Chen Lin asked Xiaocao to eat the elixir, then put his hand on the other person's back to help him run the technique and refine it.

He immediately noticed something unusual.

Whether it is the mana he inputs or the pure spiritual power released by the elixir, as soon as it encounters the overbearing energy in the opponent's body, it will be immediately crushed and expelled from the body, unable to survive at all.

So that’s it!

Chen Lin took his palm back, feeling a little troubled.

The energy in the opponent's body is too exclusive, and the level is very high, which makes the opponent completely unable to accommodate other energies in the body, and naturally cannot carry out normal cultivation.

If you want to improve your strength, you can only cultivate the original energy in the opponent's body.

But the opponent's energy comes from the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers in the Nightmare Realm, and he has no way to provide it, nor does he have the corresponding techniques.

There is another point that puzzles Chen Lin.

If the opponent's energy is similar to the power of the Silver Fairy's 'mind', this situation should not happen. After all, the Silver Fairy can practice anything.

Could it be that it's not the energy of the sword's intention, but something else?

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason. Chen Lin asked aloud: "The energy in your body is not compatible with the energy of other systems. It seems that it is impossible to practice normal exercises. But how did you practice before? Yes, can you automatically absorb the energy in that valley without using any method at all?"


Xiaocao nodded vigorously, leaving Chen Lin completely at a loss.

The reason why the other party can absorb energy independently is because the other party used to be a piece of grass, but now he has become a human. This ability may have disappeared, and even if he finds the same energy, it may not be useful.

"Forget it, let's do this. You should master your sword energy first, and if you encounter any danger, come close to me immediately, lest I have no time to take care of you."

"Good master!"

Xiaocao nodded vigorously again, and then said: "Master, don't worry, Xiaocao will not drag down the master. I have tested it these days, and I seem to be able to fly with sword energy. When the time comes, I won't need to be carried by the master, I can do it myself." Following the master."


Chen Lin looked curious. He didn't pay much attention to the other party during this period, but he didn't expect that the other party would discover this ability himself.

"Would you like to try it?"

He got up and took the other party outside the formation to let him do the experiment.

Xiaocao seemed very nervous. With a wave of his hand, a sword energy was released.

Under normal circumstances, sword energy is released to attack the target, and there is no return. However, what surprised Chen Lin was that the opponent was able to hold the sword energy without releasing it, and manipulate it into a sword like a magic weapon. appearance.

Perhaps because he was not very skilled, Xiaocao struggled a lot and it took him a long time to stabilize.

Then she jumped onto the sword with a forceful leap, and the sword flew out with a swish of light!


Not long after flying out, Xiaocao let out a scream and fell from the sky.

Chen Lin swayed, flew out to catch the opponent, and brought him back.

"Master, I'm sorry."

Xiaocao was in tears again, looking like she had done something wrong.

This time, Chen Lin did not blame the other party for being weak-tempered. Instead, a light flashed in his eyes.

He has no magic power at all, but he can control the sword light and fly. This method is quite advanced!

Is it possible that the opponent has a legendary natural sword body?

Chen Lin thought of a possibility.

But it doesn't feel like it. The natural sword body does not mean that it cannot be practiced normally, but it is faster than the average monk.

Things coming out of the nightmare world were elusive, so Chen Lin gave up thinking.

In any case, this shows that the other party has development potential and will not become a drag on him.

"It's nothing, you're just not proficient. This is a good time to practice. But don't go too far, and don't fly too high, otherwise I won't be able to save you in time."

Chen Lin gave an exhortation, taught him personally for a while, and then asked the other party to learn on his own.

He was on guard, ready to face possible dangers at any time.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Chen Lin's expression became more and more solemn. He already had a premonition that the bad luck coming this time would be shocking.

He looked around from a distance, and finally fixed his gaze in a certain direction.

Straight forward over there was the node of the Nightmare Realm where he met the frog. He was thinking about whether to go there. Once he encountered irresistible danger, he would avoid going to the Nightmare Realm.

But after thinking about it, I still didn’t take action and decided to stay the same in the face of changes.

The dangers in the real world have an upper limit, and the strongest one is Starlight Strike, but the dangers in the nightmare world have no upper limit, and if you encounter one, you will definitely die.

Another month has passed and there has been no movement.

Now Chen Lin couldn't sit still. He had a tense expression every day, which made Xiaocao panic.

She no longer practiced her sword skills, but stood beside Chen Lin without saying a word.

Chen Lin didn't urge the other party either.

During this period of time, the opponent has mastered sword flying. No, it should be called sword flying. It is extremely fast, even faster than his thunder escape technique.

It's just that the energy contained in the opponent's body is not much and cannot be used for a long time.

In addition to flying with sword energy, the opponent's sword energy is also very sharp in attack. Even the spiritual weapon cannot stop the edge of the sword energy. If it is activated with all its strength, the magic weapon can cause damage.

