"Mr. Lin, there has been no movement from Bulgari for a long time, and there is no movement at all. Is there really something wrong with their funds? How could they make such a low-level mistake at such a critical time?"

"How come you feel a little sorry for Bulgari when you say this? Isn't this a good thing?"

"That's right, Lin Zhe has said it a long time ago that there will definitely be problems with Bulgari's capital chain and credit. Now doesn't this confirm it? How about it? Do you believe it?"

In the conference room, Jingrui's senior executives were having a heated discussion.

Everyone was very surprised when they came to the company today and found that Bulgari had not invested any funds at all.

At such a critical moment, who would have thought that Bulgari would immediately fall off the chain?

A company that has been established for a hundred years was actually taken down directly like this?

To say that they made some shocking mistake and the "510" was defeated, it was quite excusable, but it actually caused problems in the capital chain.

This is something no one expected...

The corner of Lin Zhe's mouth slightly curved, and he looked at Lin Shuyu beside him and said lightly:

"How is it? Do you believe me now? You have to know that I am your brother, and a brother will always be a brother. So think about it before you question me...

Regarding the war with Bulgari, Lin Zhe can be said to be in control of the entire process.

Lin Zhe is very clear about almost every move of the opponent, and can even predict it.

What to lose?

"Exactly." Lin Shuyu rolled her eyes at Lin Zhe. She really didn't believe it at first, how could a big company like Bulgari have problems with its capital chain.

But now it seems that this thing is weird. How could it be like this for no reason? It must be related to Lin Zhe.

Lin Shuyu snorted coldly and raised her chin with a proud face:

"What a bully you are, be careful if I file a complaint...Tell my sister-in-law that you bully me."

After saying this, Lin Shuyu raised her eyebrows at Lin Zhe proudly.

That expression seemed to say, what can you do to me?

Lin Zhe:"???"

Have you made a mistake? Is this a form of revenge?

No, there is no such thing as public or private.

Besides, this isn’t called a complaint. If you tell her what really happened, it can be called a complaint, but if you talk about something that didn’t happen at all, it’s called lying...

Seeing that Lin Zhe didn't speak, the expression on Lin Shuyu's face became even more aggressive: "What? Are you scared? Huh, now you are going home soon, so you should be honest and safe. It is not a good thing to have extraneous matters at this time. ah………………

"Brother, you don't want my sister-in-law and I to talk nonsense, right?"

Lin Zhe was completely speechless. Isn't this younger sister a bit too cheating?

If this were not her biological sister, Lin Zhe would never hand over his company to her.

Sigh... I can't help it, who made me fall in love with such a sister? What should I do if I can't bear it? My parents alone can't pass it.

Until now, Lin Zhe still vaguely remembers that Lin Shuyu often complained to her parents when she was a child.

Since childhood, Lin Zhe has lost count of how many times he has been beaten and how many unfounded charges he has been accused of.

"Okay, okay, you win, okay?" Lin Zhe shook his head with helplessness, looked at Lin Shuyu and narrowed his eyes, thinking where can I teach this girl a lesson?

Isn’t it okay to keep going like this? The main reason is that I really don’t feel relieved.

Lin Shuyu, who was originally looking proud, suddenly noticed Lin Zhe's "smiling" expression and squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched instantly.

It can be said that she knows her brother very well.

With this expression, it seems like he is holding back some bad idea?

Others may not know it clearly, but Lin Shuyu will definitely know it at a glance.

"Okay, there will be nothing else to do next. Stabilize the market and don't let our stock price increase. This is your next job..."

Lin Zhe ordered to everyone in the conference room.

"Mr. Lin is absolutely confident in winning the Bulgari Group. There is absolutely no need to spend money?"

"If you ask me to be more prudent, it would be better to continue to vote, but since Mr. Lin has spoken, we naturally believe him unconditionally.

"I really didn't expect that Bulgari, the leading enterprise that has dominated the Magic City for hundreds of years, is about to come to an end..."

"That was their own fault. They had no choice but to choose Jingrui as their opponent."

Following the sound of discussions, the senior executives in the conference room slowly walked out of the door. The last person to leave thought that the senior executives closed the door naturally.

Lin Zhe sat there for a while, then stood up and walked to the innermost part of the conference room. There was a door leading to his own office in this position. Compared to this, it was cleaner there...

Lin Shuyu naturally followed behind him.

Lin Zhe's own independent office can even be said to be a luxury hotel, with very complete configurations.

What a luxurious bed worth millions, and a translucent floor-to-ceiling window. Through this window, you can easily see the scenery of the CBD, the city's large commercial center, and enjoy the prosperity of the magical city.

But Lin Zhe has no interest in these things now......

Take the million-dollar bed, for example. Lin Zhen originally intended it to be used for resting when he was tired from working, even though he had never done much work.

However, Lin Zhe's boss chair is also worth millions. This chair can be used for sitting, leaning or lying down, and it is very comfortable.

Put down the back of the chair and it becomes a small sofa...

It is no exaggeration to say that sleeping on this chair is even more comfortable than some luxury hotel beds.

As a result, Lin Zhe didn't have time to go to bed at all. When he was tired, he leaned on the chair and fell asleep quickly.

After reaching a certain level, these material enjoyments are actually almost painless.

Lin Zhe has only one idea now, and that is to go home to spend time with his wife...and their soon-to-be-born baby.

Sitting on the chair, Lin Zhe crossed his legs and said, "How is it? Have you been mentally prepared recently? After I leave, Jingruike will be in your hands..."

Of course Lin Zhe knows that his sister is under a lot of pressure right now, so he said this just to tease her and make her feel the pressure.

Lin Shuyu coughed lightly, moved closer to Lin Zhe with a flattering look on her face, and put her hand on Lin Zhe's shoulder, as if she wanted to massage it.

"Brother, um... discuss something, how about you..."

Halfway through, Lin Zhe waved his hand and interrupted: "Well, don't even think about it, it's impossible, I'm not in a hurry to go home.

Lin Shuyu seemed very dissatisfied with Lin Zhe's interruption, and her mouth instantly pursed: "What! You refused directly before I finished speaking. Do you know what I want to say?"

"What do you want to say?" Lin Zhe laughed with disdain, "It's just that you want me to spend more time with you."

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