Xiaoyun City is a large seaside city in the southern part of Tianfang Continent. It is controlled by three parties and is very prosperous.

Chen Lin chose to come here not for any special purpose, but because it was the closest to the central part of the continent.

In addition, among the three forces in this city, there is Wanxuan Sect, who is famous for his formations. He also wants to see if there is a teleportation formation here that can be stably used to reach Tongtian City.

Otherwise, the journey from the southern part of the continent to the central part is long and dangerous, and we don’t know how long it will take to get there.

Of course, it would be even better if there was a teleportation array that could reach Bailing Continent or even Hongshan Continent.

Hope is beautiful, but reality is often cruel.

Chen Lin walked around the city, and after asking around, he learned that the teleportation array he was looking forward to did not exist.

Not only that, because the space of this continent is more unstable than that of Xuanyue Continent, even short-distance teleportation arrays often have accidents, and no monk dares to use them.

Not everyone has the innate ability of the Crystal Clan.

After understanding this, Chen Lin could only accept the reality.

The Jing Clan can no longer count on him. Not to mention that he can't contact him now. Even if he does contact him, he won't be able to help him anymore. The agreement between them has been basically completed and both parties are clear.

Moreover, the talent of the Crystal Clan can only stabilize the short-distance teleportation array and is ineffective against long-distance teleportation arrays.

"Forget it, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, let's find a way slowly!"

Chen Lin sat in a spiritual food restaurant and muttered helplessly.

No matter how much he missed Luo Qinglan and worried about her safety, his own strength could not support him to overcome obstacles and arrive in front of him like a hero. He could only move forward step by step and get closer.

Moreover, the opponent is not weaker than him. If he is really in danger, his current cultivation will not be able to solve anything. It is best to hone it during the trip and break through to the level of god first, that way he will be better. Be confident.

Foreign Object Pavilion.

After leaving Lingshi Restaurant, Chen Lin continued to visit the market and then walked into a shop.

This store sells all weird things. He wanted to see if there were any items from the Nightmare Realm, but after looking through them, he found nothing.

Apart from him, there was not a single customer in the store, and it was very deserted.

"Shopkeeper, do you have any items from the nightmare world?"

Nightmare Realm items are very dangerous and are generally not displayed, so Chen Lin asked directly.

"Oh? Is fellow Taoist also a lover of the nightmare world?"

The shopkeeper was a young man in blue robe. His eyes lit up when he heard this, and he came over and asked.

Chen Lin glanced at the other party and couldn't help but show surprise.

Judging from his blood and vitality, this person will definitely not be more than two hundred years old, but his cultivation is deeper than him, and he is not far away from the perfection of Nascent Soul.

Needless to say, the other party is either the pride of heaven or he is extremely talented and cannot be taken lightly.

"A little exploration, not a hobby, but from the looks of fellow Taoist, could it be that you are passionate about this matter?"

Chen Lin responded and asked the other party.

If the other party really has research on the nightmare world, it is still worth getting in touch with. The nightmare world is too mysterious. It is difficult for him to understand the truth by fighting alone. And Niu Niu is still waiting for him to rescue him. He can communicate with others as soon as possible. It is necessary to understand the information about the nightmare world.


The young man in blue robe was very cheerful and spoke without hesitation.

Then he added: "Not only am I a lover of the nightmare world, but there are also some like-minded comrades who are very interested in exploring the nightmare world and have mastered a lot of information about the nightmare world. We have formed an exploration alliance called Wanjie. Alliance, fellow Taoist, are you interested in joining us?"

Chen Lin looked at each other in astonishment.

He didn't expect that there was an organization exploring the nightmare world here, which gave him a lot of experience.

However, the other party didn't even know where he was from, so it was too abrupt to invite him so rashly. How did such a stupid young man organize an organization to explore the nightmare world without being completely wiped out?

Seeing Chen Lin's expression, the young man in blue robe reacted.

He smiled and said: "I am too eager. Don't blame me, fellow Taoist. I am the owner of this Alien Object Pavilion. My name is Xu Zihan. I am very interested in exploring alien planes, especially the nightmare world, so I opened this shop." , I just saw fellow Taoist asking about items from the Nightmare Realm. It just so happens that our alliance wants to recruit new members, so I invited you rashly. Fellow Taoist, please don’t be offended."

Chen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "Are the like-minded people mentioned by fellow Taoist all monks in this city? Are there many monks in this city who are keen on exploring the nightmare world?"

After asking, he immediately explained: "I am from another city. This is my first time in Xiaoyun City. I don't know much about the situation here."

"It doesn't matter."

The young man in blue robe waved his hand and said: "We are just a loose alliance, and there are monks from all over the world, not just this continent, but other continents, and even other interfaces. Otherwise, how can it be called the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms! "

Chen Lin's eyes showed surprise and deep suspicion.

