As the people who were hiding walked out one by one to observe the situation, a dozen figures flew down, all wearing uniform clothes.

"The Red Lotus bandits are appearing nearby. No one is allowed to leave the town without permission, otherwise military law will be enforced!"

A majestic man's voice was like a bell, making everyone's heads buzz.

Chen Lin had also come out of the underground and looked outside through the window.

His face was solemn.

These people are the demon-suppressing army of the Immortal Kingdom. According to legend, they are all powerful. He has never encountered them before, and when he saw them today, they were indeed well-deserved.

Especially the majestic man at the head, whose cultivation has reached Foundation Establishment Perfection. According to the suppression level, it should have been in the Void Refining Stage. Such strong men are already considered to be the top batch in this fairyland!

Even though the bandits he met before finally broke through to the Golden Core realm, they only achieved it after three death mutations, so there is no comparison at all.

Because of the special rules here, as long as you die once, you will lose part of your sanity, and you will basically no longer be considered a normal human being. Even if you recover through methods such as the Immortal Prison Cleansing, you will not be able to return to your normal state. Your strength, sanity, and even memory will be affected. He was greatly damaged and reduced to a lower class.

Moreover, the scope of activities will be limited, and you will not be able to stray too far from your own territory.

As long as there is one more mutation, the situation will get worse, and in the end it will become a complete evil, unable to leave the realm for half a step, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be a threat.

In Chen Lin's view, the purpose of the terrifying existence that led to the overall destruction of Sanyu Fairy Kingdom was to turn everyone here into evil monsters.

But for some unknown reason, perhaps there is a powerful person in the fairyland, which weakens the strength of the mutation rules. The result is that although this place has become a prison, the people inside have not directly mutated into evil spirits. It needs to be killed before it mutates.

If this is the case, it is not impossible for this ancient immortal kingdom to get rid of its shackles and reappear in the world of cultivation.

And I am afraid that there are Mahayana monks here. If they come back, they will definitely change the current pattern of the cultivation world and have a profound impact on the Tianxuan Domain.

Thinking a little too far ahead.

Chen Lin withdrew his gaze and did not continue to look at the people of the Demon Suppression Army. Instead, he thought about whether Luo Qinglan would also appear here.

The Eighteenth Route Rebels are all united. Now that Old Mother Red Lotus has appeared, it is not impossible for Luo Qinglan. If the other party really comes here, it would be great, so as to avoid him looking everywhere.

However, he didn't think there was much hope for such a coincidence. It would be possible if he used strong luck. Under normal circumstances, his luck was not that strong.

Sure enough, news soon came out that the rebels attacking Guqian County this time were just the Red Lotus Army of Old Mother Honglian. The purpose was to rescue an important figure in the Red Lotus Army who had been captured before, so Honglian My mother took action herself.

The terrifying flame just now was splashed by the Red Lotus Mother during the fight with the strong man from the Demon Suppressing Army. Under the interference of his innate magical power, it killed Hu Dasheng.

This experiment made Chen Lin feel the potential of his innate supernatural powers.

Not only is Yin Ren powerful, but since he traveled to the present, no matter in any strange place, including the nightmare world, his natural ability has never been suppressed!

The level cap is unreachable!

If it was before, Chen Lin would definitely be very happy, but now he is a little worried.

According to Xu Qingyuan, the talents of talented people like him are the seeds of resurrection left by the great powers. Maybe when the talents are completely formed, it will be the day when the great powers will be resurrected!

When the time comes, his body will undoubtedly be possessed by a powerful person. Such a result is absolutely unacceptable to him. However, Xu Qingyuan is unclear. The specific situation must be carefully understood before making a decision. If there is really no solution, even if the innate ability No matter how useful it is, you have to find a way to remove it from the body.

If it cannot be peeled off, its upgrade must be controlled and not allowed to fully form.

Chen Lin made a decision not to think about it any more.

At this moment, the streets were under martial law, and the captain of the demon-suppressing army had gone elsewhere, leaving only two men standing guard here.

After waiting for a while, he stood up and walked out of the tavern.

Now was actually not a good time to leave. These officers and soldiers looked unreasonable at first glance, but he was worried that Luo Qinglan was coming nearby, so he had to go out to confirm the situation.

After thinking about it, Chen Lin quietly took out Ji Dribbling Ball and released the power of luck stored in it at once.

Instantly, he felt that his luck had improved a bit.

Although it is not much, his upper limit of luck is higher than that of ordinary monks. Now he has reached about 20% of the effect of using the strong luck technique. Maybe he can change the trajectory of his destiny, allowing him to leave smoothly and get Luo Qinglan's details. information.

