I practice cultivation cautiously in a strange world

Chapter 481 Improvement of Fishing Skills

Chen Lin has always been very curious about the way the nightmare world exists. Now that he heard the cat-headed monster mention it, he immediately asked.

However, the other party seemed unwilling to say more. He pulled out a cat's whiskers and said: "Things in the Nightmare Realm are very complicated. With your current cultivation level, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not, and I don't understand it very clearly either."

After saying that, he handed over the cat's whiskers.

Chen Lin hurriedly caught it and thanked him.

"Thank you, Master Cat, for your help. I will be there to help you with whatever you need in the future!"

The cat-headed monster waved his hand and said: "It's just a transaction, there is nothing to say thank you for, and again, if you can't get the luck treasure box after summoning me, you will have to pay the debt with your life!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

After walking far away, he turned back and said: "I didn't expect you to be able to catch beauty flowers among thousands of flowers, but it is a place where people can eat people without spitting out their bones. Don't fish here and there and make yourself someone else's plaything." .”

"Thank you, Master Cat, for reminding me!"

Chen Lin knew that the other party was showing good intentions, so he immediately cupped his fists and thanked him, but the other party ignored him and walked away.

Even such powerful men were so afraid of the Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, and Chen Lin's original desire to smell the fragrance and beauties disappeared in an instant.

Then his eyes fell on the cat's whiskers.

With this item, the most important part of his plan was solved, and he felt much more relaxed.

It is a pity that Gambling Lake cannot come in person, otherwise this is the best transit place to enter the other world, especially the mountain and sea world where the old man is, the cultivation system is the same as their interface, it is the best place to go.

The old man came in in his true form, so there must be a corresponding space node, and the other party has been active in this area. The location of the node should not be far away. You only need to bring Chen Bao in to find it.

But if the real body can't get in, everything is in vain.

Chen Lin sighed, put away the cat's whiskers, and then returned to his position to continue fishing.

Although he no longer had the Luck Gloves, after the change in the source of his talent, he could already use the power of Luck at will, so as long as the golden toad didn't deliberately target him, he was still certain of catching fish and shrimps.

But similarly, after the source of talent changed, the power of luck he could call upon also became less.

You can only use what you have, and can no longer overdraw the luck from your talent, so you have no confidence at all if you want to catch the luck treasure chest.

Sure enough, after persisting for several hours, I only caught one small fish and shrimp. Not to mention the Luck Treasure Box, I didn't even catch a single high-level 'lucky seafood' like the golden crab.

Although he was anxious, Chen Lin also breathed a sigh of relief.

This at least proves that the golden toad is not targeting him because he has no amulet, so this scene can continue to be used.

Fishing also has a time limit. You can't keep fishing for one nightmare coin forever. Seeing that the time was almost up, Chen Lin returned to the secret room.

In the next few days, he entered Gambling Lake on time and then left on time.

There are more and more fish caught, but the treasure chest of luck is still missing.

As time passed, his heart calmed down.

Live like a real fisherman every day, with no distractions and no longer be sad or happy about the amount of harvest.

As a result, he found that his state of mind had improved greatly, and his cultivation level had improved a lot.

This surprised him a little. He didn't expect that fishing here could sharpen his mind, but it was an unexpected surprise.

And I don’t know if it was because of his improved mood, but he had some insights into fishing skills. After using them, his harvest increased greatly, and he even caught two golden crabs!

Chen Lin had some understanding in his heart. It seemed that betting on the lake was not just gambling. The fishing methods and the knowledge of the location and water surface were also related to a certain extent.

Now he can be considered a senior angler.

However, he did not dare to be too high-profile and even shortened his fishing time every day.

He was worried that if he caught too many things, the golden toad would be unhappy. After all, he no longer had the protection of the amulet.

And he even suspected that the death of the old man from the mountain and sea world was related to the other party's frequent fishing of luck treasure chests.

As the 'banker', how could Jin Chan tolerate the repeated occurrence of blood loss? He must use some means.

Rules and restrictions cannot be relied upon absolutely. They seem to be the shield of the weak, but in fact they are the sword of the strong, because you can only abide by them, but others can use and manipulate them.

Even change.

In the past, he had the amulet and the other party didn't dare to do anything to him. Now that he has become an ordinary fisherman, he needs to be more honest.

Chen Lin decided that if he caught some more golden crabs, he would accumulate the power of luck and try his best to win again.

On this day, Chen Lin had just returned from fishing when he received news from Qin Lingyu that the Silver Fairy was back.

He immediately left the secret room and went to the Silver Fairy's residence.

"Master, how's the situation? Are you in any danger?"

Chen Lin saw Fairy Silver and asked about the situation with concern.

Although the node in the far north was given by Xuanyin Ancestor, if it can be used, it will be better than other places.

It's still unknown where his pool node leads, and since he didn't catch the treasure chest, only he and Xiaocao can get there.

