"Lin Zhe, why are you suddenly interested in real estate?"

Ye Wanqing asked curiously.

She knew that Lin Zhe had never been exposed to the real estate industry.

"Maybe it was during the time I was with you that I suddenly became interested."

Lin Zhe definitely cannot disclose future information.

However, it is very simple for Lin Zhe to find an excuse.

You see, this is a good excuse.

Not only did he explain the reason, he was also able to tease his girlfriend a little bit.

"Real or false, why do I not believe it so much."

Ye Wanqing pretended not to believe it.

But inside, I was already extremely happy.

Regardless of whether what Lin Zhe said is true or not.

This all represents how much he cares about himself.

"Haha, the little girl is so brave, she dares not to believe your boyfriend and me."

"I'll see how you can be punished."

Lin Zhe smiled mischievously.

The next second, he pressed Ye Wanqing on the desk and started kissing her.

Ye Wanqing rolled her eyes helplessly at this act of starting the wedding even if they didn't agree.

However, it is helpless.

She was very cooperative with the kisses from Lin Zhe.

In her words, this girl wants to give back all the kisses that belonged to her in the past nine years.

"Mr. Ye...just over there at the headquarters...ahem, sorry, I forgot to knock on the door."

"You guys continue!"

However, just as the two were kissing selflessly, Ye Wanqing's secretary Qian Hui suddenly broke in.

However, when Qian Hui saw her CEO and her boyfriend kissing there, she immediately became blushing.

He immediately exited in embarrassment.

I kept muttering in my heart.

Oh my god, is this still the Mr. Ye I know?

We started kissing in the office.

And the posture is still so ecstatic!

My dear, once this person falls in love.

As expected, he is very relaxed.

emmm...Should I also find a boy to fall in love with?

"It's all your fault. You don't care about the occasion at all."

"Now that my secretary has discovered it, the dignity of my president may be seriously damaged."

Ye Wanqing kept hitting Lin Zhe's chest with her small fist.

to cover up his embarrassment.

"Haha, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"The relationship between us is a normal relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, okay?"

"Isn't it normal to kiss?"

"The only one to blame is your secretary."

"You knew I was in the office, but you didn't know to knock before coming in."

Lin Zhe said righteously.

Regarding Lin Zhe's fallacy, Ye Wanqing could only roll her eyes in protest.

"Come in, Qian Hui."

After tidying up my makeup to see that it was not messy.

Ye Wanqing shouted to Qian Hui at the door.

"Ahem, Mr. Ye, I really didn't mean that."

"However, I am now a mature and sensible secretary. I will definitely knock on the door before coming in from now on."

"I promise!"

Qian Hui lowered her head and assured in a low voice.

I'm afraid that my boss, Mr. Ye, will give me little shoes to wear.

"Haha, your secretary is so cute."

Seeing that Qian Hui didn't dare to look up and looked timid, Lin Zhe laughed.

"That's a must. I personally selected the secretary, how can it not be cute?"

"But, dear boyfriend."

"Praise my secretary for being cute in front of my girlfriend."

"Don't you think you're going too far?"

Ye Wanqing grinded her teeth and said, "If you don't like the answer, I will bite you to death."

"Stupid girl, you still have to be jealous."

"You might as well soak in the vinegar vat."

Lin Zhe pinched Ye Wanqing's nose and said helplessly.

Qian Hui:..........

I can't see you, I can't see you.

I can't hear what you're saying, I can't hear what you're saying.

Seeing the two people spreading dog food in front of her, Qian Hui's heart collapsed at this moment.

Didn't I just accidentally see you guys kissing?

Do you need to torture me like this?

This dog food was force-fed to me one bowl after another.

But I can't hide yet.

Hey, someone come and save my poor little secretary.

"Humph, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

"Qian Hui, what's going on at the headquarters?"

After shrugging her nose at Lin Zhe, Ye Wanqing looked at Qian Hui, who was standing uneasily.

"Mr. Ye, there's news from headquarters."

"For the three plots of land that will be handed over by the Hangzhou government half a month later, the headquarters fully supports our branch to win one of them."

Seeing this, Qian Hui quickly stated his intention.

"Full support?"

"So, dad is also optimistic about those lands!"

Ye Wanqing said thoughtfully.

“Does your company also want to bid for those three pieces of land?

Lin Zhe was on the side and asked curiously after hearing this.

"Well, the development of this branch has encountered a bottleneck."

"We need to do more business further."

“The emergence of these three pieces of land can be said to be an excellent opportunity.”

"If we can get one of the No. 1 and No. 2 sites."

"In the next few years, the company's size and profits will increase a lot."

“It’s just that there are too many people who want the land.”

"Before, I didn't have the confidence to earn those people."

"But now, I have my dad's support."

"Then I will be confident that I can win a piece of land."

Ye Wanqing nodded slightly, and then told Lin Zhe the company's decision.

Originally, these were all company secrets.

You should not tell irrelevant people.

However, Ye Wanqing has 100% trust in Lin Zhe.

So, it doesn't matter.

"I see."

"But why aren't you optimistic about land No. 3?"

"That piece of land seems to be the largest."

Lin Zhe asked curiously.

"Although the No. 3 plot is the largest in area."

"But the traffic there is so low."

"If a lot of money is spent on construction, but no one pays for it in the end."

"I'm afraid I'll lose money."

Ye Wanqing explained.

"Oh, I see."

Lin Zhe nodded.

No wonder that guy Lao Lin said that land No. 3 was not favored by others.

It turns out that's the reason.

However, no one would think of it now.

The No. 3 land that no one is optimistic about is the most valuable existence.

Waiting for the government to announce the location of the new economic development zone.

Those who disdain Land No. 3 will probably regret it to death.

However, it’s better that you just ignore it!

In this way, I can get it easily.

"Hey, my dear girlfriend."

"When I take over that piece of land, I'll give you a surprise!"


Please give me some flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes! ! !

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