I practice cultivation cautiously in a strange world

Chapter 646 The Power of the Divine Sword

Chen Lin drove the escaping light through the white mist, not daring to pause at all. He kept taking out pills and swallowing them to restore his mana and soul power.

The battle just now seemed to be devastating, but in fact, he almost used all his methods, his mana and soul power were exhausted, and there was not much strength left.

The same goes for Xiaocao, who is severely overdrawn and unable to exert much combat power in a short period of time.

If the enemy catches up again at this time, in addition to using the Thunder God Sword, it will be the Sword Immortal Picture Scroll.

But he couldn't bear to part with these two trump cards. When the Thunder God Sword was used up, it would take a long time to replenish the power of thunder. The Sword Immortal Scroll was used less and less. There were still so many dangers in the vast sea, and it was meaningless to use up the trump cards here.

However, whatever he was afraid of, the situation did not change according to his will. After escaping for dozens of miles again, Chen Lin felt that the white mist around him suddenly turned into red mist, and exuded waves of evil aura.

The space has also become sticky, making movement difficult.

He was suddenly startled, stopped evading light, activated his Xuanwu Shield to protect his body, and looked carefully.

It felt like I had entered the realm of evil, but it didn't quite feel like it.

When he was in the Star North Realm, he had a lot of contact with evil places. Although the environment was similar, the essence was very different.

The power of the two rules is different.

The power of the rules here does not have the strong feeling of alienating one's body. It is just pure evil. The meaning of the rules is also very weak, which is far from the real evil place.

Suddenly, Chen Lin's expression changed and he thought of a possibility.

The realm of Yuanshen!

This is the realm of the soul of the monk who transforms into gods!

And looking at this evil red mist, it must be a monk from the Gu family!

Chen Lin became solemn. If it were an ordinary spirit, he wouldn't have the power to fight, but with a spirit that condensed the realm of soul, he had no confidence at all.

This also refers to the early stage of transformation. If it is the middle to late stage, he has no chance of winning.

"Hmph, how dare you come out to see me!"

Chen Lin snorted coldly and used the provoking method.

He has never fought against a domain-level god-transforming monk, and he doesn't understand the methods of such monks, so he wants to provoke the opponent first and then decide how to deal with it.

But what he responded to were red shadows condensed out of thin air.

These shadows are very vague, resembling human shapes, with two curved horns on each head. The hands are particularly long, and the fingers are like sharp hooks.


As soon as the shadow condensed, it launched an attack on Chen Lin.

In this field, they seem to be able to teleport, appearing in front of them in a flash, like hooked fingers grabbing at the head!

And it's not just one, but several of them are attacking at the same time, blocking all directions. It's obvious that someone is manipulating it.

Chen Lin did not dare to be careless. The weapon spirit that inspired the Xuanwu Shield wrapped his whole body, and he held a bone knife to attack these red figures.

He immediately discovered that these red shadows were fast but not very defensive. He could easily kill them by activating the bone knife with the power of the silver soul.

The opponent's attack could not break through the Xuanwu Shield's defense.

This relieved him.

It seems that the domain power of this god-transformation monk is not too strong. It should have just been formed not long ago, so that he will not be unable to resist.

In this case, there is no need to use the Sword Immortal Scroll for the time being. Such a high-level killer weapon is not easy to obtain, and it would be too wasteful to use it against the God Transformation monks.

You know, there are two strong Void Refiners in the Gu family. Once the Jing clan loses, with the Void Refiner's ability to shatter the void, he can catch up no matter how far he runs. At that time, he can only rely on the Sword Immortal Scroll to save his life. .

After a burst of killing, the red shadows that rushed up were wiped out. Chen Lin took the opportunity to use the thunder escape technique to escape from the domain.

But what made his face darken was that the effect of the Thunder Escape Technique was severely weakened. Although it could be used, it was not as fast as normal flight.

Moreover, the eliminated red shadows regrouped, surrounded him again, and launched a fierce attack.

Helpless, Chen Lin could only activate the Xuanwu Shield and kill the red shadows while defending. However, these red shadows were condensed from the red mist. As long as the red mist did not dissipate, they would never be able to kill them all. Instead, it was his soul power and magic power. Was consumed quickly.

This can't go on like this!

After Chen Lin eliminated a wave of red shadow monsters again, he activated his spiritual eyes and supernatural powers and patrolled the surroundings, hoping to find the monks who were secretly using the realm of the soul.

If he continues to consume like this, his energy will eventually run out, and then he will be at the mercy of others.

But after searching for a while, no enemy was found. It was not known whether the enemy was hidden within the domain or outside the domain.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Lin took out the Sword Immortal scroll.

With his ability, it was impossible to break through this Yuan Shen realm. In order to prevent other changes, he planned to summon the Sword Immortal to fight quickly.

To be on the safe side, before summoning, Chen Lin glanced at the re-condensed red shadow monster, suddenly raised his hand and used Five Thunder Strike.

Since reintegrating the spell theory using Nightmare Realm Yu Xuzi, he has not used this spell in actual combat. In previous battles, he was worried that the noise would be too loud and would attract the attention of the powerful, so he did not dare to use it. At this time But you can test the power.

