After being reminded by Wood Fairy, Chen Lin immediately became on high alert.

In this kind of battle between strong men, a little carelessness can turn him into ashes.

But the Tianluo people ignored spiritual treasures and spell attacks. The gods they served must have the same ability. All other methods were useless. The only ones that could be used were the Thunder God Sword and the Soul-Destroying Finger.

Chen Lin didn't make any extra preparations. He just mobilized the Thunder God Sword to be activated at any time and held the Shepherding Order in his hand.

The aura of the nightmare world on this identity token is very strong, stronger than a blood handkerchief. If you really encounter irresistible danger, then give up your body and project into the nightmare world to avoid it.

In this way, even though all the cultivation is reduced to nothing, at least one life can be left, which is better than using the resurrection scroll.

And with his identity as a shepherd, he doesn't have to worry about danger in Baiyun Ranch and can slowly find a way to leave.

After thinking about it, Chen Lin took out the fishing rod again and stuck it diagonally on his waist.

Baiyun Ranch is a silver scene. Cat-headed monsters cannot be summoned. It is easy to enter but difficult to come out. Although there is a node, it is not certain whether the projection can come out. Moreover, when such powerful people collide, the space will definitely vibrate, and the node may collapse.

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Such a powerful aura of rules suppressed Cheng Lingdie's whole body and trembled, and she looked at Chen Lin with a look of fear.

Chen Lin put away his thoughts and shot a defensive talisman on the opponent. Then he came outside the courtyard and waved his hand to take out Cheng Lingchan from the other room.

"You two, don't move, just wait here!"

After giving the order, he ignored it and looked into the distance.

At this moment, the direction of Xiaguang Mountain is shining brightly, and the regular aura is coming from there. At the same time, you can also feel that there are other regular auras appearing in other locations in this world.

Affected by the aura of these rules, the energy fluctuations in the sky were extremely terrifying, forming an invisible net that was advancing little by little toward the snow.

Chen Lin knew that existences such as the Wood Fairy and other "Five Elements Spirits" should have taken action together.

He also felt uneasy.

Although Wood Fairy and others are very strong, the so-called Tianluo will only be stronger.

If 'Luo' is an existence that can destroy immortal gods, then the Tianluo distraction formed after being broken up must be at least an immortal level.

Wood Fairy and the others are only five elements spirits. Even if they can use their innate power, their chances of success may not be great.

But he couldn't participate in a battle of this level, and he couldn't even understand it. Chen Lin could only wait patiently.

After thinking for a while, he patted the storage bag and released a large alchemy furnace.

Since you can only use the Thunder God Sword and the Soul-Destroying Finger, and your innate power can only be restored naturally, you have to prepare some pills to restore your soul power.

He had prepared a lot before this, but he still kept some materials. Looking at the current situation, there may not be a chance to use them, so he just refined them into elixirs.

As time passed, the energy in the sky surged, and the ground trembled more and more violently.

In the end, the mountains and the ground in the distance began to collapse, and small cracks appeared in the space, and then bursts of soul-shaking sounds sounded from the distance, as if it was the end of the world.

The sisters Cheng Lingdie had been suppressed and couldn't get up. Chen Lin was also struggling to hold on.

However, protected by the big tree formed from the branches of the Wood Fairy, their area was less affected and could still hold on.

The elixir has been refined, and Chen Lin continues to pay attention to the changes in the world.

The energy fluctuations became more and more violent. He glanced at the two sisters, cleaned the package, took out a space bag, put the two women in, and then stuffed it into the package.

If he dies, the two sisters won't be able to survive if they stay here. It's better to carry them with him. They are both thin and this weight won't affect him.

As soon as he finished processing, Chen Lin saw a large number of figures appearing from the direction of the snow, heading straight for Xiaguang Mountain!

If you look closely, you will see that they are all from Tianluo!

This sight made Chen Lin look happy.

Even these shrimp soldiers and crab generals were sent out. It seemed that Tianluo was at a disadvantage and was not as powerful as he expected.

At the same time, the flowers, plants and trees all over the mountains and plains also came to life, attacking these Tianluo people. He also saw some transformed spirits shuttled among the flowers and grass.

However, the Tianluo people seemed to have gone crazy. They were extremely tough, and coupled with their own characteristics, no matter the flowers, plants or the elves, they had limited damage to them and could not stop their progress.

"Help block them, don't let them get close to my body, use your fingering technique, don't use your innate power!"

Wood Fairy's voice sounded in Chen Lin's mind, looking a little weak.

Chen Lin looked stern and rushed out immediately.

If something happened to Wood Fairy, he would not be able to deal with it. He could not hesitate at this time.

As soon as he came out of the yard, he met a middle-aged Tianluo woman. She was holding a wooden shovel in her hand and was beating an elf into pieces with a shovel.

Without saying a word, Chen Lin raised his hand and struck out with the Soul-Destroying Finger.

The middle-aged woman fell down in response and was instantly reduced to ashes.

Without stopping, he put away the shovel and rushed to the next target.