This surprised Chen Lin.

Such a weak person has such power. If the energy becomes stronger, it will be great!

I'm afraid it's possible to have one sword that can defeat all kinds of magic.

Sword cultivators don't have any fancy moves. What they focus on is speed, accuracy, ruthlessness, and the ability to break defenses. He is not a sword cultivator, so he can't teach these, and he can only rely on the opponent himself.

"How's it going? Do you have any insights?"

Chen Lin looked at Xiaocao expectantly.

The other party held the paintings recording the immortal swordsmanship in his hands, looking thoughtful and making a few small movements from time to time.

After spending more than two months, he couldn't study any sword skills from these paintings, so he handed them over to the other party with no interest to see if the other party could see something different. After all, the other party It's a sword body, and his understanding of swordsmanship must be better than his.

"A little."

Xiaocao nodded, and then began to imitate the 'immortal' posture seriously on the drawing paper.

These postures are very strange and are accompanied by certain gestures.

It was awkward at first, but she was not discouraged and kept practicing over and over again.

In the end, the postures in several paintings gradually became coherent, and they became faster and faster each time.

Finally, it seemed that a certain 'point' had been reached, and a fierce aura came out of his body, and this aura kept rising, and in an instant it became so powerful that Chen Lin's expression changed.

Immediately, Chen Lin discovered that the other party seemed to have lost control of himself, and his aura was still rising. However, the other party's vitality was rapidly declining, and his face became distorted.


Chen Lin shouted loudly and used the power of his soul to wake up the opponent.

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Xiaocao's mouth, and her body swayed and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Chen Lin immediately helped the other person up and checked him. After seeing that it was just an overdraft and nothing serious, he took out a healing elixir and gave it to him to take.

"Master, Xiaocao is so useless, I can't even use a single sword move."

Xiaocao slowly woke up, and her first words were to blame herself.

Chen Lin shook his head. He didn't know why the other party had such a domineering sword intent, but in this way, no matter how proficient the other party was in using the energy in his body, he might not be able to exert his true power.

No matter what the meaning is, it is produced by the ultimate understanding of a certain artistic conception. Although the other party can use this power, he does not have the belief required for this power, and the effect is inconsistent.

Chen Lin didn't tell the truth, otherwise he would cry after hitting the other person.

"Don't blame yourself, you are already very good. I have been studying these paintings for a long time without any understanding. You can learn them in such a short period of time, which shows that your understanding is higher than my master. Is there anything else you don't know?" Enough."

Chen Lin comforted him.

But now he understands that the reason why he cannot comprehend the immortal swordsmanship is probably because the energy contained in himself does not match.

In other words, the sword used by the immortal in the painting was not activated by ordinary methods at all, but by the sword's intention!


Hearing Chen Lin's words, Xiaocao's eyes suddenly lit up.

She struggled to get up and said: "Then I will demonstrate it to the master, and the master will learn it quickly!"

Chen Lin smiled and touched the other person's head, asked him to sit down again, and said: "No, just learn it. Anyway, you have to stay with me. When you become stronger, use this sword technique." protect me."


Xiaocao seemed to have found the meaning of survival, and nodded vigorously, with a look of longing on her face.

Convinced that he could not practice the immortal swordsmanship, Chen Lin gave all the drawing papers to Xiaocao and continued to wait for danger to come.

In a blink of an eye, another half month passed.

Still calm.

Calculating the time, it has been almost three months since he used the strong luck technique. After a few more days, the backlash effect should be lifted.

The closer you get to the end, the less you can relax.

Chen Lin is no longer in the shed now, but standing on the top of the mountain every day, sleepless, just standing there motionless.

one day.

Two days.

Ten days later.


Chen Lin looked up at the stars with doubts on his face.

The backlash stage was about to pass, but the expected danger did not appear, which made him confused.

Could it be that something had changed in him so that the luck-enhancing technique would no longer cause backlash?

Could it be because of the thread of fate?

Chen Lin suddenly became excited when he thought of this possibility.

If the Forced Luck Technique can be exempted from backlash, then it is really a magical technique, and whatever he does in the future will be done with twice the result with half the effort.

And you no longer have to worry about the power of luck!

"Haha, you are so cheerful. You are actually looking at the stars here. Do you want to see when the day of death is? If that's the case, then there is no need to look. Today is the day!"

A hoarse voice suddenly appeared.

Then the void shook, and a scroll appeared out of thin air, with the phantom of Xuanyin Patriarch appearing on it.

"Oh it's you!"

When Chen Lin saw the other party, instead of panicking, his worried heart finally dropped.

Thanks to the sea on the road, Ripples of the Four Seasons, Zhong Wei Feng, Book Friends 3706, superdaddy and other big guys for the rewards! Thank you to those who voted for monthly recommendation votes, and thank you for your subscription support!

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