"Everyone has his or her own ambitions, and their pursuits are different!"

After Lin Zhe finished speaking, he put down the phone in his hand and looked out the window.

On the other side, in the top-floor conference room of Bulgari Group.

"Notify all of its industries not to compete with Jingrui Group for the market at all costs!"

"From now on, more company stocks will be issued and capital investment will increase at the same time!"

After Xu Bing threw the phone down, he calmed down for a while, and Tuan Jiang calmed down his emotions.

He couldn't be fooled by Lin Zhe. The more it was like this, the more he couldn't be carried away by anger.

After all, he is responsible for the Bulgari Group. If he messes up his position at this time, it will only expose flaws and give him a chance to fight.

"If you think this can mess with my mind, then you are looking down on me~!"

Xu Bing snorted coldly.

Judging from the current situation, apart from the market share of its subsidiaries, Bulgari has the upper hand.

As long as Lin Zhe can be brought down in the stock market, nothing else matters.

After leaving the Xu family compound, Lin Zhe returned to the company. It was still early and he couldn't let the name of the shopkeeper be confirmed.

"Mr. Lin, this is the current market share of the subsidiaries calculated by Finance yesterday!"

Secretary Wu handed a financial report to Lin Zhe.

"I understand, go ahead and get busy."

Lin Zhe took the financial report and said that he is indeed very concerned about the market share now.

After all, this thing was fought over, and it belongs to Jingrui Group.

Lin Zhe just glanced at the loss at the top and didn't pay too much attention to it. He had already said that he would pay no attention to this thing.

There will inevitably be losses, and the losses will not be small.

Looking at the charts drawn by analyzing the data one by one, Lin Zhe frowned slightly, which was much less than expected.

But this is just the beginning, there are still several days to go, and it should be able to meet expectations.

And Bvlgari is not an unknown small company. It is naturally the second largest group company in China and has some strength.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhe stopped worrying about the current data. The final results have not been released yet. It is too early to look at these things now.

"How about you go to the conference room and see if you can learn something.

Lin Zhe said while looking at Lin Shuyu who was sitting there bored.

In Nuo Da's office, he himself didn't speak, let alone Xiao Tian, ​​who was no different from a lump on a tree.

Lin Shuyu was indeed a little bored here, so he might as well let her go to the conference room.


Sure enough, Lin Shuyu immediately became energetic after hearing Lin Zhe ask her to go to the conference room. She and Lin Zhe really didn't have much to talk about.

Especially Lin Zhe now has no idea of ​​chatting.

"Xiao Tian, ​​you go to Wu Shuanglin and ask him to prepare. When the time comes, he will write an article about the lawsuit over the Xu family's inheritance and publish it. By the way, he will hit the hot search!"

After Lin Shuyu left, Lin Zhe looked at Xiao Tian and said.

The battle for the family property of the top rich second generation in Shanghai will surely attract a lot of attention!

At that time, some navy troops will be hired to guide a wave of public opinion, roast Xu Bing on the fire, and put some pressure on him.


Xiao Tianli didn't say much. He agreed and left.

Lin Zhe swiped his phone and looked through various hot comments on the Internet. It must be said that the power of public opinion is really not ordinary.

In a virtual online world, with a keyboard and a mouth to start various wars, you can influence the changes of some things to a certain extent.

"Mr. Xu Song, we are ready here. Do you have time now? Let's go to the Justice Bureau and review the relevant procedures. Xu Bing will receive the summons from the Justice Bureau tomorrow at the latest!"

"Okay, okay, I'll come over now if I have time!"

After Xu Song hung up the phone, he immediately went out.

Lin Zhe put too much pressure on him just now. Now he just wants to get the money quickly and run away.

As for where you go, it doesn't matter anymore. As long as you have money, there is nowhere in the world that you can't go.

"Lawyer Zhang, let's go to the Justice Bureau!"

After Xu Song parked the car at the entrance of the office, he happened to meet Lawyer Zhang who was going out. He didn't even want to get out of the car, he just sat in the car and said.

"Okay, let's go!"

After receiving the invitation, Lawyer Zhang decisively got into the car, holding a thick document bag and a briefcase in his hand.

In contrast, what is placed inside is within some of the procedures required for the program.

Xu Song didn't pay much attention to it. He stepped on the accelerator and the Land Rover instantly shot out like an arrow, heading towards the Justice Bureau.

0·Ask for flowers·……

"Master Xu, wherever you go later, try to let me speak mainly. You will speak when I signal you."

"I have a friend who works there. According to the process, this kind of review would take at least a week, but because of my friend, the review cycle has been advanced!"

Lawyer Zhang warned that there are some things that we must pay attention to.

After all, there are some violations in this matter. Although the impact will not be great, if it is discovered, it will be very troublesome to deal with.

It is better to do less than to do more. In any case, it is just more things to explain.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Whatever you say will be whatever you say!"

Xu Song naturally listened to Lawyer Zhang on this matter. After all, he didn't know the process involved.

After saying that, he concentrated on driving the car, speeding all the way, and even ran through several red lights. Xu Song didn't even look at it, and didn't care about it at all.


After a fast and furious journey, we finally arrived at the Tongfa Bureau.

After the two got out of the car, they straightened their clothes a little, and Xu Song followed lawyer Zhang's footsteps and walked into the door of the Justice Bureau.

"Time flies so fast, it's time to get off work again!"

Lin Zhe put down his cell phone, stretched and said, "Sitting in the office all afternoon made his back hurt."

After getting up and walking to the conference room, Lin Zhe was very pleased to see the employees who were still busy and enthusiastic.

There are no lazy employees, only searching bosses!

This sentence is so true. Once the reward mechanism is changed, the enthusiasm for work has increased a lot.

"Everyone has worked hard today. Except for the comrades on duty, everyone else should get off work!"

Lin Zhe said softly.

However, after Lin Zhe finished speaking, everyone just glanced at him lightly, and then continued to work, without any preparation for leaving get off work.

Seeing this, Lin Zhe didn't know what to say.

"Brother, why don't you leave first? I'll go back by myself later!"

Lin Zhe had just walked up to Lin Shuyu, and before he could speak, Lin Shuyu spoke.

At this time, she was watching Rose dealing with the stock investment signals, looking enthusiastically, and had no idea of ​​leaving at all.

Lin Zhe couldn't help but grinned after being rejected. In the end, he had no choice but to give up. He found a chair in the corner and sat down casually.

Rose glanced at Lin Zhe sitting in the corner and couldn't help but smile.

This boss is really different!

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