"Secretary Wu, please inform the middle and senior leaders of the company's finance department to gather in the conference room in an hour.

"Including the company's middle and senior leaders, as well as the network technology security department, let them come together for a meeting!"

Lin Zhe ordered Secretary Wu.

After Secretary Wu received the instruction, he hurriedly left the office.

"Rose, network security and information may be a problem for you!"

After giving instructions to Secretary Wu, Lin walked up to Rose and said.

To be able to hand over such an important matter to Rose, Lin Zhe also made full preparations, including conducting various inspections in advance and asking Lao Lin.

Once a business war begins, the analysis of information data is measured in milliseconds, and any small mistake will have a huge impact.

Lin Zhe also had to be cautious about this matter.

Rose nodded slightly, then walked to the sofa and sat down quietly.

At this time, Lin Shuyu also acted as a transparent person next to him.

She knew that she couldn't help much in this kind of matter. As long as she didn't cause trouble, it would be the greatest help.

"Xiao Tian, ​​there is one more thing. In the past two days, you have helped keep an eye on Xu Song's situation. Xu Song is the key to whether the Bulgari Group can be crushed in the end!"

Lin Zhe raised his sleeves and said to Xiao Tian while buttoning his buttons.


Xiao Tian nodded in response and said.

As for Lin Shuyu, Lin Zhe had no other arrangements and just asked her to stay with him.

No learning can be as profound as a personal experience.

After arranging their affairs, Lin Zhe and the others got up and headed to the conference room.

"Everyone must know what happened this time, so I won't go into too much detail!"

"Before we begin, let me first introduce a district."

"Ms. Rose, a top international network technology talent, I am also lucky to invite her to help this time."

"Next, Rose will work with colleagues in the network technology department to ensure the network technology security of the entire transaction process."

As Lin Zhe spoke, he brought the rose to the head of the technical department and asked them to connect it by themselves. As for the rest, Lin Zhe didn't say much.

The one who can win always wins, especially in this situation.

Rose has strength, so she will naturally convince the people in the technical department, and Lin Zhe will not emphasize too much.

"Mr. Lin, is the progress between us and Bulgari going too fast?"

"And now the entire market economy is showing an upward trend. Now that we are starting a business war, if it takes too long, I am worried that we will miss this period.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, the strength of the Bulgari Group, which has been inherited for hundreds of years, cannot be underestimated. Should we consider it carefully?"

Senior executives of some companies stepped forward to persuade him.

Compared with business wars, it was just a small fight before. Once a war worth hundreds of billions of dollars starts, it is likely to be a protracted war.

Regardless of the outcome, just missing the window of economic upturn is a huge challenge for both companies.

“I don’t know if you still remember what I said at the beginning, I’m definitely going to eat Bvlgari!”

"Everyone is rightly worried, and I understand it. However, I still maintain my own opinions and decisions on this matter!"

Lin Zhe sat directly on the chair, holding his chin with one hand, and said domineeringly.

Others are worried that the business war will last too long and both parties will suffer huge losses. The business war is an unwise choice.

But neither Lin Zhe nor Xu Bing planned to engage in a protracted war.

Especially Lin Zhe, he was still hoping to scare the monkeys by killing chickens, so how could it run counter to his original purpose.

How can we scare other people if time drags on for too long?

"Okay, let's not discuss this matter for now, you will know in a moment!"

"We will start when the technical department makes arrangements."

Lin Zhe saw that senior Jingrui's face was still discussing in a low voice, and his face was full of solemnity and worry, so he spoke.

Time passed by minute by second, and the entire conference room became quiet and depressing. Except for Lin Zhe and Lin Shuyu, everyone had worried expressions on their faces.

Needless to say, Lin Zhe was 99% sure about this matter and there was nothing to worry about.

As for Lin Shuyu, there was nothing to worry about if her face was not bright at this time, and she was even a little excited.

After about an hour, news finally came from the technical department.

"Lin Zhe, it's done!"

After Rose finished speaking, the computer in the conference room turned on.

Seeing that the last person to come over was Rose, Lin Zhe knew that this woman had proven herself with her strength and at the same time conquered the people in the technical department.

He also smiled immediately, not because he was happy for the rose, but because he thought of the expressions on the faces of the dozens of programmers in the technology department who were said to be the top engineers in the industry, after being crushed technically by ten female dolls.

It should be exciting.

As the computer was turned on, a huge stock market analysis trend comparison chart also appeared on the projection wall.

Red represents Jingrui, while Bulgari is marked with a green line.

On both sides of the comparison chart, Rose's cash reserves for the two companies are also displayed, making it clear at a glance.

"As you can see, here is the information I sorted and categorized, and I also made comparisons.

"And the trend of this stock is highly accurately aligned with the stock market, accurate to milliseconds..."

In order to better display the content on the interface, Rose explained the comparison chart on the screen.

"That's all the above, is there anything unclear?"

After Rose explained, she looked at 743 and asked everyone.

Although Rose changed her usual enchanting look at this time, her sexy figure coupled with her sassy demeanor directly attracted the attention of most of the men present.

What is a beauty in the world, such as a rose.

"Ahem, if there's no problem, let's get started!"

Seeing this, Lin Zhe was quite helpless and could only cough lightly to bring those distracted people back to reality.

"I don't know the data of Bulgari Group's US$150 billion..."

The lean and tall man stood up and asked. In order to avoid the embarrassment just now, he tried his best not to look at the woman.

"This is not difficult. A rough estimate can be made based on the market value of Bulgari Group and the size of its subsidiaries."

Before Lin Zhe could answer, Rose spoke up.

Naturally, she would not say that she found it by following the string of codes. You must know that this approach is illegal, and this is still China, so she might be sent there.

I just found a reason to fool him.

I don't know if the reason Rose found is reliable, or if her sexy sisterly voice makes it easier to win the trust of men.

No one raised any questions on this issue.

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