It's a pity that after he was promoted to God, he still couldn't change the trajectory of his destiny, otherwise things would have been easier to handle.

"No one is allowed to leave. Do you want to disobey orders?"

Chen Lin walked to the corner of the street and was immediately stopped by the soldiers guarding here.

This ordinary soldier had advanced Qi training, which made him secretly sigh at how powerful the Immortal Kingdom was once, not to mention that the Nascent Soul could travel everywhere.

Naturally, he would not force his way in, but instead took out a waist card and handed it over.

"Chen Lin, the new chief catcher in Xiagoqian County, was ordered by the county magistrate to come here to find out information about the rebels. Now he needs to go back to resume his duties. Please let him go."

The soldier took the token, looked at it, and said, "I can't make the decision on this. I'll ask the captain for instructions later."

After speaking, he turned and left.

After a while, the majestic man came over and looked at Chen Lin with a look of surprise.


Chen Lin's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that these official figures have special means to distinguish outsiders like him who have not been alienated.

"It is true that I have just entered this place not long ago, but the appointment is also true. You can go to the county government office to confirm."

He didn't hide it, and he couldn't hide it.

"No need!"

The majestic man waved his hand.

Then he said: "According to the laws of the Immortal Kingdom, the Demon Suppressing Army has the right to temporarily recruit local personnel, and you have been recruited!"

Chen Lin was stunned. He didn't expect such a change. He hesitated and said tentatively: "I can't make the decision on this matter. I need to talk to the Lord and the county magistrate. I will also take the task of suppressing bandits." Yes, if I don’t go back and delay the important task of suppressing bandits, I can’t afford it.”

"Suppressing bandits?"

The majestic man sneered.

"If a local county magistrate has the ability to deal with the rebels, there will be no need for our demon-suppressing army. Moreover, if our demon-suppressing army wants people, a mere county magistrate cannot stop them."

Chen Lin was silent, not knowing what to say for a moment.

In fact, joining the Demon Suppressing Army is not a bad thing for him. As the main force in encircling and suppressing the rebels, the Demon Suppressing Army must know more about the rebels.

However, he finally got a headcatcher position, and he still wanted to use this status to gain some benefits after making sure Luo Qinglan was safe!

Not to mention anything else, such a long-standing ancient immortal kingdom will definitely have a lot of inheritance of exercises, spells, and alchemy and weapon refining. If you can go to the county government's library or even the prefectural city's library to take a look, you will definitely gain a lot. .

After joining the Demon Suppressing Army, this opportunity is gone.

Chen Lin glanced at the cold-faced captain and knew that he couldn't refuse in this situation, so he could only agree.

He nodded and said: "In that case, I will comply with your conscription, but please give me a recruitment order. If the county magistrate blames me, I will have a way to deal with it."

The majestic man took out a token and said casually: "Don't bother, this is our army token. You can represent your identity by holding it. Since your cultivation level is not low and you have an official position, you will directly receive a captain." position!"

Chen Lin took the token in his hand and felt something was wrong.

The other party's recruitment was very hasty. Not only did he not ask in detail to verify his identity, he also directly gave him the position of a commander. Aren't you afraid that he was a spy for the rebels?

But before he could think more, he saw a figure falling from the sky, wearing a silver helmet and silver armor, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Captain Zhao, have you chosen your candidate?"

The silver-armored figure made a sound, and it turned out to be a woman.

The majestic man immediately turned cautious and hurriedly replied: "Coming back to the commander, we have already chosen. Captain Chen Lin and Chen are the most powerful generals under my command."

"Oh, you are interested."

The woman in silver armor glanced at Chen Lin.

Then he raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Are you an outsider who has not yet assimilated? It seems that you do have some means. As long as you can survive this mission, I guarantee that you will be promoted to the third level!"

Chen Lin frowned and understood the purpose of Captain Zhao recruiting him. No wonder he didn't check anything. It turned out that he was used as a backstop.

If he survived, he would be promoted to three levels in a row. As you can imagine the danger of the task, he immediately refused.

Captain Zhao spoke in an indifferent voice at this time.

"Captain Chen, as a member of the Demon Suppressing General's vanguard camp, you must know that military orders are like mountains, and you must not hesitate in the tasks assigned by the commander, otherwise military law will not be merciful!"

Chen Lin's mind was spinning, and he swallowed back the words he was about to say.

This Lieutenant Zhao has the strength above the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and the silver-armored woman cannot see through the cultivation level at all. She must have reached the Golden Core Realm. It is useless to say anything now. Even if Xu Qingyuan is here, he will not be able to change anything. He can only Say yes first, and then find a way to leave.

