Back at his residence, Chen Lin analyzed the current situation.

If there is no problem with Murong Feng, then everything will be fine. They just need to continue practicing in the cave and not get involved with the Immortal Monument.

But if you want to guard against Murong Feng, you have to leave Tongtian City, not even close, you have to go far, otherwise it will be easy to catch them with the opponent's strength.

This requires the use of teleportation arrays, and traveling in the wild is impossible based on the cultivation of the few of them.

However, the teleportation array is also very dangerous. Even if Luo Qinglan can stabilize the space channel to a certain extent, the consequences are still unpredictable.

In fact, there is another way, and that is to return to the Crystal Light Realm.

However, the node of the Nightmare Realm that connects to the Crystal Light Realm is in the area where the Immortal Monument appeared this time. It needs to pass through the territory of the Black Demon Gate on the way. It is also very dangerous to go there.

But no matter what, this road is currently the best.

As long as you can re-enter the Crystal Light Realm, stay for a few years and then come out, no one will care about the True Spirit Bloodline after the incident with the Immortal Monument is over.

After making a decision, Chen Lin began to plan actions.

There is a distance of 30,000 miles from Tongtian City to the Nightmare Realm node on the other side of the Forest of Ten Thousand Steles. It is definitely not possible to fly there directly. Lan Zhihan and others must be watching them secretly. It is not a wise move to leave the city rashly.

The best way is to purchase a stable, one-time short-distance teleportation array, and then hire someone to deliver the array to a designated location, and they will use the teleportation talisman to teleport there.

Although the space here is very unstable now, the risk of short-distance teleportation is still very low. Coupled with the blessing of Luo Qinglan's space power, there is great hope for a smooth arrival.

Formation disks are also easy to obtain. In fact, he has several sets on his body that he has kept from the past, but they are not of the highest level.

The most difficult thing is how to find someone who can be absolutely trusted to place the array array in the designated place and arrange it.

If there is something wrong with this person, they are setting themselves up for a trap.

Waichengfang City.

Chen Lin turned left and right and walked into a narrow alley. He glanced at the only shop in the alley and pushed the door open.

This is Tingfengyi.

After discovering that Tingfengyi was here a few months ago, he asked the other party to send a letter asking about some situations that concerned him.

"Shopkeeper, do you have my reply?"

There was only an old man in gray robe in the room, reading an unknown book in boredom.

Seeing Chen Lin come in, he put down the classics, opened the drawer, took out two boxes, put them on the table and said: "They are all back, take them!"

Chen Lin's eyes lit up, he opened the two boxes, looked at them, and left with them.

He sent two letters in total, one to Liangyi City and the other to Murong Qing of Yingyue Palace.

When sending the letter before, the other party said that the current space fluctuations are abnormal, it may take longer, and there may be problems. He thought that the heart of Yingyue Palace may not be delivered. After all, it is across the continent. Unexpectedly, the two letters actually arrived at the same time. echo.

This Tingfengyi is very mysterious.

Chen Lin took the box and walked into the box of a Lingshi Pavilion. The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt that Tingfengyi had such an ability, but he only delivered letters and never accepted the business of transporting goods. He did not know the purpose of his existence. What.

There is also a Wuzhen Building, which is also very mysterious.

In this Tongtian City, there is also a branch of Wuzhen Building, but with Luo Qinglan by his side, he has not gone in to investigate.

After sitting down, Chen Lin first took out the letter from Liangyi City.

There was only one jade slip inside, and after examining it with his spiritual sense, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

The letter was returned by Yang Ziqing. The other party looked very excited and claimed that everything was normal. The other party's cultivation had reached the late stage of foundation building, and even Yang Zishi had successfully built the foundation.

The content also mentioned Huang Liu, a woman who had successfully been promoted to the realm of gods and took good care of the Yang Ziqing brothers and sisters.

With a gentle force, crush the jade slip into pieces.

Then look at the other box.

Chen Lin took a breath, picked it up and opened it.

The content of the letter he sent to Murong Qing was to tell him that he had met Murong Feng and that Murong Feng took good care of him. He also reported that he had found his Taoist companion and that both of them were very good.

At the same time, he also described the emergence of the Immortal Monument.

The purpose was naturally to know whether Murong Feng had contacted the other party, and that he had not mentioned Luo Qinglan's bloodline, so as to confirm Murong Feng's thoughts.

The box was opened, and there was also a jade slip inside.

Chen Lin was slightly disappointed.

He actually expected the other party to give him another token to show that he had a special relationship with the other party, so that even if Murong Feng really had the intention of using Luo Qinglan's bloodline, he would still have some concerns.

But it was obvious that he was overthinking.

After checking the jade slip and making sure there was nothing wrong, he started to check the information inside.

Slowly, Chen Lin showed surprise.

The other party’s reply contained three points.

The first is that Murong Feng has contacted her, but she has no plans to return to the family.

The second is the palace owner of Yingyue Palace, the blue queen who is as blue as snow. She has been promoted to the Hedao realm three years ago, becoming the only monk in the Xingnan Realm in the past ten thousand years to successfully advance to the Hedao realm!

