
Downstairs from Lin Zhe's parents, a pink Maserati parked here.

It goes without saying that the owner of this car is Ye Wanqing.

Because it was broad daylight, many people were walking around the community.

When they see a luxury car like Maserati, they will inevitably talk about it.

At this time, a handsome boy walked out of the building.

"Lin Zhe, here, here."

The moment she saw this handsome boy, Ye Wanqing immediately raised her hand and waved to her.

I'm afraid that Lin Zhe can't see the same thing.

And as Ye Wanqing shouted, the eyes of the people eating melons around them suddenly focused on Lin Zhe.

"Isn't this the son of Lao Lin's family? Could this woman be his girlfriend?"

"That's not possible. I heard that Old Lin's son went bankrupt and even sold his house and car. This girl can tell at a glance that the conditions are good. How could she fall in love with Old Lin's son?"

"You can't say for sure. Everyone has their own preferences for carrots and vegetables. Besides, Lao Lin's son is also very handsome, but he just has no money."

"So, the son of the old Lin family is going to be the son-in-law. Isn't this just a soft meal?"

When these melon-eating people saw Lin Zhe, they all started talking about it.

The look he looked at Lin Zhe was also full of strangeness.

It's very undignified to have a son-in-law come to your house or something like that.

It would be better if the woman's family had a better personality.

If it gets worse, life will be difficult.

"I knew this would happen!"

Although they were far apart, Lin Zhe still heard the gossip.

He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth immediately.

You are just a door-to-door son-in-law, and your whole family is a door-to-door son-in-law.

I, Lin Zhe, am I the kind of person who eats soft food?

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Lin Zhe doesn't want to argue with these melon-eating people.

He immediately went directly to Ye Wanqing's car and urged her.

"Haha, I didn't expect that."

"You also have such embarrassing moments."

"Killing me."

Ye Wanqing also heard the comments of the melon-eating crowd.

Immediately one of them couldn't hold it back and couldn't stop laughing.

"Stop laughing, let's go."

"If we don't leave, we might even have children."

Lin Zhe rolled his eyes and said unabashedly.

"Bah, who wants to have children with you?"

Ye Wanqing's face turned red when she heard these unabashed words.

He spat softly.

Then he started the car and left.

When Lin Zhe saw this, he just smiled and said nothing more.

Some jokes only need to be made once.

If you open too much, it will be easy for others to plan.


Half an hour later, they arrived at a quiet teahouse.

Strange to say.

Ye Wanqing doesn't drink milk tea or coffee, but only loves tea.

This may have something to do with her family.

Lin Zhe remembers that she once said that both her grandfather and father like to drink tea.

Ye Wanqing has been influenced by her ears and eyes since she was a child, and it seems that it is not unreasonable.

"Tell me what you want from me."

I came to the teahouse and ordered a pot of Longjing priced at 1988.

Ye Wanqing said to Lin Zhe.

"It's like this. I want to buy a luxury car. I wonder if you have the means."

Lin Zhe did not mince words and directly stated his purpose.

"Luxury car? What brand is it?"

"Approximately how many thousand?"

Ye Wanqing was stunned for a moment, then asked curiously.

"What I want to buy is an Aston Martin Valhalla."

"As for the price, it should be around 10 million."

"This car is limited edition, there are only 999 units in the world."

"So, I want to ask you if there is a way?"

Lin Zhe talked about the luxury car he wanted to buy.

"Aston Martin Valhalla, this car is not easy to get."

“I don’t have enough connections.”

"But if my dad takes the initiative, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Don't worry, since you want it, I will definitely get it for you."

"I'll tell my dad later."

"If it's quick, it can be obtained in one or two months, and the slowest will not exceed three months."

Ye Wanqing also knew about the luxury cars Lin Zhe mentioned.

However, if she wanted to get this car, her father would have to step in.

If it were anyone else, Ye Wanqing would definitely not go to her father for a car.

But if it was Lin Zhe, then she would have no hesitation.

Who makes her have a soft spot for someone?

"I need uncle to come forward."

"Would that be too much trouble?"

Lin Zhe didn't expect that Ye Wanqing was really capable of handling it.

And judging from her tone, the success rate is quite high.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have boasted about Haikou and said he could get it within one or two months, or even three months.

However, Lin Zhe hesitated when he thought of troubling Ye Wanqing's father.

"No trouble."

"For my dad, this is just a piece of cake."

"And if he knew I was helping a boy buy a car."

"Maybe you'll be happy."

Ye Wanqing shook her head quickly, and then said mysteriously.

When I think of the marriage push at home.

Ye Wanqing couldn't help but chuckle.

If mom and dad knew that they were going to help a boy buy a car.

You will definitely be surprised.

It just so happens that my mother has been asking herself recently which boy she likes.

This time, let’s take the opportunity to buy a car and introduce her to her.

Lest she always say that I am lying, thinking that I just casually said that I have someone I like in order to avoid urging marriage.

"very happy?"


Lin Zhe didn't understand.

At this time, he had no idea that there were so many elders who had long wanted to see him.

"It's nothing, you will know when the time comes."

Lin Wanqing shook her head quickly.

She was planning to drag Lin Zhe to meet her family.

Of course we can't say it now.

What if Lin Zhe is frightened and stops going?


"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

Seeing that Ye Wanqing refused to say more, Lin Zhe stopped thinking about it.

He had no idea what he was about to face.

"Yeah, I'll let you know when the time comes."

"By the way, you want to buy an Aston Martin Valhalla."

"Does this mean you have cleared your garlic futures position?"

"I remember that the international price of garlic has now risen to US$3.6 per kilogram."

"Can you tell me how much you earned?"

At this time, Ye Wanqing suddenly reacted and asked Lin Zhe curiously.

"Not much..."

"It's a lot of money, about 160 million U.S. dollars."

Lin Zhe originally wanted to say that there was not much.

But thinking of doing this seems to be pretentious.

He immediately changed his tune.

He has not forgotten what Ye Wanqing told him about Versailles.

"1.6 dollars!"

"Oh my god, at the current exchange rate, wouldn't that be worth almost one billion soft girl coins?"

"5 million makes 1 billion."

"Lin Zhe, you are too awesome."

Ye Wanqing looked at Lin Zhe dumbfounded.

After she graduated, it has been two years since she took over the branch in Hangzhou.

In the past two years, despite her father's countless resources, she had worked hard day and night and only made less than 200 million.

What about Lin Zhe?

Starting from scratch, without any resources.

Even the way to make money is very easy.

After working at home for a month, I made one billion.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Ye Wanqing suddenly felt that this was the case with Lin.

My efforts in the past two years seem a bit redundant.


Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation votes! ! !

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