I just don't know what the other party is recruiting him for, and whether there will be a chance to return to the county. Xiaocao and He Chengfeng are still in the city. If they want to leave directly, they will definitely be anxious if they can't find him.

Xiaocao was fine and could be brought to him through the nightmare world at any time, but He Chengfeng was in trouble.

"Time is pressing, don't be nagging, let's go!"

The silver-armored woman didn't give Chen Lin a chance to speak. She spoke coldly and then jumped into the air.

When Chen Lin saw this, he could only follow him.

The opponent was neither flying too fast nor too slow, and seemed to be taking care of his speed, which made Chen Lin feel that this female commander seemed to be more considerate than Captain Zhao.

To his surprise, the other party did not fly to the county seat, nor to other villages and towns, but stopped on a barren mountain.

There was no one else around, which made Chen Lin feel more vigilant.

"Don't be nervous, I'm going to kill you, you don't even have a chance to react!"

The female commander glanced at Chen Lin and spoke calmly.

Chen Lin took a breath, clasped his fists and said, "I don't know what the commander is going to do when he recruits his subordinates. I must obey your orders!"

The only trump cards he can rely on now are the power of the Golden Soul and the Sword Immortal Scroll. He doesn't know if he can withstand the opponent, so he can only show weakness.

The female commander didn't speak for a long time. Just when Chen Lin felt that the atmosphere was extremely oppressive and wanted to ask again, the other party said in an unintelligible tone: "Originally, we only selected one death squad member from each team, but now I have changed Got an idea.”

The Suicide Squad…

Chen Lin's face looked a little ugly.

This name sounds like a fatal task. Fortunately, the use of accumulated dribbling made things turn around.

He did not ask further questions, but quietly waited for the other party's next words.

"There's something special about you."

The woman in silver armor suddenly said something that confused Chen Lin.

"I need you to do me a favor."

Now Chen Lin was really at a loss. With the strength of the other party, he was barely at the top in this world. How could he need help?

Could it be?

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the other party has not fully assimilated and is an outsider like him, and wants his help to leave here?

The woman in silver armor felt Chen Lin's emotional changes and seemed to know what he was thinking, saying: "You may also have thought that I have not been completely assimilated, or that I have been assimilated, but I still retain the original memories. Even so , my essence has changed and I cannot leave this cage."

Chen Lin's expression changed. Seeing the other party pause, he asked: "Then what does the commander need me to do?"

The other party didn't say whether he was an outsider or not, but that didn't matter. As long as the other party wanted something, he wouldn't have to join any more death squads.

"I want you to help me find someone."

The woman in silver armor said her purpose directly without any nonsense.

At the same time, a look of hope appeared on his face.

Then without pausing, he continued: "Her name is Qiu Mufan, a woman who likes to make wine. I will give you her portrait. If you can help me find her and get the information I need, I can give you a match." Big opportunity.”

Having said this, she glanced at Chen Lin and said, "This opportunity is related to your immortal road and your talent."

Following the other party's words, Chen Lin's eyes became strange.

Is his luck improved by dribbling so much that it makes him so successful?

If the strong luck technique was used, it would be normal for such a coincidence to happen, but it is somewhat over the top now.

If he guessed correctly, the Qiu Mufan mentioned by the other party must be the tavern proprietress. And the purpose of the other party is self-evident, which is to escape from the prison of this ancient country. The tavern proprietress should be able to solve the problem of assimilation, or A way to get the assimilated people to leave the ruins.

What a coincidence!

He met the tavern proprietress outside, who gave him a task to find this person, and the reward was exactly what he was worried about, a solution to the hidden dangers of his natural ability!

The coincidence is unsettling.

Chen Lin wasn't sure if it was the effect of dribbling, but he didn't have time to think about it. Instead, he asked: "I wonder why the commander chose his subordinates?"

The silver-armored woman frowned and said coldly: "Why ask knowingly? With your current situation, you can leave this prison. If not, would I talk nonsense with you here?"

Then he softened his tone and said: "As long as you help me complete this matter, I will tell you the method to solve the problem of cutting off the connection between innate ability and great power. Apart from me, not many people know about this method. With your cultivation level It’s hard to get.”

After she finished speaking, she took out a jade slip, shook it between her eyebrows, and handed it to Chen Lin.

Here is her portrait. This person is not a person who can endure loneliness. She should be somewhat famous. You can try to find her. Don’t be in a hurry. Just come in and see me when you find her.

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