Chen Lin discovered that as the light network above the sky became lower and lower, the space became more stable.

All the spatial ripples caused by the interface collision have completely disappeared, and they are even more stable than before the fusion.

He couldn't help but glance at Hua Ruyu.

In this state, the other party may not be able to enhance the interface sensing ability.

Hua Ruyu's voice transmission immediately sounded, "Master, don't let down your guard. My hunch is really accurate, but judging from the current situation, this interface fusion should be very likely to succeed. There must be some change that will lead to Failure."

Chen Lin's face changed slightly when he heard this.

The word "accident" reminded him of that giant scarlet eye.

Since that thing appeared in Baishuang City, it has not appeared again in the following Tianxuan Day. I wonder if it will appear again this time.

He once analyzed that the reason why the scarlet giant eye appeared in Baishuang City was because the immortal soul of the cactus palm appeared.

In other words, it was the immortal's breath that attracted the other party.

If the giant eye is used to monitor this world, then the purpose should be to not allow too powerful beings to appear, just like when they were in the lower world, the sealing formation did not allow the god-transforming monks to appear, and they would attack them if they appeared.

Could it be that some immortal soul will appear this time?

Where will that show up?

Chen Lin began to think.

But after much thought, I couldn't think of anything.

Could it be that it's still in him?

Chen Lin was shocked.

He suddenly remembered the set of bone fragments that recorded the Taixu script. The triangular bone fragment among them was very special, especially because it also contained the soul of an immortal, right?

But it immediately felt impossible.

Although the energy fluctuations on the triangular bone fragment are strong, they are vastly different from those of the original Immortal Palm. Otherwise, Magatama Mountain would not be willing to accept his decision because of its inability to resist the erosion of nightmare energy.

Furthermore, the cactus palm cannot be stored in the storage bag, but the triangular bone fragment can.

This also shows that the possibility of the immortal soul inside the bone fragment is very slim, and it is even unlikely to be a storage item.

Chen Lin dismissed the distracting thoughts. He couldn't scare himself at this time.

But for the sake of safety, he returned to the house and asked Xiaocao to guard it. He used the Nightmare Realm storage bag to collect all the suspicious items and sent them to the Nightmare Realm grove, where he asked Fat Tiger to guard them.

In this way, even if there is an immortal soul, it will not be sensed.

When I walked outside again, the light network in the sky had fallen into the sky.

At this time, the speed of the optical network became very slow, as if it was blocked by something, and it seemed very difficult.

The rotation speed of the Immortal Palace began to accelerate, making bursts of roar, and the energy emitted was even more terrifying.

Under such high-intensity operation, the solid buildings on the Immortal Palace could not withstand it and began to collapse on a large scale.

Even the body of Immortal Palace has cracks.

When Chen Lin saw this, he couldn't help but secretly thought it was a pity. At the same time, he sighed in his heart. For the sake of self-interest, monks can really do anything, even if they are as aloof and arrogant as Wei Duxing.

The other party did not hesitate to destroy such a huge foundation, spend endless resources, and cooperate to activate this solid world formation, just to make the rules of heaven and earth complete after the interface is merged, so that they can be promoted to Mahayana.

Suddenly, Chen Lin frowned.

He thought about what situation might have attracted the giant scarlet eye.

Bai Yuandu!

This Mahayana monk suddenly appeared, and then used both soft and hard tactics to urge all the major forces to cooperate with him in integrating the interface. It was so urgent that it could not be just to make the interface complete and conducive to cultivation. There must be a larger purpose.

If the prediction is correct, the other party may be going through the great catastrophe of becoming an immortal!

If this is the case, then the opponent will be regarded as an immortal after successfully overcoming the tribulation, and needs to ascend to the immortal world. If the scarlet giant eye is really the 'supervisor', he will definitely appear to attack him.

The more he thought about it, the more Chen Lin felt that it was very likely, so he immediately shared it with everyone and discussed countermeasures.

"That Bai Yuando should have returned to the Rainbow Realm now, right?"

After hearing Chen Lin's guess, Luo Qinglan immediately asked.

This issue is very critical. If Bai Yuandu has been in Zhongzhou City, then this place must not stay. Now that the space is stable, you can use the teleportation array to go to other cities, the farther away the better.

Chen Lin nodded and said, "I'm going back to the Rainbow Realm. Bai Ge conveyed a message to me when he left, and Palace Master Lan also said so."

Luo Qinglan's expression relaxed.

"In this case, it shouldn't be a big problem. Even if he succeeds in overcoming the tribulation, the giant eye will focus on him. We are far away from the Rainbow Realm, so the impact will not be too serious."


At this time, Jin Xingyun said: "Is it possible that the interface will collapse? After all, the Xingnan Realm and the Rainbow Realm are one after the fusion. If they collapse, they may not return to their original appearance, break into countless pieces, or even turn into nothingness. It's possible."

His words changed the expressions of everyone except Hua Ruyu.

