Dodging requires constant practice to improve.

Chen Lin practiced sweating in the yard early in the morning, then performed a cleaning technique on himself and sat down to rest.

He popped up a fireball skill, lit a pile of firewood, and took out a piece of monster meat and roasted it on it.

After a while, the meat smells fragrant.

Now he has become more and more accustomed to the life of an immortal cultivator, and he has become more and more obsessed with it. If he were not worried about being in danger, such a life would be really free and comfortable.

Unfortunately, immortal cultivators are also human beings, and they have desires and struggles.

If you want to live a stable life, you can only swim against the current and strive for the upper reaches.

Had a hearty meal.

Chen Lin took advantage of the digestion time after the meal to take out a pile of ancient repair rags he bought.

There are about ten pieces of various kinds, basically all of them are incomplete pieces of jade, as well as old and damaged pages of unknown materials.

He just wanted to see if he could get some intellectual information from these things.

If you find a leak, that would be great.

Because the outer perimeter of the ancient cave had collapsed, everything had been dug out of the soil, and most of it had been corroded.

Of course, the ones that can be corroded are all low-level. Higher-level immortal cultivation items will not be damaged naturally even after hundreds or thousands of years.

First, he picked up the broken pages and looked at them carefully one by one.

These were all carefully selected by him at the stall, and they were relatively complete, but they were all written in ancient Chinese characters, making them very awkward to read.

Chen Lin took out paper and pen, first translated the content of each page according to its general meaning, and then began to figure it out.

After tinkering for a long time, he couldn't help but shake his head.

It’s still a bit taken for granted.

Since these things are put out for sale, they must have been studied countless times and put out only after they were found to be useless. Otherwise, they would not be put on a shabby stall, but should be at an auction.

Putting the paper aside, Chen Lin picked up the broken jade pieces one by one.

He suspected that these jade pieces were jade slips used by ancient cultivators to record information, so he bought them.

Then, he started testing one by one, but his expression became worse and worse.

His guess was correct. These jade pieces were all jade slips, but due to damage, the contents recorded inside had become very confusing and could not be identified.

It feels like a mess.


Chen Lin suddenly exclaimed and looked at the jade piece in his hand in surprise.

This was the one I bought from the bald stall. It was intact but full of cracks. It was emitting very weak fluctuations at the moment.

If you look closely, it seems that there is a layer of fluorescence on the surface.

This surprised Chen Lin but also made him very puzzled.

He remembered that he had tested it when he was in Fangshi, and there was nothing abnormal at all. Why did it change now?

He carefully placed the jade piece in front of his eyes and observed it, trying to inject mana into it, but there was no change.

Then, I communicated again with my mental power, but there was still no response.

This made Chen Lin a little embarrassed, and he didn't know how to start.

At this moment, there was a sudden scream outside, and then it became extremely noisy.

Chen Lin was stunned for a moment, but he did not go out directly to check. Instead, he used the wind control technique to fly to the roof and stopped to watch.

Then he frowned.

The sound came from the house that had just married the bride, and now the other party's yard was in chaos, as if there was a fight.

Fighting just after getting married is not a good life!

Chen Lin sighed with emotion, and then his ears twitched, and waves of calls for help came from over there.

Although the two families were far apart, such miserable sounds could still be heard very clearly.

He didn't want to care at first, but when he thought about the feeling that the bride gave him, he hesitated for a moment, then flew to the ground and walked across the avenue.

The closer the distance, the louder the screams. There were many onlookers watching the fun, but they all stayed far away, and no one dared to get close.

Chen Lin was also startled when he came closer.

The courtyard door of this family had been opened wide, and several people in the courtyard were huddled together, covered in blood.

There was a young woman among them. Judging from her figure and dress, she should be the bride. Her face was covered in blood and her appearance could not be seen clearly. She looked like a crazed beast, biting the groom's ear and pulling it away with every force. Bite it down.

What's even more exaggerated is that the bride didn't spit it out after biting it, but chewed it, stretched her neck, and swallowed it raw!

In addition, several people nearby were also covered in blood and flesh, and they had obviously been bitten.

Chen Lin happened to see this scene and his face paled slightly.

It wasn't that he was frightened by the bloody scene, but that the bride's condition was obviously abnormal. His feeling that day was not wrong, there was something wrong with this woman!

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, how dare this evildoer act so wildly? Why don't you show your true colors quickly!"

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded, and Chen Lin's eyes flashed. An old man with white hair and white beard wearing a Taoist robe appeared at the door.

Seeing someone coming forward, Chen Lin continued to hide in the distance to see the situation. This veteran's cultivation level was higher than his. If the other party couldn't handle it, there was no point in going out.

As soon as the Taoist appeared, a bloody old man lying on the ground shouted loudly, "Taoist, help me, my daughter-in-law has been possessed and gone crazy!"

The old Taoist didn't say anything. He shook the bright silver whisk in his hand, and countless silver threads shot towards the bride.

The bride noticed the danger, but did not avoid it. Instead, she bared her teeth and let out a low growl. She stretched out her hand to grab the silk thread of the fly whisk, and then opened her mouth to bite it.


The old Taoist priest snorted coldly, and with a flick of his wrist, the caught silver wire became like molten steel wire, buzzed and trembled, and swung the bride away.

Although he failed to take it down with one blow, it gave the people next to him a chance to breathe. The groom took the opportunity to drag several people lying on the ground to the side, and collapsed on the ground gasping for air.

The bride seemed to have completely lost her mind, her eyes were red, and she rushed towards the old Taoist priest.

While running, he made a whooshing sound.

"Death to the evildoer!"

The old Taoist priest's eyes were sharp, and the whisk in his hand became straight, forming the shape of a sword, and he slashed it down at the bride with fierce power.


The bride let out an inhuman roar, and a terrifying wave suddenly emitted from her body, and then suddenly exploded.

Strangely, the flesh and blood did not scatter after the explosion, but condensed into a twisted bloody figure.

At this time, the sword light formed by the whisk fell, but it passed through the blood shadow as if it was cut in liquid.

The blood shadow let out a strange scream and pounced on Lao Dao's body.

The old man shouted loudly and punched out with his other hand.

The fist swelled in the wind, turned into the size of a bowl, and hit the flesh and blood figure!

Flesh and blood exploded.

This time it failed to condense and splashed everywhere.

Just when Lao Dao breathed a sigh of relief, a vague reddish shadow suddenly appeared, a flash, like a red line, running to Lao Dao's body.

The old Taoist's eyes instantly turned red, and a strange aura rose up.

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