"Captain, Lin Zhen, are you here to have fun with us?"

After Lin Zhe left, a policeman walked up to Hao Zhi and said.

The key point is that there is nothing that can be done against him. They only provided a clue and did not clearly say that they reported the crime.

Let’s say he made a false report. He didn’t make a false report.

"Do you think Lin Zhe knows the consequences of falsely handling a case?"

Hao Zhi did not respond to his subordinate's words, but said lightly.

"To be able to grow a company to such a large scale, he must know these basic legal common sense..."

The subordinate was asked by Hao Zhi.

It is definitely impossible to be illiterate, and as a native of Hangcheng, Lin Zhe is also a top student who graduated from Hangcheng University.

The fact that he is legally illiterate is really unjustifiable.

"But what is his purpose in doing this?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Hao Zhi said unhappily.

Monday hasn't come yet, so Lin Zhe didn't tell them the truth. Who knows what Lin Zhe is thinking.

"Then what should we do? Today is Saturday, we..."

"What else can we do? Once we go there, we will know what he wants to do!"

"Let's make arrangements and hand over the work at hand. We will go to Dongcheng District on Sunday night!"

Hao Zhi ordered immediately.

To pursue their duties, as police officers, they naturally have to be wary of dangerous things.

Although not many 160 people have contact with Lin Zhe, one can still see what kind of person Lin Zhe is.

With Lin Zhe's net worth and social status, he shouldn't be able to joke with them about these things.

The other half, Lin Zhe, was already driving on the road.

He wasn't worried at all about whether things would turn out the way he wanted.

How could he not understand the mentality of a policeman like Hao Zhi who hates evil so much? Hao Zhi would not let go of even a single clue.

In this matter, there is no way to rule out that Lin Zhe took advantage of Hao Zhi's sense of justice and responsibility, but he saved several innocent lives.

Therefore, Lin Zhe does not feel much guilt.

"Director Wang, are you free tomorrow night?"

"Ah, it's nothing. I just want to treat you to a casual meal."

Xue Qiang, who had booked a private room, called Wang He directly.

"There's no need to worry about eating, as long as you can complete this project well!"

On the other end of the phone, Wang declined Han Yan's call directly.

"Director Wang, don't worry, I will do my best to make sure I live up to the opportunity you gave me!"

Seeing that Wang He rejected his invitation, Xue Qiang did not dare to say anything more, so he immediately changed the subject and patted his chest to assure himself.

"This is not to let me down, but not to let down the residents of the old city!"

After Wang He finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Deep down, he doesn't like people who follow Mo Yan's influence and don't know how to put in the effort.

But now Hangzhou really needs a real estate company to step up and balance the situation where Jiajing is about to become a monopoly.

Although Fengmao Real Estate is a little weaker, he can still be regarded as a strong man among short people.

"I will make you change your attitude towards me, Xue Qiang!"

Xue Qiang, who was hung up on without mercy, snorted coldly.

In one day, he suffered several cold stares and ridicules in a row, which felt really uncomfortable.

All of this is because of Jiajing Real Estate!

Xue Qiang's self-esteem has never been so strong. It may be that he has been suppressed by Jiajing Real Estate for too long before, and he can't breathe.

Now that I have finally seen hope, I will naturally not miss this opportunity again.

"Hey, where's the growth? It's me, Xiao Xue!"

"Do you have time tomorrow night? I

After gathering his emotions, Xue Qiang continued to call the leader.

It's a pity that after all the phone calls I made all afternoon, I was rejected.

The three private rooms booked at the Lavis Hotel seemed so redundant and ridiculous at the moment.

"Oh, it's really embarrassing!"

Xue Qiang laughed at himself, then threw his phone on the desk, looked at the ceiling, lit a cigarette, and the smoke drifted towards Zhi along with the exhaled air.

Sunday time comes in a blink of an eye.

"Old Lin, Wanqing's father just called and asked us to go to dinner!"

"Pack up and leave quickly (acag), don't keep your in-laws waiting for too long!"

Wu Xiaohui said while holding Lin Tianhang urging him to watch the football game on the sofa.

"Oh, look at me...I'll be ready soon, soon!"

Lin Tianhang quickly packed up after hearing the sound.

Not long after, Lin Tianhang walked out in a crisp suit, his whole mental outlook completely new.

I feel a lot younger.

"Oh, it looks cool when you look at it like this!"

Wu Xiaohui looked at Lin Tianhang and said.

"Let's go quickly, don't keep the in-laws waiting!"

Lin Tianhang said quickly.

Ye Wenbo and the others came to Hangzhou in the past few days. He was supposed to be the host and treat people to dinner, but the store was sealed inexplicably, which made him uneasy.

As a result, I forgot all about it.

It would be better now for the in-laws to invite them to dinner, which made Lin Tianhang feel like he was getting older.

After living for most of my life, I ended up neglecting even these basic things.

"Look at how impatient you are!"

Wu Xiaohui pinched Lin Tianhang's arm and said with a chuckle.

They have been an old couple for so many years, and she doesn't know what Lin Tianhang is thinking.

But these are Lin Zhe's arrangements.

That brat said he wanted to give his father a surprise and asked them to keep it a secret, but he didn't let them tell Lin Tianhang anything.

This is the current scene.

"Where's Xiaozhe? Where have they gone?"

As soon as he walked out of the door, Lin Tianhang suddenly remembered something and asked.

"He and Wanqing went shopping. They should have already gone by now!"

Wu Xiaohui said with a smile.

After saying that, he went downstairs with Lin Tianhang.

"Brother Lin, you are finally here!"

As soon as Lin Tianhang got out of the car, Ye Wenbo came up to him with a smile, held Lin Tianhang's hand and smiled.

"Oh, dear, you see, I will do this. I should have invited you two days ago, but now you see...

Lin Tianhang said a little embarrassed.

"Hey, we don't need to talk about this before, let's go upstairs!"

After saying that, Ye Wenbo and his wife took Lin Tianhang and his wife into the Lavis Hotel.


As soon as he entered the hotel gate, Lin Tianhang was startled by the huge welcome team.

The red carpet on the ground was laid directly from the main entrance to the exclusive elevator entrance. On both sides of the red carpet were reception ladies dressed in cheongsam.

Lin Tianhang is indeed not short of money now, but he has never seen such a situation.

Although he was shocked, he quickly regained his composure.

After all, the person standing next to him was Ye Wenbo, so the courtesy of the hotel was reasonable.

Lin Tianhang didn't think about that much, and all his thoughts were forgotten. .

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