All the monks’ eyes were fixed on Ximen Wuxue.

Chen Lin was the same, his eyes unblinking.

The other party was very fast, crossing the bottom of the Immortal Monument and going up. After circling the Immortal Monument a few times, he came directly to the top of the Immortal Monument.

Such a high altitude made it very difficult for everyone with suppressed cultivation to see. The eyebrows of some people in the crowd lit up slightly, which obviously stimulated the innate ability related to vision.

Chen Lin once again felt the inconvenience of not having spiritual eyes and magical powers, and decided that if there was a chance, he would still find the true spiritual descendants of the Cyclops and get some golden tears to restore his spiritual eyes.

While thinking, Ximen Wuxue gently placed his hand on the immortal monument.

Immediately, the Immortal Monument trembled violently and emitted a dazzling light.

A bright mysterious pattern lit up on it, running through the entire stele and connecting with Ximen Wuxue's palm. Then, a ball of colored light bloomed from the center of Ximen Wuxue's eyebrows, completely covering his body!

The Immortal Monument was activated again, and it was countless times more powerful than the old man's before. Everyone looked forward to it, and they stood back and watched intently.

This time it lasted a bit long, and the colored light on Ximen Wuxue became brighter and brighter, even reflecting the entire immortal monument in color.


About half a quarter of an hour later, the Immortal Monument shook suddenly, and then glowed brightly.

But it was just released and closed, and then Ximen Wuxue disappeared with the light!

The Immortal Monument returned to silence again, and everyone fell into thinking.

Obviously, the other party passed the assessment, but how he passed and what happened during the process of coming into contact with the Immortal Monument is unknown.

Discussions began among various groups, and members of the Presbyterian Church also gathered together to discuss the next course of action.

No matter what, the fact that Ximen Wuxue did not fall off and turn into a withered skeleton this time meant that this place was not a dead end.

"Haha, it seems that this thing is just a matter of taste, let me try it!"

A heroic voice suddenly appeared from the crowd, and then a sword light was seen, heading straight towards the immortal monument.

Chen Lin's expression changed. Anyone who could drive the sword light to fly here must have a high level of cultivation. He probably had an innate ability related to swords.

This person was very fast. He arrived at the immortal monument in the blink of an eye, and then slapped it down without any hesitation.


The immortal stele trembled slightly and emitted a faint light.

Both the movement and the light were much weaker than those inspired by Ximen Wuxue, but similarly, a ball of light also lit up between the man's brows, and then enveloped his body.

In a few breaths, he disappeared!

The monks below all looked suspicious. Two people in a row disappeared instead of dying, which made everyone's thoughts come alive.

"No, look far away!"

At this time, a fairy from Wuzhen Building suddenly spoke, pointing in the distance with a frightened look.

In fact, she didn't need to remind everyone. Everyone felt it. The turbulence in the space in the distance suddenly intensified, rolling like huge waves, and mixed with bursts of heart-stopping dull sounds.

Moreover, these spatial turbulences do not stay still, but slowly advance toward them, making the range of stable space smaller and smaller.

"Husband, the situation has changed. Should we give it a try? The longer we wait, the worse the situation may become."

Luo Qinglan has a strong sense of space changes. Although the distance is still far, she also knows that this kind of space turbulence is not something they can resist now, so leaving through the immortal monument is the only way to survive.

In this case, it is better to go early that night. There are tens of thousands of monks here. If they all scramble to activate the Immortal Monument, some new changes may occur.

Chen Lin also felt that it made sense.

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and said, "Okay."

If you continue to cut off, you will be subject to chaos.

Although he is cautious, he is not cowardly, and he does not lack the courage to risk his life when there is no way out.

But immediately he spoke again: "But I have to wait a moment, I want to confirm something."

After saying that, he looked at the other monks around him.

At this time, everyone noticed the change in space. There were many people who had the same idea as them. Almost at the same time, dozens of monks rose into the sky and flew towards the Immortal Monument.

Chen Lin seized the opportunity, released his innate magical power, and cast a gray light on the nearest monk.

This monk was a young man, his cultivation level was not high, and his flying speed was very slow. He was not aware of it after being hit by Chen Lin with his magical power.

The scene of the River of Destiny appeared in Chen Lin's consciousness. He saw at a glance that the little fish representing the other party was very weak, and the surrounding lines were all disconnected without any connection!

This situation shows that no matter how the opponent operates under normal circumstances, it is a certain death situation, unless there is external interference to change the opponent's fate.

The Immortal Monument was too mysterious. In order to prevent backlash, after reading it, Chen Lin spread out the picture and stared at this person closely.

But because this person was slower, before he could get close to the Immortal Monument, the first person to arrive put his palm on the Immortal Monument, and the Immortal Monument was immediately stimulated and lit up with a slightly dim pattern.

