"Hehe, brother, long time no see, I miss you so much."

When Lin Zhe returned home and just opened the door.

A young and beautiful girl appeared in front of him.

This beautiful girl is Lin Zhe's sister, Lin Shuyu.

"Shu Yu, when did you come back?"

Looking at the sister in front of him, Lin Zhe asked curiously.

When he went out before, his sister was not at home.

No, to be precise, she hasn't been home for the past half month.

However, this is understandable.

Because Lin Shuyu is two years younger than Lin Zhe.

Therefore, Lin Shuyu is now in college and usually goes home once every half month or even once a month.

Lin Shuyu is now a senior.

Graduation is coming soon.

The school I attend is Hangcheng University!

Ranked among the top five universities in the country.

It can be said that my little sister is a perfect goddess who combines talent and beauty.

When I was studying before.

Lin Shuyu received a lot of love letters every morning when she came to school.

Of course, Lin Zhe also gets this treatment.

After all, he was also the male god in the eyes of many girls!

"I just came back not long ago."

"Hey, brother, I discovered your big secret."

Lin Shuyu, who was standing at the door, winked at Lin Zhe and smiled treacherously.

"Secret? What secret?"

Lin Zhe didn't react for a moment.

"Hehe, I just saw it from the window."

"A beautiful woman has sent you back."

"Is she your new girlfriend?"

Lin Shuyu came to Lin Zhe and gently slapped Lin Zhe with her elbow.

Then he said with a face full of gossip.

"What are you thinking about?"

"That's my high school classmate."

"You should also recognize her, it's Ye Wanqing."

Lin Zhe rolled his eyes.

Sure enough, girls' gossiping nature is really innate.

Even as her own sister, she is no exception.

"Ye Wanqing, the school beauty?"

"It turned out to be her."

"I'll go, she's changed so much."

Lin Shuyu is no stranger to Ye Wanqing!

Because Lin Shuyu and Lin Zhe attended the same high school.

However, when Lin Shuyu was in her first year of high school, Lin Zhe was already in her third year of high school.

But that's not important.

The important thing is that even when she was in her first year of high school, Lin Shuyu already knew about the existence of the school beauty Ye Wanqing.

No, it’s not just her, it should be said that everyone in the school knows this.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you in a few years, and a lot has changed indeed."

"To be honest, when I saw her again today."

"I almost didn't recognize it either."

Regarding this point, Lin Zhe has more say than Lin Shuyu.

"Hehe, brother, since we are high school classmates."

"Then do you have any thoughts about Ye Wanqing?"

"Looking at the car she drives, she should be white, rich and beautiful."

"If you take her down, you will have to fight for decades less."

Lin Shuyu raised an eyebrow and said with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, am I such a superficial person?"

"Even if I really want to pursue her, it's not because of her money."

"Besides, your brother and I are not short of money either."

Lin Zhe raised his hand and gave Lin Shuyu a headache.

How to be a sister.

You look down on your brother so much!

Am I the kind of person who sells my looks for money?

"Yes, yes, my brother, you are the noblest."

"So, brother who is not short of money, can you give me some money for my sister to spend?"

After rubbing her aching little head, Lin Shuyu said dissatisfiedly.

Damn brother, this is really serious!

What if it breaks.

"This is not a big problem."

"Well, you'll graduate in less than two months."

“At that time, my funds were also withdrawn.”

"After graduation, I will give you a graduation gift package."

Lin Zhe has been doting on his sister since childhood.

Therefore, the relationship between the brother and sister is also very good!

Now that I have made money, my sister is definitely indispensable.


"That's great."

"What are you going to give me when I graduate?"

Originally, Lin Shuyu just said it casually.

She knew that her brother had little money now.

She also knew that her brother sold his car and house to invest in an unknown project.

So, she just made a joke.

What she didn't expect was that her casual words would actually come true.

My brother is going to prepare a graduation gift package for her.

Lin Shuyu knew very well about his brother.

If you say it’s a big gift package, then it’s really a big gift package and there will be no fraud.

Immediately, she started to look forward to it.

I don’t know what the big gift package prepared by my brother will be.

"Whatever I give you, I'll keep it secret for now. You'll know it when you graduate."

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go to bed."

"Girls, it's better not to stay up late."

I looked at the time, it was almost 10 o'clock.

Lin Zhe tapped Lin Shuyu's forehead with his finger and went back to the room.

"Hehe, okay!"

Lin Shuyu stuck out her tongue playfully, and then skipped back to her room with a happy expression.

"Ding dong..."

"I'm home now!"

Not long after Lin Zhe returned to the room, he received a message from Ye Wanqing.

"Well, it's getting late, go to bed early."

Lin Zhe didn't think much and replied directly.

Ye Wanqing, on the other side, saw Lin Zhe's reply.

Suddenly he pouted his mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Wood, big wood."

"A beautiful woman like me takes the initiative to send you a message."

"Don't you know how to talk to me more?"

"You told me to go to bed early, you big-headed devil."

Having said this, Ye Wanqing took the pillow from her bed and gave it a few hard hammers.

It's like blasting a big piece of wood.

"Ding dong..."

Just as Ye Wanqing was banging her pillow, her cell phone rang again.

This made her eyes light up, thinking it was Lin Zhe who had sent another message.

He immediately turned on his phone eagerly.

However, what disappointed her was that the message was not sent back by Lin Zhe.

But my mother!

"Daughter, I recently met a handsome young man."

"Whenever I have free time, I can introduce you to you."

This is a message from Ye Wanqing's mother.

Needless to say, this is a marriage rush.

To be honest, Ye Wanqing was a little helpless!

When I was in high school, my mother wouldn’t let me fall in love early!

When I was in college, my mother told me to focus on my studies and not fall in love.

As a result, after graduation, the urge to get married started again.

It was okay at first, I just asked occasionally.

but now?

It was urging him every day.

I don't know where I found a bunch of young talents to help them get married.

"Mom, don't bother trying."

"To tell you the truth, I have someone I like."

"When I catch him, I will take him to see you."

Thinking of Lin Zhe, Ye Wanqing smiled sweetly.

Then he tapped his phone and sent a message!

Cao Yaqing:? ? ?

Does my daughter like someone?

I do not know how?


Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes! ! !

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