The head of the marketing department stood up first:

"It was my negligence. This Lin's Soy Sauce Food Factory... I will immediately send someone to investigate the situation."

Howard pressed his hand:

"I have already sent people to investigate.

After everyone tasted the product, their faces finally changed and they understood the seriousness of the problem.

Howard did not intend to embarrass everyone. He motioned to his secretary to distribute the documents stacked on the conference table.

Here are all the investigations conducted by the marketing department on the brand Lin’s Soy Sauce Factory.

The registration of Lin's Soy Sauce Food Factory only took more than a month.

It had not passed through the hands of various dealers, so Shengjing Company got the news a step too late.

Nowadays, all major supermarkets are putting them on the shelves step by step.

The reason why this product got into Howard's hands was not because of the feedback from large supermarkets.

It was because an employee of their sales department accidentally entered the live broadcast room of Lin's Soy Sauce Food Factory while doing market research.

Only then did I find the online link and purchase it.

More than a dozen anchors took turns to carry out sales promotions day and night, which was also a big deal.

"Lin Zhe, the actual controller of Lin's Soy Sauce Food Factory?"

According to the provisions of the Company Law, the actual controller of this company has one voting right.

Can completely independently determine the company's internal decisions and financial status.

Lin Zhe's actual shareholding in Lin's Soy Sauce Food Factory has reached 99%.

Therefore, except for Howard, everyone showed great curiosity about this unexpectedly emerging actual controller:

"Who is this person? Is he a descendant of which family? Or is it the second or third generation of a family who started the business?"

"No one from any company can go on such a rampage. Wouldn't this offend the big brother in the industry?"

There is no specific information about Lin Zhe in the information distributed by the marketing department.

Howard just sent people to investigate the product, and paid far less attention to the decision-makers behind it than other departments:

"Any person or clone is just a trail, useless information."

He looked around the crowd and said in a serious tone:

"It's useless to dwell on these things. Our biggest problem now is how to face the impact of this product on Shengjing Group in the future!"

Who is the actual controller, Howard is not curious.

Now he wants everyone to brainstorm strategies on how to deal with Lin's Soy Sauce Factory.

Otherwise, if sales decline, he, the director of the marketing department, will bear the brunt and be held accountable by his boss.

The head of the public relations department made a suggestion and wanted to start a public relations war and use social media to write negative information about the other party.

The R&D Department recommends continuing to increase investment and develop new formulas.

The business department came up with an idea: "Otherwise, let's try to acquire it?"

The business department is usually responsible for soliciting sponsorships. It can be said that besides the marketing department, it is the department with the highest say.

Even if he is just the head of the business department, he still has a place in front of Howard.

Regardless of whether his suggestions were good or bad, Howard had to applaud him.

But now that the word "acquisition" was mentioned, Howard's heart moved:

"You mean to take advantage of the opportunity of acquisition to bring your opponents under your control and then cut off their channels?"

The head of the business department nodded:

"It's like this. A new brand can't have as much foundation as our old brand, right?"

"After we become a subordinate company, we are no longer a formidable opponent. How do you want to manipulate us? Isn't it just a matter of words?"

Poison, simply too poisonous!

But the idea of ​​the business department manager, from top to bottom, whether it was Howard or several other managers, felt that it was the safest way.

In this way, not only can the Lin's Soy Sauce Factory, an opponent that has not yet developed, be easily eliminated.

They can also use their formulas to make their own star products.

Get the maximum value at the minimum cost. Howard stood up in admiration and clapped his hands for the business department director's idea:

"This idea was proposed by your sales department, and I won't take any credit. Let your sales department fail to make this matter 903!"

Several other supervisors also stood up one after another and congratulated the head of the business department:

"Congratulations, the acquisition is successful. This year's business department's red envelope will definitely be the thickest in the company."

This hot potato was thrown out by Howard. He smiled and ordered the head of the business department:

"I will report this matter directly to the boss. The marketing department will also give you a purchase price range in a moment so that you can go over and negotiate related matters."

Everyone in the conference room never thought that Lin's Soy Sauce Food Factory would have the option of rejecting the acquisition.

They all felt that such a fledgling food factory must not have the courage to see through the immediate aftermath of the acquisition.

Can give up the sugar-coated bullets of being "recruited" by big brands.

Just as everyone at Shengjing Company was quietly waiting for the triumphant return of the business department.

Something happened in the live broadcast room of the food factory.

"What? Fans are asking to stop welfare activities and seize the time to sell new products at the original price?"

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