The second monk who arrived hesitated for a moment when he saw this. He didn't care that the Immortal Monument had been activated, and pressed his palm on it as well.

Then I saw the Immortal Monument tremble, and a pattern lit up again, slightly brighter than before.

This situation made the newcomers feel certain, and they pressed their palms up one after another.

There are lines on the Immortal Monument that keep lighting up, and it’s hard to tell who inspired them. There are even monks below who think this is an opportunity. The Immortal Monument has been stimulated to such an extent that maybe even if they don’t have the ability to activate it, they can. Taking the opportunity to be teleported away, dozens more figures flew up.

Chen Lin took the opportunity to use his innate magical power to check the fate of the two monks. One of the old women's lines was also broken, while the other middle-aged man's lines were intact.

He remembered the appearance of these two people and observed them together with the young man from before.

Due to constant contact with others, the lines on the immortal monument are also constantly lighting up, some are bright, some are dim, and some are only faintly visible.

There must be some people who can't inspire the lines, but there are too many people who can't tell which one is which.

After a while, the three people Chen Lin observed all came into contact with the Immortal Monument. The slow-flying young man actually flew to the middle of the Immortal Monument. He seemed to want to go up, but he had no energy left, so he could only press his hand on the Immortal Monument there. above.

At this time, some of the people who came into contact first had already fallen down, and most of them fell to the ground like dumplings, and they all turned into withered bones.

But there are also those who are shrouded in light and disappear.

Under Chen Lin's gaze, the young man and the old woman both fell down, and the middle-aged man was shrouded in light and disappeared.

This made him think twice.

There is no problem with the guidance given by the innate supernatural power. As long as the lines continue, it means there will be no death.

At this moment, the space turbulence in the distance was getting closer. After getting the answer, Chen Lin no longer hesitated and checked Yang Zishi's fate picture again, and then said: "Yang Zishi, go up. No matter what happens, stay calm. No matter what happens, you must calm down." Something will happen!"

Yang Zishi's eyes showed determination when he heard this, and he flew into the air without hesitation, taking out the elixir and swallowing it at the same time.

This move made Shen Baiquan, Alan and others on the side cast doubtful looks. They didn't understand why Chen Lin wanted Yang Zishi to go first. Among their group, except for a few junior qi practitioners, Yang Zishi had the lowest cultivation level.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, is there anything special about this little girl?"

Alan stepped forward, glanced at Yang Zishi who was flying up, and asked.

Chen Lin pondered for a moment and said: "It's nothing, it's just that my subordinates have a low level of cultivation. If I don't go up and give it a try now, if everyone competes for it later, it will be difficult to win over other monks."

Alan didn't believe Chen Lin's words at all. This immortal monument was so huge that even if it were twice as large, they could all touch it, not to mention the people present.

She took a deep look at Chen Lin and said, "The Nu family and Xiu Niang are the best sisters. If Fellow Daoist Chen has any way for people to leave safely, don't hide it from the Nu family!"

Mentioning Yunxiu Niang, Chen Lin couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. He didn't know how she was doing now. He still had the wooden hairpin he got from the scene of King Xuanyin, but there was no movement. There must be a conflict between the projection and the main body. There is no connection between them.

"Okay, if I find a way, I will definitely not hide it from Miss Alan."

Chen Lin nodded and agreed.

Alan pouted, feeling that Chen Lin was perfunctory, but he had no choice but to turn his attention to Yang Zishi to see if the little girl could leave.

The same goes for Shen Baiquan and others. They all felt that Chen Lin's move of letting Yang Zishi go up first was strange, so they also stared at Yang Zishi.

However, several other qi-training monks listened to Chen Lin's words and felt that they made sense. If the space turbulence came closer, it would definitely be chaotic for so many monks to fly into the air together, and there might even be a fight. , their cultivation level was so low, it was difficult for them to fly, but they didn’t want to die in the chaos before they came into contact with the immortal monument, so after discussing with each other, they all slowly flew up.

Shen Baiquan and other Liangyi Sect administrators did not stop this. They themselves did not know whether it was better to go up first or last, and they had no reason to influence the disciples' actions.

Finally, Yang Zishi came to the bottom of the immortal monument.

After receiving Chen Lin's instructions, she placed her hand directly on the base of the immortal monument without continuing to rise.

Immediately, a very bright line lit up from the immortal monument, connected with her palm, and then turned into a ball of light and disappeared.

Chen Lin was overjoyed when he saw this. It seemed that his innate magical power of prediction was still effective.

In this case, Luo Qinglan and he should have no problem and both can be teleported away.

Some succeeded and some failed, and soon many monks fell from the immortal monument and turned into withered bones.

Moreover, more people died and less people were teleported away.

This made many people who were ready to move hesitate again.

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