If it weren't for the fact that the late-stage Nascent Soul fluctuations in Xu Zihan's body couldn't be faked, he would have thought that the other party was insane and talking nonsense.

A mere Nascent Soul cultivator dares to say that he has formed an alliance that spans all interfaces. It is simply a dream!

Not to mention Nascent Soul cultivators, not even gods, or even powerful Void Refiners, have such ability.

"Haha, I'm sorry. I'm just out of curiosity and not very enthusiastic about exploring the nightmare world, so I won't participate in this alliance."

After saying that, Chen Lin turned around and walked outside the store.

Such a person, no matter what the other person's purpose is, he decides to stay away from the other person.

"Why are fellow Taoists so anxious? You may have some misunderstandings. The other interface explorers I mentioned were not in contact with each other in the real world, but met in the nightmare world and formed an alliance. There is no relationship between them. The restriction is just about exchanging information and cooperating on adventures.”

The young man in blue robe noticed Chen Lin's suspicion and knew what he was suspecting, so he explained it unhurriedly.

Chen Lin paused and suddenly realized.

The so-called members of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms do not meet in the real world, but in the nightmare world. In this case, monks from different interfaces can really be brought together.

Not to mention other scenes, practitioners from other interfaces often appear in Gambling Lake, but he has never thought of forming any alliance, nor does he have the strength.

But it would be very beneficial to have such a channel for information exchange. Such an alliance could not only exchange information, but also exchange items from the Nightmare Realm, and even issue tasks.

Thinking of this, Chen Lin turned around and walked back.

He had been unable to contact the cat-headed monster for a long time, and was thinking about how to find Qin Lingyu and the others. Maybe this alliance could be a breakthrough.

As long as someone has been to that waterhole scene and has a fourth-level road guide, he can solve his problem, or there is a member of that interface directly, even better.

However, whether what the other party said is true or false needs to be verified carefully. Even if it is true, you must be careful when dealing with creatures in other interfaces.

"How can we participate in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms mentioned by Fellow Daoist Xu?"

When it comes to finding his wife and daughter, even if there is a glimmer of hope, Chen Lin will fight for it.


The blue-robed young man turned around and took out a small gray box from a box behind him, placed it on the counter, and then activated the array disk on the counter to form a defensive light shield.

This kind of operation is the same as the shops in Tianfeng City, which are used to display dangerous items.

Putting the box into the light mask, the blue-robed young man opened it gently to reveal the items inside.

It's actually an egg the size of a baby's fist.

After showing it, the young man in blue robe said: "This bird egg is a medium for entering a nightmare scene. After entering with the projection of this object, it will appear in a cave. On the first day of every month, we Members of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance will gather in this cave, and you can participate or not, it’s completely up to you.”

Chen Lin looked at the eggs in the box and frowned.

"Is this all right? Anyone holding this object can enter without any restrictions?"

He asked the question in his mind.

Not to mention how dangerous this scene is, with such a loose joining method, the safety of the members cannot be guaranteed at all. Once someone with ulterior motives sneaks in, it will be extremely dangerous.

And the likelihood of this happening is extremely high.

He saw a lot of alien creatures in the Gambling Lake scene, and all of them had bad tempers, or they were gloomy people like the old man from the Shanhai Realm. If the safety problem could not be solved, no matter how many benefits he had, he would Won't join.

"Haha, fellow Taoist, are you worried about safety issues?"

The blue-robed young man saw Chen Lin's scruples at a glance, and then said: "My fellow Taoists don't know that this nightmare world scene is somewhat special. Creatures that enter the projection state will not be harmed by any form of attack, but similarly, You can’t attack anything inside, so there’s no need to worry about safety.”

Chen Lin was greatly surprised.

"Does such a scene still exist?"

He didn't quite believe it and questioned.

Although the scenes in the nightmare world are all kinds of strange, they are all very dangerous. He has never encountered a situation where no one can hurt anyone. Although the projection is not the real body, what it shows in the nightmare world is almost the same as the real body, and cannot be The attack is unlikely.

Unless there are corresponding rules and restrictions, but under such rules, there must be other dangers.

The young man in blue robe was very patient and explained: "It's normal for fellow Taoists not to believe it, but the situation in the scene is really as I said. It's just that if you want to leave safely after entering for the first time, you need to complete a rule task. This task It has also been cracked by our Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and it is very easy to complete. If fellow Taoists are interested, we can discuss it in detail."

Chen Lin's expression changed for a while, and finally he said, "What are the conditions for joining?"

Since the other party was trying to sell things off, they wanted to negotiate terms, so he simply asked directly.


The young man in blue robe praised and held out five fingers.

"It's not much, the membership fee is fifty spiritual crystals, and one spiritual crystal every year from now on will be enough!"

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