In Zhao Jinshui's opinion, there is no difference between Li Wei's behavior and a report made by a superior.

Now even the boss of the marketing department attaches great importance to Li Wei's report. Doesn't it mean that he, as a supervisor, is very incompetent?

Zhao Jinshui just glanced at the product and smiled:

"There are so many little-known brands that come to the market every year, but the ones that are left behind every year are still the brands of our Shengjing?"

"Director, you are just too worried. This is just a matter of some employees in the sales department using chicken feathers as arrows and making a fuss at the slightest sign of trouble."

But Howard didn't agree with Zhao Jinshui's words. He frowned and looked at him:

“But our marketing department has already tasted this product, and it is indeed a good product.

"And the price is the benchmark product of Shengjing Company."

"Director Zhao, you should know that being attacked by an opponent like this is a war of attrition that does more harm than good to any brand!"

"I hope you can take your job seriously, as well as our colleagues in the marketing department, and me as the director."

Zhao Jinshui saw Howard so excited and a little angry, so he had to say a few words for himself.

Then he secretly cursed his bad luck and went back to think about it with this bottle of soy sauce.

While thinking about it, he scolded Li Wei for looking for trouble:

"I have to find an excuse to get rid of him. The sales department's performance is booming, but he is like a thorn in the side. He is looking for trouble for himself."

Howard couldn't wait for Zhao Jinshui's reply. He knew that the other party was a relative of the boss's wife, so he didn't take his work very seriously.

But Howard is here to work, not to engage in internal fighting.

So bypassing the sales department, Howard went directly to the advertising and public relations department, the product research and development department, and even the head of the business department, which brought in hundreds of millions of sponsorships to the company every year.


The products of Lin's Soy Sauce Factory were thrown on the conference table.

Howard got straight to the point and told everyone what Zhao Jinshui said directly:

"We must take action, otherwise the company's performance will fall to the lowest level since its opening in a short period of time."

"As the director of the marketing department, I am determined not to be able to explain to the bosses, shareholders, and directors above me."

As he spoke, Howard looked around:

"The same goes for you. Since we are all in the same situation, let's talk about the next marketing strategy."

Supervisors or directors were suddenly notified to come over for a meeting.

Before I could understand what was going on, I heard Howard make a declaration that the company was about to go bankrupt.

Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment:

"What's going on? Haven't you heard?"

"What's wrong with this brand? What's good for him is his own, so what's wrong with ours?"

"That's right, how many years has our Shengjingdu been on the market? It's a wild brand with no reputation, so we don't have to worry about it, right?"

Several people present at the meeting felt that this external director really loved Dayuan Xiaoguai too much.

A small brand that has just started is also compared to its own star product.

I really don’t know if it’s too much praise or if the director has gone crazy.

Howard looked at the people in the conference room and felt discouraged for once:

"Whether it's a big brand or a small brand, I just know that this product will soon become a strong rival to our star product."

On the premise that the quality is similar, the price is a little cheaper than their star products.

If Shengjing Company cannot withstand the pressure of sales and follows the other party's footsteps and enters a price war, that will really be the beginning of the war.

0......Please give me flowers......

When Howard was serving abroad, he experienced several relatively large-scale sniping attacks on opponents, some of which were successful and some of which were failures.

But without exception, businesses that dare to go to war with big companies are fully prepared.

I'm afraid if you don't accept the challenge, a series of routines will be waiting for you after you accept the challenge.

Once you fall into the opponent's rhythm trap, you will only be led by the opponent.

So Howard is always wary of this kind of thing.

Even when some signs were just discovered, a management meeting was held.

However, the result left him very disappointed.

Not only do we not think that this incident is a huge crisis for the company.

I even thought Howard was being alarmist.

So short-sighted and unable to see the overall situation, how could he not disappoint Howard?

No matter how good he is, he can't prevent these guys from holding him back!

For a moment, Howard's expression became extremely serious.

He suppressed his temper and motioned to several supervisors to taste the product first and then discuss with him whether it was a problem he was making a fuss about.

Everyone laughed and looked at each other and raised their eyebrows, obviously not taking Howard seriously.

Howard did not argue with everyone, but asked his secretary to put the products into cups and serve them to everyone.

Everything has been done to this extent, and it is difficult for everyone to sell to Howard, the director of the marketing department.

Reluctantly, he stuck out his tongue and licked it.

Then, he licked it again.

This time, everyone's eyes gradually changed from ridicule to solemnity. .

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