However, this information has not yet spread widely, and few people know about it, but the other party means that after Lan Ruxue's cultivation is stable, a Hedao Ceremony will be held to establish the status of the super sect of Yingyue Palace. At that time, he can also lead The Taoist companions went back to participate.

This news shocked Chen Lin. At the same time, he also had some ideas that might be used to alleviate the current situation.

There is another piece of content, which is actually about Tingfengyi.

The other party bluntly said that Tingfengyi has a mysterious origin. Although it can send messages across continents and even interfaces, it is best not to use it if possible. Especially when sending secret information, try to choose other ways.

There is no mention of the immortal monument in the jade slips, and it seems that it does not care about this thing.

After viewing the information, the jade slips automatically turned into powder, which was a means to prevent peeking.

Chen Lin waved his hand to sweep the powder away and began to think deeply.

The other party's reply did not include any words asking about his situation, and it seemed very indifferent, but the fact that the other party could reply to him showed an attitude in itself.

You must know that the other party is a strong Tao Yun, and it is already commendable to be able to remember a villain like him.

The most important thing is that the other party told him about Palace Master Lan's promotion to the Hedao realm, and allowed him to take his Taoist companions back to participate in the promotion ceremony to be held in the future!

This is also an attitude, a more intimate attitude.

Chen Lin felt that Palace Master Lan was able to advance to the Hedao realm because he obtained the Dao Dao Stone on the White Bone Holy Ship. He provided the information about the Dao Dao Stone, so the other party had a certain favorable impression of him. letter.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, he took it as such!

Standing up, Chen Lin left Lingshi Pavilion and went directly to the peak of Murong Feng's residence.

"I've met the steward!"

Coincidentally, as soon as I arrived at the place, I saw the old man in charge coming down from the mountain peak.

"It's you."

The old man in charge frowned and said, "Didn't I tell you last time? Your Excellency has a distinguished status and many affairs, so I don't have time to see you!"

Chen Lin ignored the other party's attitude and still clasped his fists respectfully: "Back to the steward, I just received a message from Senior Murong Qing. There are some things I want to report to Elder Murong. Please pass it on."


The old man in charge was Murong Feng's confidant. He knew about Murong Qing's existence and Chen Lin's origins. He couldn't help but show surprise when he heard this.

Although he felt that if Murong Qing had any information, he should contact his master Murong Feng directly instead of the other party, but he knew Murong Qing's status in his master's heart and did not dare to neglect.

"Do you know the consequences of lying?"

The old man in charge stared at Chen Lin and spoke coldly.

Chen Lin clasped his fists again and said, "Of course I know. How dare you lie here? Everything you say is true."

"Okay, then wait a moment."

The old man in charge still did not dare to drive Chen Lin away directly. Instead, he took out the disc magic weapon and contacted Murong Feng.

"Let him come up!"

Murong Feng's figure appeared on the round instrument and gave an order.

The old man in charge put away the disk, pointed it at Chen Lin, and brought it to the top of the mountain.

It was the same hall where they met last time. Murong Feng sat upright and looked at Chen Lin indifferently.

Just one glance made Chen Lin feel endless coercion hanging over his head, making his mind tremble and he almost knelt down.

"Tell me, what do you want to see me for?"

Seeing that Chen Lin could resist, Murong Feng did not continue to exert pressure and asked.

Chen Lin adjusted his breath, bowed respectfully, and then said according to the words he had thought of before: "Replying to your lord, I just received a message from Senior Murong Qing, saying that the master of this palace has been promoted to the Hedao realm and will be held soon. For the promotion ceremony, let the junior return with the Taoist companions. As a deacon and elder under the Yingyue Palace, the junior is deeply favored by the palace master, so I want to say goodbye to you and go to Xuanyue Continent."

Murong Feng glanced at Chen Lin.

Somewhat unexpectedly, he said: "It seems that your identity is really unusual. Palace Master Lan has been promoted to the Hedao realm. Even I just learned about it not long ago, or through other channels. I didn't expect that my sister actually told you first." you."

Immediately, his tone changed and he added: "However, the date of the Hedao Ceremony has not been set yet. It will be at least a few years later. You are anxious to come to me at this time. You must not only want to say goodbye, right?"

Chen Lin thought for a while and decided to test it out.

He saluted again and said: "Senior has a keen eye. There are indeed other reasons. The junior heard that the fragments of the immortal stele that appeared this time are core parts and require a higher level of energy to activate, so they are worried that high-level monks will attack the junior Taoist monks. I want to confirm my idea with you, sir."

Murong Feng smiled faintly, looked at Chen Lin and said: "The high-level monk you are worried about is not me, right?"

Chen Lin's heart trembled, knowing that his little thoughts were completely invisible to the old monster who had lived for countless years.

But he couldn't admit it and immediately explained: "My lord has misunderstood. How dare I doubt my lord? It's just that we met someone from the Black Demon Sect before and felt that they have been staring at us, so we had to be on guard."

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