When Lin Zhe was preparing to pack her things and go to Ye Wanqing's house to live with her.

In the Mercedes-Benz 4S store.

Yang Chaoming looked at the two people in front of him helplessly.

These two people are like dog-skin plasters.

No matter how hard I try, I can't drive him away!

"Chaoming, please help me."

"Tell us Lin Zhe's current address."

"Yes, Chaoming, you don't need to be so ruthless when dealing with classmates."

Zhao Lei and Xu Tao said to Yang Chaoming one by one.

"Sorry, I really don't know anything about Lin Zhe's situation."

"If you are not here to buy a car, then please go back."

"Don't interfere with my work."

Yang Chaoming looked at the two people in front of him expressionlessly.

He was even more complaining in his heart.

Lin Zhe's original guess was indeed right.

These two people would indeed stalk him.

However, what Yang Chaoming didn't expect was that Xu Tao and Zhao Lei would find him.

Moreover, it has been coming every day for the past two days, and I can't drive it away.

It affects him from going to work.

"In that case, you can help us invite Lin Zhe out in your name."

"That's okay."

"We are all classmates, please help."

Seeing this, Xu Tao changed his mind.

"Sorry, I have no obligation, and I won't help you."

"Lin Zhe is my client. I will not tell you my client's information."

"Okay, I have to work, so I'll walk slowly without seeing you."

"Also, stop pestering me."

"If you don't leave, then I'm going to call security."

Yang Chaoming said and left directly.

Xu Tao and Zhao Lei were not given any face at all.

In itself, he had no interaction with these two people.

What's more, the two people are now enemies of Lin Zhe, and it is even less likely that he will help.


Xu Tao and Zhao Lei were immediately angry and about to curse.

But I looked at so many people around me.

They could only scold Yang Chaoming severely in their hearts.

"Taozi, that guy Yang Chaoming can't make enough money, what should we do?"

Zhao Lei asked Xu Tao softly.

"What else can be done?"

"I can only think of other ways."

Xu Tao said helplessly.

"How about we organize a class reunion for our classmates?"

"When the time comes, will someone call Yang Chaoming and Lin Zhe together?"

"how do you feel?"

Zhao Lei rolled his eyes and thought of a way.

"Class reunion?"

"Do you think Lin Zhe will go?"

"After all, he was kicked out of the group chat by Wang Hongyu before."

"Besides, if Lin Zhe doesn't come, wouldn't we have wasted our money?"

Xu Tao hesitated for a moment, then asked.

"I do not know either."

"But you have to give it a try."

"After all, we have no other choice."

"As for spending money, there is no need to worry about it. We just made it clear to everyone that we are OK."

"It won't cost much for AA."

Zhao Lei expressed his thoughts.

"Okay, then let's organize a class reunion."

"I can only hope that Lin Zhe will go by then."

"That way we can apologize."

"Let Lin Zhe forgive us."

Xu Tao felt that what Zhao Lei said made sense.

I simply agreed.

No matter what, they always need to give it a try.

Lin Zhe is so rich now, if he can bring them along.

From now on, they won’t need to take that salary anymore.

Thinking of this, Xu Tao felt a little regretful.

How could I be so stupid and offend Lin Zhe in the first place?

Obviously their relationship is good in itself.

No, it’s not that I’m stupid, it’s Lin Zhe’s fault.

If he hadn't said anything about bankruptcy, he wouldn't have said those ugly words.

If he hadn't said those words, the relationship between the two of them wouldn't be so tense now.

All of this is Lin Zhe’s fault!

At this moment, Xu Tao put all the blame on Lin Zhe.

I don't think at all that this matter itself was his fault.

Let’s not talk about whether Lin Zhe is bankrupt!

Even if he is really bankrupt.

As a friend, isn't it right for you to lend me a few thousand yuan to help?

It was obvious that he was stingy and was afraid that he would not be able to get back the money he lent to Lin Zhe.

Now he's blaming someone else.

All I can say is that ugly people often cause mischief.



"Next, when Wanqing gets off work, I will pick her up and take her home."

Looking at the two suitcases he had packed, Lin Zhe nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, he had no idea that Xu Tao and Zhao Lei had been bothering Yang Chaoming for several days in order to see him.

Of course, Yang Chaoming had no intention of telling Lin Zhe that Xu Tao and Zhao Lei were looking for him.

Because there is no need.

Having said that, I feel like I am asking for credit from Lin Zhe.

It's better not to say anything.

"Son, when are you going to take your girlfriend home and show it to your mother?"

"You are not young anymore."

"You should also think about getting married."

Looking at the two suitcases in front of her, Wu Xiaohui said.

"Let me ask Wanqing about this."

"Let's see when she's free."

"If you want to get married, don't be in a hurry."

"I'm only 24 years old. It doesn't matter if I'm a year or two later."

"Besides, Wanqing and I have just fallen in love."

"Always enjoy the sweetness of love."

"Why are you getting married so soon?"

Lin Zhe said with a smile.

Although he felt that even if he proposed to Ye Wanqing now, she would not refuse.

However, this is too fast.

There is no one who proposes marriage immediately after confirming the relationship.

He doesn’t want a flash marriage!

Moreover, Lin Zhe knew better if she married Ye Wanqing.

A grand wedding is absolutely unavoidable.

After all, with Ye Wanqing's family background, it was impossible to get married hastily.

If you want to plan such a grand wedding, it will definitely take more than half a year!

"Okay, I won't urge you to get married immediately."

"But if you and Wanqing get along well."

"Can we get engaged first?"

"This will also make your dad and I feel more at ease."

Wu Xiaohui also felt that it was a bit wrong to urge her son to get married just after they fell in love.

However, you can get married later, but you can always get engaged sooner.

"Getting engaged, you can have this."

"Wait until Wanqing and I meet both parents, and then let you as parents also meet."

"We can discuss the engagement."

Lin Zhe thought about it and felt that it would be good to get engaged first.

At the very least, it can establish a relationship between him and Ye Wanqing.

"That's what you said."

"You can't lie to me."

Wu Xiaohui immediately became happy when she heard Lin Zhe agreed.

"That's true. Engagement is such an important matter. Can I lie to you?"

Lin Zhe said dumbfounded.

"Okay, it's almost time."

"It's time for me to pick up your future daughter-in-law from get off work."


Looking at the time, it was almost time for Ye Wanqing to get off work.

Lin Zhe pushed the suitcase and left directly.


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