"Hehe, I have known Lin Zhe for almost nine years."

"Only now do I realize that he is actually afraid of a creature like his mother-in-law."

"It's so funny."

"Emmm.... It seems a bit excessive to say that my mother is a living thing."

Lying on her bed, Ye Wanqing rolled around while recalling Lin Zhe's embarrassment just now.

At this time, two hours had passed since Cao Yaqing called.

There is no doubt that after Lin Zhe answered the video call.

The fact that she and Lin Zhe were living together was also exposed in front of her mother.

Cao Yaqing didn't say much about this.

He even encouraged them to kill people as soon as possible.

Lin Zhen was quite embarrassed by her future mother-in-law's harsh words.

Fortunately, Cao Yaqing doesn't talk much.

After talking to Lin Zhe for a few words, he hung up.

Afterwards, the two of them casually had a bite, and after 9:30, they went back to their rooms to take a shower and go to bed.

"Ding dong......"

"Ding dong......"

"Ding dong......"

Just as Ye Wanqing was rolling around, her phone vibrated crazily.

In just a few seconds, several messages were sent.

Ye Wanqing opened it and took a look!

I found out that the message was from my best friend Qiao Yuxin.

"Qing'er, I heard that you are in love."

"real or fake?"

"Didn't you say that you never want others to fall in love in this life?"

"What's the situation now?"

"Where are the people?"

"Reply quickly!"

Seeing so many messages from Qiao Yuxin, Ye Wanqing rolled her eyes helplessly.

This girl always talks in such a long way every time she sends a message.

And the typing speed is pretty fast.

Often she would just reply with one sentence.

Qiao Yuxin has already replied to several messages.

"Yeah, I'm in love!"

Her family members have all told her, and of course Ye Wanqing will not hide it from her best friend.

However, she just fell in love today.

Just didn't have time to say it.

I didn’t even have time to post it in Moments.

I don't know how Qiao Yuxin knew that she was in love.

This information is too well-informed.

"Jingle Bell......"

Ye Wanqing's message has just been sent.

I found that a video request was sent.

It goes without saying that it must belong to my best friend Qiao Yuxin.

"I said, could you please stop being so gossipy at night?"

"What's the matter? Can't you say no tomorrow?"

After connecting to the video, Ye Wanqing spoke first before Qiao Yuxin could say anything.

"Damn it, you're already in love, how could I not gossip?"

"Don't you know me yet?"

"If I don't ask clearly tonight, do you think I can sleep at night?"

Qiao Yuxin said in a loud voice.

"Okay, okay, if you have anything to ask, just ask."

"I'll finish my answer soon, and I'm going to bed."

"I have to get up early tomorrow morning to make breakfast for my dear ones."

Ye Wanqing had already learned about Qiao Yuxin's blathering.

So, I didn't care.

"Let me go, is this still the eldest lady of the Ye family that I know?"

"You, who have always kept your fingers crossed, are actually willing to make breakfast for a boy."

"I really believe you are in love now."

Qiao Yuxin looked at Ye Wanqing in the video with great surprise.

As Ye Wanqing's best friend.

She knew Ye Wanqing very well.

Ever since I was little, I have always opened my mouth when I was wearing clothes and stretched out my hands when I was eating.

However, things like housework, cooking, etc. have absolutely nothing to do with her.

Unexpectedly, I just had a boyfriend and he was willing to cook for him.

This is definitely true love!

"Hmm, it's not just breakfast."

"I was doing housework before."

"I will clean my boyfriend's room and keep it clean."

"He also helped him hang his clothes."

Ye Wanqing said proudly.

In the eyes of other girls, this kind of life is disgusting, but in Ye Wanqing's view, it is indeed a manifestation of happiness.

"It's over, it's over, you're hopeless."

"You are trying to become a housewife."

"Not only do I make breakfast, but I also take care of the housework."

"I really want to meet your boyfriend now. What kind of god came down to earth to bewitch you like this?"

"Is this still the cold goddess I know?"

"She is completely a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world!"

The more Ye Wanqing behaves like this, the more Qiao Yuxin becomes interested in Lin Zhe.

She knew that her best friend had very high standards.

Over the years, there have been tens of thousands of people chasing her!

But there are still thousands.

Junior high school, high school, college!

Those are the most handsome boys in the school!

Of course, Ye Wanqing is more beautiful now than before.

That is the sublimation of temperament!

There are also makeup embellishments.

"Haha, if you want to meet me, come to Hangzhou to find me."

"Anyway, your side is very close to my side."

Ye Wanqing also wants to share her sweet love experience with her best friends.

Immediately, he directly invited Qiao Yuxin to come over as a guest.

"Okay, it just so happens that I have finished a new book recently."

"Want to take some time off."

"Just go find you."

Qiao Yuxin nodded and agreed without saying a word.

She is an online novelist.

Since college, I have written several novels one after another.

Among them, two novels have become popular all over the country.

It has even been adapted into a film and television series!

In the Internet literary circle, he is still very famous.

"Wait a minute, I suddenly reacted."

"You said you were going to make breakfast for your boyfriend tomorrow morning?"

"Damn it, you guys can't live together anymore, can you?"

At this time, Qiao Yuxin suddenly reacted and stared at Ye Wanqing dumbfounded.

A girl can make breakfast for a boy, except for living together, she really can't think of any other situation.

"Hehe, as expected of a novelist, your response is really quick."

"Yes, today is the first day that we officially live together."

"He's in the room next to me."

"Of course, today is also the first day of our official relationship."

Now that Qiao Yuxin had guessed it, Ye Wanqing had no intention of hiding it.

What's more, you can't hide it for long even if you want to.

When Qiao Yuxin comes to Hangzhou, she will definitely find out.

Instead of doing this, it is better to admit it directly now.

"On the first day of dating, you lived with your boyfriend."

"My Qing'er, you can do it."

"This series of operations of yours can be said to have completely shattered my understanding of you."

"No, I'm going to buy a ticket now!"

"Tomorrow, I will go to Hangzhou."

"I just want to see what kind of boy it is that makes you change so much."

Qiao Yuxin became more and more curious about Lin Zhe.

Originally, she was planning to wait a day or two before coming to Hangzhou.

Now, don't talk about a day or two.

She couldn't wait for a long time.

She will buy tickets for tomorrow tonight!

"Okay, then I'll ask my boyfriend to pick you up tomorrow."

"As for me, I have to go to work and don't have much time."

Even when Qiao Yuxin said she would come tomorrow, Ye Wanqing did not refuse.

Instead, he generously asked Lin Zhe to pick him up.

Anyway, Lin Zhe has nothing else to do at the moment.

Picking up your best friend is no big deal.

"OJBK, it's such a happy decision."

Qiao Yuxin made an OK gesture.

Afterwards, the two best friends chatted for a while again, then hung up the phone and fell asleep!


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