.

Seeing Chen Lin's refusal, the cat-headed monster thought of his second request.

She blinked her cat eyes and said: "It's not impossible for you to go to my interface, but my guide is only effective in the nightmare world. Currently, there is no ability to break through the boundary and locate the interface you are in, unless you If you can come here in person, then I can take you to my interface."

Then she added: "But I want to remind you that the cultivation system of my interface is completely different from yours. Not only will you not be able to practice there, you will also be rejected by the interface. Moreover, the level of the interface I am in is not low. If you go There is also the possibility of being killed directly by the power of the interface."

Chen Lin's face turned dark when he heard this.

In this case, what else would he do, commit suicide?

However, the other party's explanation made him understand the truth. If they wanted to sneak across, they had to find an interface with the same cultivation system, otherwise they would be rejected.

Even if it is not rejected, it is equivalent to being abolished if there is no way to practice.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the head in the lake with a look of pity. The old man was a human race like him, and his training system must be the same. The other party's interface was the most ideal, but now this channel was completely cut off.

"In this case, our deal cannot be concluded. However, if Miss needs the Luck Treasure Box, she can first prepare some of the exchange conditions I mentioned, and come to me for exchange next time I catch the treasure box."

After saying that, Chen Lin's figure slowly faded and disappeared.

The cat-headed monster watched quietly and did not make a move.

Waiting until Chen Lin's projection completely left, she glanced to the side and said calmly: "Is there a time when the shadow demon can't see the treasure and doesn't take action? It seems that your realm has been sublimated again, and you can even suppress your greed."

Following her words, a dwarf-like black shadow appeared, with abstract features and a body covered with patterns. These patterns emitted slight fluorescence, isolating the nightmare energy.

"Haha, even a strong man like you doesn't dare to do anything. How dare my little shadow demon dare to touch the Guardian's people!"

The cat-headed monster stretched out his paw and stroked his beard, and said thoughtfully: "Tell me, how strong can the guardian behind the other party be? Is it possible that he is also the kind of person who is trapped in a prison?"

Shadow Demon smiled and said: "I don't know how strong it is, but before you came, the golden toad gave him a golden energy, so he caught a luck treasure chest with one rod."


The cat-headed monster exclaimed.

Then he glared at Shadow Demon angrily and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? If that were the case, I would have exchanged that treasure box for you no matter what. The treasure chests fished out by the golden toad's golden energy are all good things!"

"Why should I tell you? You didn't tell me the last time that guy from the underworld stole my golden crab..."

The shadow's voice became smaller and smaller, and its figure disappeared.

The cat-headed monster stamped its feet angrily and left the spot.

Chen Lin opened his eyes, looked around, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The cat-headed monster didn't take action.

It seems that private fighting is really not allowed around Gambling Lake, otherwise with the strength of the other party, he would definitely be able to keep him.

Of course, as the other party said, rules are not static, so you cannot rely on the rules for your own safety. You still have to think carefully and be cautious.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his body, Chen Lin looked at the golden treasure chest with a happy face.

The treasure chests produced in Gambling Lake all have the same appearance. He is already familiar with the process. He activates the Xuanwu Shield to protect himself, presses it on the bulge on the side of the treasure chest, and then quickly retreats to the corner of the secret room.

The treasure chest suddenly turned into a ball of golden light and dispersed, revealing an item.

There was no danger.

"This is?"

Chen Lin looked at the round ball of light floating in front of him with some doubts and some expectations.

According to his understanding of the treasure chests in Gambling Lake, the treasure chests caught by anglers will usually contain the treasures the anglers need. He originally thought they would be nightmare coins, road guides, eight-arm detours or even acceleration. The duality of God fully formed.

But this ball of light is obviously not.

It looks like an air dribble ball, but it is much larger than an air dribble ball, and it contains a very mysterious aura.

After sensing this breath, he actually felt an emotion of 'desire' for no reason!

Chen Lin's eyes lit up.

Could it be that it was the original thing that Niu Niu said could increase his talent, the original ball in the mouth of the cat-headed monster?