Everyone present had smuggled themselves up from the lower world and had experienced interface crashes. Moreover, the scene at this time was very similar to that of that time, so they couldn't help but worry.

"In this case, we have to make some preparations. Let everyone share their thoughts. What should we do?"

Chen Lin looked at a few people and asked.

Then he added: "But it's best not to leave Zhongzhou City. City Lord Wei is the most powerful person in the Star South Realm. Even if the scarlet giant eye appears, there may not be no hope of competing. If you go to other cities, there is no such thing. The strong exist.”

Jin Xingyun and others thought for a while, but they were all silent.

The scarlet giant eye last appeared in the Star North Realm. At that time, the interface was not integrated. No one here had seen it at all. The relevant information was only told by Chen Lin, and there was no intuitive feeling for the giant eye.

Furthermore, beings like the Giant Eye have no other way to resist except hiding in other interfaces, and the currently known nodes have become unstable, and you may be trapped inside if you enter them.

"Otherwise, wait near the node in the south of the city, and enter the node if there is danger?"

Tantai Yunjin made suggestions, but everyone hesitated.

Chen Lin didn't say anything either.

The node in the south of the city is where True Lord Wan Meng went. Although there is a certain danger, True Lord Wan Meng has already explored it and knows a little bit about the rules. However, he doesn't know where the other node in it leads. After Meng Zhenjun went in, he never came out again.

For him, going to that node is worse than going to the spirit and demon world.

But he can do it, but the others can't.

That warrior is so powerful that he will be trapped inside if he cannot get the clearance token.

"Brother Chen, what do you think?"

Jin Xingyun asked from the exit.

Seeing that the light net in the sky was no longer very high, and something might happen once it landed, he seemed a little anxious.

Chen Lin thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I won't go. The node may collapse at any time. It's better to gamble in the nightmare world than to gamble that City Lord Wei is strong enough to solve the crisis. But if you want to go You don’t have to worry about me, after all, the more road you have, the more hope you have.”

He has already made up his mind to stay in the inner city and not go anywhere.

Not to mention that the nodes are in danger of collapse, once they leave the inner city and there is no protection from the city guards, it will be troublesome if they encounter the reincarnation of Baihua Fairy, so it is better to wait here honestly.

And it's not like he doesn't have a backup plan.

In addition to the resurrection scroll, he also prepared two medium items with strong nightmare energy. If that didn't work, he would use a blood handkerchief to project into the scene of King Xuanyin like he did in Baishuang City, and then find a way out.

He has already tested it. The cat-headed monster's whiskers are not invalid, but they cannot be used in the bluestone street scene. As long as the cat-headed monster can be summoned, there is no need to worry about being trapped in the scene.

Moreover, this method can also bring Luo Qinglan, Yang Zishi and others together.

Of course, this is only the last option. It's too dangerous. Don't use it if you can. There's no need to speak out and influence other people's judgments.

Hearing Chen Lin's words, Jin Xingyun and Tantai Yunjin looked at each other and gave up the idea of ​​going near the node.

While several people were talking, the optical network had already reached the top of the city, then accelerated and fell down little by little.

All the monks avoided the light to avoid being affected by the terrifying energy above, and then watched the entire light network fall to the ground and merge into the soil!


The earth shook violently again.

And this time it lasted for a long time and became more and more intense.

The space began to twist and crack, and space cracks appeared and disappeared out of thin air, dense and endless.

There were screams one after another.

Any monk who is touched by a larger space crack will be cut off wherever he touches it. For a while, everyone is panicked and runs away.

Fortunately for Chen Lin, there are two people with spatial abilities, Luo Qinglan and Hua Ruyu, who can directly break small spatial cracks, and large ones can also be sensed in advance and evaded.

Both Jin Xingyun and Tantai Yunjin were secretly glad that they didn't go near the nodes. With such a strong vibration force in space, no nodes would be left, and they might have been swallowed up by the space cracks.

After about half an hour, the space vibration gradually weakened and stopped.

All those who were still alive discovered that the aura between heaven and earth had become extremely active, and their sense of the meaning of the rules had also increased countless times.

Many low-level monks broke through the realm directly.

Not only in the small realm, there are even people who build foundations out of thin air, form elixirs, and condense babies instantly, and they can't suppress them even if they want to.

For a time, dark clouds gathered and thunder rolled from the sky.

Even Chen Lin took advantage of the opportunity to break through to the late stage of divine transformation, and Yang Zishi caused the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation on the spot!

Rainbow Realm.

The situation here is the same. After the space shock ended, a large number of monks broke through the bottleneck, causing the catastrophe to spread.

The result is that there are too many monks crossing the tribulation at the same time, making the power of the tribulation thunder much weaker.

High mountaintop.

Bai Yuandu opened his eyes suddenly, and a black light flashed away.

He raised his head, looked up at the thunderstorms in the sky, and showed a satisfied smile.

"Very good, it seems that my opportunity has arrived!"

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