"I'm back!"

Night fell in a hurry, and Lin Shuyu dragged her exhausted body back home.

I have been working overtime since I arrived at the company yesterday, for two full days and one night, during which the total rest time was less than five hours.

Lin Shuyu's eyes were bloodshot.

"How did it look like this?"

Seeing Lin Shuyu's appearance, Lin Zhe frowned and said.

"I can't do it anymore. Let's go and get some sleep first. If we have anything to do, we can talk about it tomorrow!"

After saying that, Lin Shuyu dragged herself back to her bedroom. The girl was exhausted these two days.

Lin Zhe originally wanted to call Huang Zheng and ask, but after thinking about it, he finally held back.

After Lin Shuyu wakes up tomorrow, it won't be too late to figure it out.

Originally, she was planning to have dinner together when Lin Shuyu came home, but judging from her condition, only Lin Zhe had to eat this dinner.

The next day, Lin Zhe sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. There was not much going on at the company today, so he simply rested at home.

Waiting for Lin Shuyu to wake up.

As a result, we waited until noon.


"Brother, didn't you go to the company today?"

Lin Shuyu opened the bedroom door, stretched out, and asked Lin Zhe who was sitting in the hall on the first floor reading a newspaper.

I have to say that she had a really comfortable sleep this time. If she hadn't been a little hungry, she could even continue to sleep.

"woke up?"

"What's going on? You didn't even have time to rest. You slept for a full eighteen hours from last night to now!"

Lin Zhe looked at the time and said angrily.

"Ah, have you slept for so long?"

"Nothing's going on. The company has been quite busy these two days in preparation for the shopping carnival!"

As Lin Shuyu spoke, she slowly walked downstairs from the second floor in her pajamas and sat opposite Lin Zhe.

"Aunt Wu, I'm a little hungry, please help me cook a bowl of noodles!"

As soon as she sat down, Lin Shuyu touched her belly, turned around and shouted.

At this point in time, it was already past meal time, so I could only eat something casually to cope with one bite.

After speaking, Lin Shuyu touched an apple from the table, picked it up and started to nibble on it.

"Okay! Just wait a moment, I'll get ready right away!"

The nanny who was cleaning the house heard Lin Shuyu's words and quickly agreed.

"As busy as you are, no matter how busy you are, you can't take your body seriously!"

"Don't tell me that being young doesn't matter. Besides, I didn't ask you to stay up all night to fight for Xixi!"

"Of course, someone will do the hard work. All you have to do is learn to arrange for others to do things. Do you understand?"

Lin Zhe said with hatred that iron cannot become steel.

He is such a stupid sister, he has said this not only once or twice.

The result was little effect, not even a slight change, so that’s okay!

"Oh, I remember it all, but there is really nothing I can do this time. This year's shopping festival, including Jingxi, Taobei and other domestic shopping platforms, have spent a lot of effort.

"If Pin Xixi wants to further expand the market, he must seize this opportunity!"

Lin Shuyu also directly defended Pin Xixi. From the time she left Jingrui until now, she has adapted to leaving her brother's protection.

He is now able to stand alone. Although it is a bit hard, Lin Shuyu has made great progress.

"I don't want to hear any reasons. In short, I don't want to see him a second time!"

"You have to remember that no matter what, your body always comes first!"

Lin Zhe warned with good intentions.

How much money do people need to earn in their lifetime? What’s more, their family is not short of money.

There is no need to use your body to hold on. If you hold on until the end, the money you earn will not belong to you after all.

"Okay, okay, got it!"

Lin Shuyu curled her lips. She naturally knew that her brother was doing it for her own good.

But she only stayed up late occasionally and didn't stay up late all the time. It wasn't as serious as Lin Zhe said.

"I'm eating noodles!"

Lin Shuyu said as she took a large bowl of fragrant noodles from the nanny Aunt Wu.

I couldn't help but bury my head and started to tremble. It was obvious that I was really hungry!

"Hello, I'm Lin Zhe!"

Lin Zhe was watching Lin Shuyu twisting the noodles when his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Mr. Lin, Xu Song is looking for you!"

Xiao Tian told Lin Zhe all about the situation.

"Well, I understand, please contact me and ask him to wait at the place where we last met tonight!"

Lin Zhe glanced at Lin Shuyu who was sitting across from him and said softly.

Although it would be better if fewer people knew about this matter, Lin Zhe had no intention of going behind his sister's back.

There was no need to hide this matter from Lin Shuyu.

"Are you still going to the company today?"

Lin Zhe asked after hanging up the phone.

"There is no need to go today. Most of the work was completed yesterday. It will not be very busy until the shopping carnival arrives."

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Lin Shuyu bit off the noodles and said while chewing.

"Follow me to meet someone tonight, and it will give you some insight into things in advance!"

Lin Zhe said and put the paper in Bian's hand aside.

Let Lin Shuyu be exposed to some things in advance and let her have a process of adaptation.

You won’t be at a loss when you meet them.

"Mr. Xu, we have succeeded!"

"Well done!"

When Chu Bing heard the news from his cell phone, he was very excited.

This was the best news he had heard in a while.

After saying that, Xu Bing hung up the phone and left the office in a hurry.

As long as he hacks into the Jingrui Group's backend system, then for him, it will be equivalent to mastering all the Jingrui Group's movements.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger of a hundred battles. Now Xu Bing is completely sure of victory!

Xu Bing came to Bulgari's technical department, walked to the independent office, entered the password and pushed the door directly in.

There were more than ten people sitting in the entire office, and everyone's faces were filled with joy after success.

You must know that what they conquered is the backend system of Jingrui Group!

Second only to the country's highest security level, it is known as the strongest firewall in the industry. This incident is enough to add a lot of color to their careers (promisingly)!

Although this matter cannot be spoken out, it is enough to make them proud for a lifetime!

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. I'll go to the finance department later. Each person will receive a bonus of 500,000 yuan!"

Xu Bing waved his hand and said generously.

Xu Bing is also very willing to deal with these top technical talents. After all, technology is one of the important productive forces.

What's more, they can definitely be regarded as Xu Bing's heroes.

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

"The boss is domineering!"

When they heard that there was a bonus of 500,000 yuan, the eyes of the programmers present also lit up. It seemed that they were not so hard at this time.

"Okay, except for the general manager, everyone else should go home and have a good rest. I will give you a day off!"

Xu Bing said with a smile. The long-lost smile finally appeared on his face again.

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