Supervision Bureau.

Xu Song was locked in a solitary room.

"Tell me what happened." The guard sat opposite Xu Song and asked calmly.

"What happened?" Xu Song pretended to be confused, with an indifferent expression on his face, "Didn't I just forget to give you the money? Is this a big deal?"

"Didn't I already say that when we were in the hotel? I drank too much that day, so I walked out in a daze and probably forgot to pay. Isn't this normal?"

Xu Song talked about his complaints without restraint, but actually he was a little unhappy in his heart.

Unexpectedly... Because the relationship between the Xu family was very strong before and there was no such problem at all, so he didn't consider it.

Otherwise, how could he do such a shameful thing?

"Besides, I'm not short of that little money. Can't I just make up for it and be done with it? As for reporting it?"

After listening, the guard looked at the small book in his hand and said, "But the people at the bar said that you deliberately failed to pay and ran away from the order."

"If that's the case, then the problem will be big. It can't be solved by simply paying up the money. You also need to get the other party's forgiveness [otherwise there may be a possibility of joint efforts."

"What!" Xu Song's pupils shrank sharply, his face full of surprise.

He didn't expect that these things were so serious that they would involve imprisonment. 253

He didn't want this, so he quickly explained: "No, no, how could I do it on purpose?"

"I've been to that bar many times, and I basically know the boss and the clerk. They all know me, and I won't be short of that little money..."

Xu Song can only blame everything on being drunk. Only in this way can he get away with it.

But if he deliberately refused to pay, as he said, the matter would probably be very serious.

The guard nodded thoughtfully and frowned: "But judging from the situation at the scene that night, you also looked around and slipped out when you saw no one was there."

"It's not like I walked out after drinking too much, but it looks like I sneaked out secretly."

The guards need to tell all their doubts and then see if they can match Xu Song's answers.

After all, this is all evidence from the bar, and he needs to use Xu Song's words to deal with Qiang's doubts.

Only in this way can a reconciliation between the two parties be reached.

"This." Xu Song thought for a moment, "Why don't I remember? Maybe it's because I can't see the road clearly (acae). I had to find the way after drinking too much. I don't remember where it is, so I can only look around and finally find it. I'll just leave the door."

"Now I don't remember much about what happened that night. When I woke up the next morning, it was basically all broken and I don't remember anything."

After saying these words, Xu Song slowly exhaled a breath, and even wanted to praise himself for his wit.

There must be no one who can say this, right? It can be said to be very perfect!

There is no loophole at all.

Xu Song added, "I still force myself to remember some fragments, otherwise I really can't remember anything. I drank too much that night."

"Yes." The guard nodded seriously.

There is nothing wrong with what Xu Song said so far and it is very reasonable.

He also felt that he should have made a fuss out of a molehill and wanted to get a batch of compensation. To put it simply, he wanted to extort money.

I guess it’s because this person is rich…………

"According to the bar's reaction, they called you the next day and when you asked for money, you were rejected directly."

The guard frowned, "What's going on?"

Xu Song's brain was running rapidly, he narrowed his eyes and said in shock: "What? When did you call me? Why don't I remember?"

"Um...when?" Xu Song asked knowingly.

The guard carefully checked the time to make sure there was no mistake, and then continued to answer: "It's the second day after you finished drinking."

Xu Song closed his eyes and pretended to recall what happened that day. Suddenly, Xu Song patted the table and said, "Oh, I did receive a phone call that morning.

"But I thought it was a scam call. He didn't say he was from the bar. You can check the phone recording. I don't remember him saying he was from the bar. The person I called seemed to be a woman."

"I thought it was a harassing phone call. She said she was waiting for me to give her money, so I jokingly replied "Wait a minute."

With a serious face on his face, Xu Song replied categorically: "Nothing I said is true. There is not a single lie. I can bear legal responsibility for all my words. If there is even half a lie, I will be imprisoned voluntarily."

This is the fact, Xu Song did not tell lies.

Basically, they are adapted and added to biochemistry, so that lies become truth.

"Okay. I have written down everything you said." The guard nodded, "I don't think you have any personal problems. Don't worry, the Supervision Bureau will make the decision for you. If someone deliberately extorts money, we will definitely This will not be allowed to happen.”

In fact, normal people would basically choose to believe Xu Song.

Obviously, what Xu Song said was very convincing, but the bar was full of loopholes.

Therefore, the Supervisory Bureau also has reason to doubt whether what was said in the bar is true or false. After all, it is very common for thieves to shout about catching thieves.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Song said seriously, "Having you is really the happiness of the people."

Seeing the guards leaving, Xu Song had a look of emotion on his face.

At the same time, I was secretly relieved for myself.

If nothing else happens, I should be fine.

Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise what might happen if I face such an emergency situation?

At the same time, Xu Song also secretly made up his mind.

I will definitely teach that bar a lesson after I go out! So now the Xu family is gone, but Xu Song still has some connections.

No problem dealing with a small bar.

Humph, you want to go against me? Do you think I, Xu Song, can't survive? Do you think I've become a soft persimmon now? Do you think you can manipulate me at will?

You will pay the price for your actions.

At this moment, Xu Song was completely unaware that it was precisely because of his behavior in the bar that he saved his life, or rather...gave him a few more days to live.

After all, if this thing hadn't happened, he would have been directly killed by the killer in the hotel that day.

It can even be said that there will be no surprises.

Sometimes it's like this. You think that if you have bad luck or encounter some troubles, it might help you to resist some disaster.

Everything is the best and the best arrangement!

This has always been true from ancient times to the present. .

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