He couldn't help but get excited at the thought that it might be such a treasure.

After checking, I didn't sense any evil energy in the ball of light. Instead, the desire in my body was getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Lin no longer hesitated, took a breath, stretched out his hand and touched the light ball lightly.

As soon as his fingers touched the ball of light, the ball lit up instantly and then penetrated into his body along his fingers.

Before he could react, an extremely wonderful feeling enveloped his whole body, and it was so warm. Both his body and soul were very comfortable, making him not want to move at all.

Although it was just a small ball of light and contained not much energy, it took Chen Lin a full month to absorb it.

Qin Lingyu and Sun Caiyi were too worried during the process and even wanted to break through the formation to check. Chen Lin, who felt the fluctuations in the formation, could only release Chen Bao from the spirit beast bag and let him go out to inform him of the situation. Only then did the two women feel relieved.

This day.

Chen Lin felt that the wonderful energy in his body was completely absorbed, and his eyes slowly opened.

He checked his body suspiciously, and felt that there was no change. Then he checked his soul, and it was the same, and there was no change.

"Is it the origin ball? What has changed?"

Chen Lin couldn't help but murmur.

The operation was quite mysterious, but it would be funny if he only strengthened the source of his talent and nothing changed. The way he needed to break the situation now was not a slow improvement.

Moreover, he could not check whether the source of talent was increasing or not, and could not be sure.

Standing up, Chen Lin checked himself up and down again, and after still finding nothing, released the alchemy furnace.

Take out the materials and start making elixirs.

His innate ability is manifested in crafting items, perhaps with some variation in this aspect.

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed possible. Chen Linyou became hopeful and stared at the alchemy furnace intently.

If the talent and ability can be improved to a sure hit, it will be of some use at present.

However, with the muffled sound in the alchemy furnace, the expectation on his face turned into disappointment.

If you hit it once, there is no chance.

Then the alchemy furnace was cleaned and materials were put in again.

The second furnace still failed.

Chen Lin frowned. His natural ability has not increased, so what exactly does this light ball add?

After thinking about it, he continued to put in the materials for the third refining, intending to refine this elixir smoothly and then check other aspects.

Then his expression changed.

When the elixir was finally combined according to the elixir refining process, the invisible big hand did not appear, and the elixir suddenly exploded halfway through!

Three times is not a sure win!

Chen Lin was very surprised now. After the thing suspected to be the Origin Ball was absorbed, instead of increasing his talent, he was downgraded?

What he was refining was the Zi Xuan Dan. It could be said that he was extremely proficient in it. Although it was a recipe for Qi Luck Alchemy, as long as he reached the upper limit of his natural ability, he would definitely succeed without any exception.

So it's definitely not a problem with his refining techniques.

Chen Lin looked gloomy, took a breath, and continued refining.

Four times.

five times.

eight times.

Until the tenth time, the invisible hand did not appear again.

Chen Lin became completely confused, and then clenched his hands tightly into fists.

He felt that he seemed to have been tricked by the golden toad!

The other party pretended to be respectful to him and tried to please him by giving him a treasure box, but in fact he wanted to assassinate him in this way!

But he immediately shook his head and rejected the idea.

With the golden toad's ability to kill the old man from the mountain and sea world at will, it wouldn't be so troublesome to deal with him.

Besides, the other party can't guarantee that he will use the treasure box for himself. If he trades it to someone else, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

After thinking for a while, Chen Lin continued to experiment, but after refining dozens of furnaces and running out of materials, he could not activate his innate ability.

I had no choice but to give up and start changing direction.

He felt that something must have changed in his body, but he couldn't find it.

Next, Chen Lin first practiced magic and magical powers, and then carried out actions such as improving his cultivation level and arranging formations. He wanted to see if his natural abilities had been transferred to other types. For example, if you practice a spell ten times, you will definitely succeed.

However, the facts told him that it was not.

He checked every aspect unwillingly. As time passed by, his face became increasingly ugly.

Finally, just when he gave up hope and was about to give up, he tried to mobilize the power of his luck.

A sudden change occurred!

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