"Are you asleep? Lin Zhe!"

Lying on her bed, Ye Wanqing sent a message to Lin Zhe.

Because Ye Wenbo had promised her to get Lin Zhe an Aston Martin Valhalla.

Moreover, she also told her that if nothing unexpected happens, it will only take two months to get it done!

From here, we can also see the great energy of Ye Wenbo.

Generally, even if you reserve a limited edition luxury car like this, you won't be able to get it within three to five months or even half a year.

Now being able to get it in two months is definitely a sign of connections.


"I'm thinking about what kind of car to buy for my sister."

Lin Zhe sat in front of the computer, flipping through pictures and sending messages to Ye Wanqing.

"Jingle Bell....."

The next second, Ye Wanqing's video call came over.

"You want to buy a car for your sister?"

"Does she have a driver's license?"

As soon as the video was connected, Ye Wanqing asked curiously.

"Yes, I have been taking the exam for two years."

"I usually use my dad's car to practice my skills."

"No, she will graduate in just over a month."

"I'm going to give her a graduation gift."

"Just in time, I bought an Aston Martin Valhalla."

"So when I think about it, I can't favor one thing over another."

"I'm going to buy her a sports car too."

Lin Zhe put the phone on the phone holder.

Then I checked the computer again.

"Wow, it's such a blessing to be your sister."

"I really wish I had a brother who could pamper me so much."

"It's a pity that I am an only child."

Ye Wanqing said with envy.


"If you don't mind, I can pamper you too."

Looking at the envious Ye Wanqing, Lin Zhe suddenly spoke.

Boys, sometimes you need to take the initiative.

Moreover, after getting along with each other these days, Lin Zhe could more or less feel a little bit of Ye Wanqing's thoughts.

In addition, he already knew that his future wife was Ye Wanqing from Lin Zhe.

Therefore, his courage has become a little bigger.

When it's time to take the initiative, I'll take the initiative.

"I hate it, I don't need your favor."

"I have my parents who pamper me."

Faced with Lin Zhe's straightforward words, Ye Wanqing suddenly became shy when the matter came to a close.

But after saying this, she felt a little regretful.

I kept muttering in my heart.

Oops, Ye Wanqing, you are a coward.

How could I miss such a good opportunity?

You ask Lin Zhi, in what name do you pamper me, so what?

At that time, if Lin Zhe is bolder, maybe we can become boyfriend and girlfriend.


Ye Wanqing's words made Lin Zhe not know what to say.

Originally, he thought that the relationship between himself and Ye Wanqing would be able to progress further.

But now it seems that Ye Wanqing is still a little shy.

Forget it, there's no rush in this matter.

Take it easy!

He is in no hurry.

Anyway, sooner or later they will all be his.

"By the way Lin Zhe, I've already taken care of your car for you."

"You send me your identifying information."

"I'll forward it to my dad later."

"In about two months, your Aston Martin Valhalla will be available."

At this time, Ye Wanqing finally remembered the purpose of calling Lin Zhe.


"Thank you very much."

Lin Zhe said with a hint of gratitude.

Sure enough, Ye Wanqing was the right person to find.

If it were another person, he would not have been able to get Ding Valhalla in two months, let alone two months.

Whether it can be agreed upon is another question.

After all, no one he knew could claim to be able to win the Aston Martin Valhalla 100%.

It seems that Ye Wanqing's father's connections are not simple.

If I want to marry her, I'm afraid there will be a lot of pressure.

However, there is motivation only when there is pressure.

You can contact me in the future, and your future achievements will definitely be great.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhe wanted to contact Future Lin Zhe when he had time.

See if there are any other good projects that you can invest in.

"no, I'm fine."

"We are classmates."

"Isn't it right to help each other?"

Ye Wanqing smiled sweetly, her big beautiful eyes turned into crescent moons.

This sweet smile also made Lin Zhe's heart tremble.

So beautiful!

When I think of this, such a beautiful girl will be his girlfriend in the future.

Lin Zhe felt excited.

Why didn't I discover such a treasure girl before?

During those three years, I was really blind.

No, not just three years!

Seriously, after three years of high school, four years of college, and two years of graduation, Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing have known each other for nine years!

If only he could have discovered Ye Wanqing's beauty back then.

And take the initiative early.

Will he have a different life now?

Alas, the good old days are gone.

"It should!"

Looking at Ye Wanqing's sweet smile, the corners of Lin Zhe's mouth also raised slightly.

Then he said something that made Ye Wanqing extremely happy.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore."

"It's getting late."

"I have to go to work tomorrow."

I looked at the time and found that it was already 10pm.

Ye Wanqing said quickly.

I went out with Lin Zhe today. There was a lot of backlog in the company.

They are all waiting for her to deal with it tomorrow.

In order to ensure that I can be in good condition tomorrow.

She had to end the chat with Lin Zhe.

Although she likes Lin Zhe very much, she is not a romantic person.

Know what to do and what not to do.

"Okay, then you go to sleep first."

"Let's talk when we have time."

Lin Zhe nodded and hung up the video.

After hanging up the video, Lin Zhe continued to check the gifts prepared for Lin Shuyu.

After half an hour of screening, Lin Zhe finally chose a car.

That's the Ferrari 488!

What's the color? It's white!

Unfortunately, I can’t buy the pink one at the moment.

Otherwise, Lin Shuyu would be more suitable.

The white ones are also good, though.

When a girl drives a white Ferrari 488, it turns heads.

As for the red, it’s too bright.

Lin Zhe also knows that his sister is not very interested in such colors.

As for the price, it’s only four to five million!

For Lin Zhe, who had just earned 1.07 billion, that was just small amounts of money.

Just a fraction of this money can buy a dozen Ferrari 488s.

"I believe that girl Shu Yu will be very happy to receive such a gift."

"time does not wait."

"I'll go to the Ferrari 4S store in Hangzhou to place an order tomorrow."

"I hope I can get it within a month."

"Just in time to catch up with her graduation ceremony."

After making the decision, Lin Zhe thought about the arrangements for tomorrow.

Book a graduation gift for your lovely sister Lin Shuyu.

A graduation gift package worth 5 million, I believe this little girl will be very happy when the time comes.


Please give me some flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes! ! !

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