If the enemy's true form can be forced out, then the Sword Immortal can easily kill him when he comes out.

The spell was activated, thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and five thunder lights of different colors fell.

Chen Lin's mind moved, and the five thunder lights were divided into five, and then split again. In an instant, the entire red mist area was shrouded in lightning, as if he was in a thunderstorm ocean!

Although the power of the lightning became smaller after such fission, the coverage was extremely wide, and those red shadows, which had low defense to begin with, were quickly eliminated by the uninterrupted lightning, and even the red mist became thinner.

Chen Lin's eyes lit up and he used the spell again.

The thunder continued to fall, and the red mist became lighter and lighter.

The meaning of rules is also constantly weakening.

Soon, Chen Lin felt his body light up, and the shackles of being stuck in the quagmire disappeared.

With a flash of his eyes, he put the Sword Immortal Scroll back into his sleeves, activated his Xuanwu Shield to defend carefully, and once again activated his spiritual eyes to patrol the surrounding space.

A faint shadow emerged from the red mist in the distance.

"Hmph, you really have some tricks up your sleeve, but it's a pity that you are doomed today!"

Seeing that he was discovered, the figure appeared directly.

Chen Lin didn't say anything, and waved directly. The thunder in the sky instantly gathered in one place, turning into a thick multi-colored lightning that resembled a tribulation thunder, and struck the figure head-on!

"Can you control the thunder?"

There was a look of horror in the eyes of the monk who transformed into gods, and there was a deep sense of disbelief.

He has been practicing for so long and has encountered many thunder attribute monks, but he has never heard of anyone who can summon thunder.

The Tribulation Thunder is the embodiment of the will of heaven and earth. How can it be controlled by monks, let alone it is colorful!

Even if he is a domain-level god-forming cultivator, he would not dare to be careless when facing the five-color tribulation thunder, and the thunder tribulation has the ability to lock the target, so there is no way to avoid it unless he directly travels to other interfaces.

In desperation, he flipped his wrist and threw out several escape talismans. Then a cyan stone slab was thrown out, emitting a cyan light curtain to block the thunder.

Feeling uneasy like this, he gritted his teeth, the crescent mark between his eyebrows lit up, and a dark red bead flew out and floated above his head.

At this time, the lightning had already fallen, hitting the escape talisman first.

Then the monk who transformed into gods was stunned.

This seemingly terrifying multi-colored thunderbolt actually only passed through the light curtain formed by the escape talisman, and then began to weaken. When it landed on the blue stone slab, it no longer had much power, and it only caused the stone slab to shake a few times. , then dissipated.

The last natal pearl was not used at all.

This power is far from the real five-color tribulation thunder.

Chen Lin in the distance was very satisfied when he saw this scene.

After being re-understood, this spell not only changed more, but also became several times more powerful than before. Even the monks of Transformation God could feel threatened by the combination of five thunders.

Especially the sound is astonishing. It is very similar to the five-colored thunderbolt when the cultivator of the gods is promoted to refining the void. It will be frightened even if it can't kill him.

It's just that the power is a little weaker.

However, he did not place his hope on this spell at first. Taking advantage of the opponent's mind being attracted by the thunder, he once again used the Five Thunder Strike spell to interfere, and then fired out the Thunder God Sword in his hand.

The lightning flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of the cultivator!

The cultivator transformed into a god felt a warning sign in his heart, and a sense of danger that made his hair stand on end enveloped his whole body. However, in the thunderous sky, he failed to detect the existence of the Thunder God Sword in advance. When he discovered it, it was already in front of him.

In desperation, he had no time to use other means, so he could only activate his life beads, forming a red light that enveloped his body.

Although he was caught by the opponent's attack without checking for a while, the God-Transforming Monk was not too worried. The shield formed by his life bead, let alone the Nascent Soul, was difficult to break even if the Spirit-Transforming Monk used the spirit treasure to attack. Strong defensive means.

But the next moment, a look of horror appeared on the face of the cultivator.

After the light curtain was hit by the flying sword, a trace of dark golden light was seen above the flying sword, and then the natal pearl shield that he was proud of suddenly collapsed.

The distance was so close, there was absolutely no means available, and he could only watch the flying sword pierce his body.

The pseudo-lingbao soft armor on his body seemed to be made of paper, and it was easily penetrated, and the terrifying thunder intent surged into his body!

The face of the monk transformed into gods changed wildly, and he did not dare to take any chances. The moment the soft armor of the fake spirit treasure was broken open, the Nascent Soul separated from the body, holding the life bead and disappeared in a flash.

Chen Lin's eyes lit up with golden light. He used his spiritual eyes to track the opponent's Nascent Soul and continuously used his Soul-Destroying Finger to attack. However, the opponent's Nascent Soul was so fast that he couldn't catch it at all. After a few flickers, it disappeared from his spiritual eyes and perception. outside.

He hesitated and did not dare to pursue.

He glanced at the body of the monk who had turned into black charcoal, and there was a look of shock in his eyes. The power of the Thunder God Sword was stronger than he expected!

But this was not the time to be proud. He waved his hand and took in the bluestone slab and storage bag that had just fallen on the sea. Then he activated the Void Breaking Shuttle, stimulating the power of void shuttle, and disappeared into the void.

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