Fairy Baiyin looked a little haggard, shook her head and said: "Ancestor Xuanyin did not lie. There is indeed a node over there, but something happened."

Chen Lin didn't say anything and waited quietly for the other person's next words.

"Originally, that node was deep in the far north, and even Nascent Soul cultivators found it difficult to reach it. Now there's a big earthquake there, and the climate has become even worse. Although I managed to get there with my late Nascent Soul cultivation. , but an energy storm formed around the node, which was impossible to get through."

Fairy Baiyin's words completely disappointed Chen Lin.

He couldn't even get past the opponent, let alone him. Qin Lingyu and others couldn't even get close to the edge.

Since this road was blocked, Chen Lin asked again: "Has Master received the message from True Lord Anmu? What is the situation on his side?"

Anmu is exploring Ten Thousand Cave Mountains. Although it is also within the Nightmare Realm, the entire village is within the area of ​​the first-level road guide. If there are nodes, there is still hope even without the help of the ability of the cat-headed monster. Bring everyone there.

After all, first-level guides are easier to obtain.

Fairy Baiyin sighed and said: "The situation over there is not very good. I just contacted Anmu and the exploration was not smooth. There are some strange rules in those houses and there are many dangers."

Then she looked at Chen Lin and said, "What about you? What did you gain there?"

Chen Lin hesitated for a moment and said vaguely: "We are exploring, but the situation is not very optimistic."

He didn't tell him about the water pool node. There was only one secondary road. If he couldn't get the treasure chest and couldn't find the cat-headed monster for help, it would be useless. He could wait until he caught the luck treasure chest to talk about it.

Then, he talked about the situation of the Demon-Suppressing Temple in Cangyun Secret Realm and asked for their opinions.

Fairy Baiyin pondered for a moment and said: "I have also heard about the strange temple, but according to various information, even if there is a passage to another world there, it seems to be connected to the ancient demon world."

At this point, her expression became solemn.

"According to legend, the ancient demon world is also a high-level interface. What exists in it is demonic energy. There is no spiritual energy at all. Not to mention that it is impossible to practice at all. I am afraid there is a danger of being demonized. Going there is no different from dying."

Chen Lin sighed when he heard this.

He had also heard rumors about the ancient demon world, and had seen the strangeness of the ancient demons in Tianyuan Continent. Naturally, he did not want to go to the demon world.

The focus on Zhenmo Temple is mainly to solve the black thread of cause and effect on the body.

However, in this case, only the water pool node had the greatest hope. I secretly decided that as long as I caught the Luck Treasure Box, I would immediately go to that node to explore.

And the sooner the better.

Although the banning formation was damaged by Niu Niu's counterattack, after all, there is a suspected true spirit level weapon spirit as the formation's eye. There is no doubt about its repair ability. Once the repair is completed, I am afraid there will be a retaliatory attack on him.

After leaving Fairy Baiyin's residence, Chen Lin continued fishing in seclusion.

I don’t know if it was because of his improved fishing skills, but this time he caught several golden crabs in a row, even to the point of connecting rods.

This surprised him. Just when he was about to catch more fish and reserve them, he suddenly found the shadow of the golden toad disappearing on the water.

This gave him a chill, and he didn't dare to continue, so he immediately stopped and left.

In the secret room.

Chen Lin's expression changed uncertainly.

He couldn't be sure whether the appearance of the golden toad was a routine inspection or a warning to him.

But he couldn't gamble.

It's okay to gamble on luck, but not on life.

"It seems we can't continue to accumulate. Whether it works or not, we have to give it a try as soon as possible!"

Chen Lin muttered.

At this time, Xiaocao suddenly said from the side: "Master, don't worry, if that golden toad dares to harm you, Xiaocao will protect the master!"

Chen Lin couldn't help but smile when he saw Xiaocao clenching her little fists and looking determined to protect her master.

"Okay, then it's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. I'll go after I recover my luck!"

Without further ado, now that the decision has been made, there will be no further delay.

Early the next morning.

Chen Lin came to the Gambling Lake and threw the fishing rod out.

After paying the nightmare coins and the golden toad left, he took out the golden crab and started to eat it alive.

While eating, the power of luck is conveyed into the fishing rod.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

This golden crab is indeed extraordinary. The power of luck contained in one crab is equivalent to a dozen big fishes. Moreover, the speed of luck growth is extremely fast, which can sustain his need to use a large amount of power of luck in a short period of time.

If you eat fish, you can't swallow more than a dozen at once, so although the total amount of luck is the same, the explosive power is completely different.

As each golden crab was swallowed, Chen Lin felt that the power of luck continued to rise, and he was already extremely close to the level of wearing luck gloves.

At this moment, the fishing rod sank.

He lifted it up without hesitation, and a golden treasure box jumped out of the water!

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