After the soul power increased, the power of the soul-destroying finger surged. These Tianluo people were forced out of their bodies by the flower and plant elves. There was no mystery anymore. Every time they flickered, they harvested a life.

Chen Lin was hunting and sensing at the same time.

Then he discovered that the feeling of gaze did not appear because he killed the Tianluo people, and he couldn't help but feel slightly reassured.

It seemed that Luo Tianluo was too busy taking care of himself to pay attention to him.

That would be easier to handle.

Chen Lin lost his scruples and turned into a harvesting machine, constantly harvesting the lives of Tianluo people.

These Tianluo people are almost invincible under the protection of the rules, but after the rules are cracked, they become toothless tigers with no deterrent power.

Under the attack of his Soul-Destroying Finger, he was almost dead if he touched it, and he cleared out most of the Tianluo people he saw in an instant.

"Hey, your fingering method is wrong, don't use it yet!"

Chen Lin swallowed a few pills to restore his soul power and was about to continue the pursuit when the voice of Wood Fairy suddenly sounded.

He suddenly had a sudden thought and wanted to ask, but found that he could not transmit the sound to the distant tree.

But soon the voice of the Wood Fairy came to mind again.

"Your fingering method is a bit weird. The energy generated seems to be outside the rules of this domain, and it is extremely restrained by Luo's energy. You should quickly recover and maintain your peak. When we trap Tianluo Can Nian, you can use this fingering method and innate power. Cooperate with the attack!"

"What does the fairy mean? What is Yuan Yu?"

Chen Lin was filled with doubts when he heard this and hurriedly tried to communicate with the other party, but there was no response.

Moreover, the aura of the wooden patterns in the direction of Xiaguang Mountain became stronger and stronger, and the colorful light increased sharply, covering the entire world!

Blessed by this colorful ray of light, the power of the spirit of grass and trees increased greatly, killing the remaining Tianluo people.

This is the last resort to take action!

Chen Lin did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly put aside his distracting thoughts, took out a large number of soul-restoring elixirs and swallowed them to replenish his soul power to its optimal state.


Suddenly, a very strange syllable appeared in Chen Lin's mind.

The sound was so loud that it was impossible to tell the difference between male and female, or where it came from.

Chen Lin felt that his flesh, blood, soul, Yuanying, etc., everything began to dissipate rapidly, and his whole person would turn into nothingness in the next moment.

He was shocked and hurriedly activated his innate power.

But his face became even more ugly.

The innate power only slows down this state of annihilation, but cannot resist it. If there is no other means, the soul will be wiped out in a few breaths.

In addition, he also noticed that as the loud sound appeared, the aura on the Xiaguang Mountain side also weakened, and the Wood Fairy might not have any spare power to help him.

In desperation, Chen Lin suddenly moved his mind and used a soul-killing finger on himself!

Then he looked happy.

The Soul-Destroying Finger did not cause any harm to himself, but instead greatly slowed down the state of annihilation.

This scene gave him hope, and he nodded a few more times to himself.

The state of annihilation was dispelled and the body returned to normal.

Chen Lin was pleasantly surprised by this situation and had more questions about the soul-killing finger, but he had no time to think about it and instead checked the two sisters in the space bag.

The two sisters huddled together, unharmed.

It seems that Tianluo's attack is not full coverage, but is aimed at Wood Fairy and threatening existences like him.

This gave him a kind of enlightenment.

The scarlet giant eye had repeatedly targeted him before, probably because he possessed the energy of the Soul-Destroying Finger.

Chen Lin checked his body and then looked in the direction of Xiaguang Mountain, thoughts coming to life in his mind.

If neither Tianluo Cannian nor the Tianluo people pose a threat to him, there is no need for him to stay here. He can fly back to Guxiu Cave Mansion and enter Baiyun Ranch through the node.

Although there is a possibility of being trapped inside, there is no need to worry about safety. When Na Ge Ge Yun comes back, there will be a chance to leave.

As soon as this idea appeared, Chen Lin felt the space distorted, and then the person appeared in a dark place.

"Attack it, quickly!"

Before he could stop, Wood Fairy's voice sounded in his mind.

Chen Lin was also attracted by a golden eyeball in the distance.

This eyeball has the same shape as the gods worshiped by the Tianluo people, and is also the same as the ancestor of the evil demon, but it is only the size of a fist. It is trapped in five rays of light exuding different rules, and it is constantly struggling.

He suspected that Wood Fairy could spy on his inner thoughts, but Chen Lin knew he had no choice, so he immediately raised his hand and clicked wildly, emptying all his soul power.

The beam of the Soul-Destroying Finger kept falling on the golden eyeballs like rain hitting banana trees, but the effect was not as effective as it was on the Tianluo people. It just made the opponent's aura slightly weaker.

Chen Lin's expression changed.

This is not a good sign.

But there was no turning back when he opened the bow. He immediately stuffed the prepared elixir into his mouth, activated the Thunder God Sword, and stabbed it into his eyeball.

As if feeling the threat of the Thunder God Sword, his golden eyeballs flashed, and a golden arrow shot out, colliding with the Thunder God Sword!

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