After leaving the Supervision Bureau, Xu Song returned to his previous hotel.

"Damn! What bad luck."

I had no choice but to endure it. Who asked the bar to report it?

It turns out that tmd alerted the Supervision Bureau because of such a trivial matter. Where can I put my old face?

Will you still hang out in the future?

But think about it... I should be leaving China soon.

Xu Song felt a little more relaxed now. No one would know what he had experienced here when he got there.

You don't need to be too angry if you think about it. Besides, face is something... why is money so important?

Now that I have money, I will definitely have a good time there when I get there.

Thinking about his wonderful life in the future, Xu Song's mood slowly relaxed.

After settling the matter at the bar, Xu Song had been suppressing a fire before, but now he can finally release it.

Xu Song started throwing things as soon as he entered the hotel. The two women did not dare to speak for fear that they would accidentally offend Xu Song.

They now believe that Xu Song probably just forgot to give money when he was drunk, and this is not a big deal.

That's why it was released so quickly.

They have been listening to Xu Song's words for the past two days and have been staying in the hotel without even going out.

Just wait for Xu Song here, for fear that he will run away.

"Master Xu, you are back."

"Master Xu, now that the matter has been resolved, don't be angry. What are you doing with those low-level people? Isn't it just that you forget to give money when you are drunk? Is our Master Xu the one who lacks such money? It's really funny.

"It's just that, with the layout of their bar, they can't even expect to have much development in this life."

The two women flattered Xu Song while comforting him.

Now they don't think about other things, as long as they can stabilize Xu Song, so that the money promised to them will not be wasted.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

Xu Song scolded him directly, and finally leaned on the chair, "Come here and give me a massage.

Now Xu Song just needs to vent, so his attitude is not particularly good.

After hearing Xu Song's words, the two women's expressions did not change at all, and they walked to Xu Song's side with a smile on their face.

Kneel on both sides and start massaging.

Xu Song's attitude not only did not make them uncomfortable, but made them feel very comfortable.

Because in their eyes, this is how a young man from a wealthy family should be, with a very bad temper, beating and scolding them, and not treating them well.

They have spent time with others, so of course they know the tempers of these people.

Even relatively speaking, Xu Song is quite friendly.

Maybe this is also related to his previous experience. After all, other young masters are always making money.

But Xu Song was different before. Then he had to report every sum of money to the old man or Xu Bing. It would be difficult to get a sum of money.

So in fact, Xu Song has not developed the character of those wealthy young men, he is arrogant and domineering, and even seems to be very low-key.

"Master Xu, you don't even know that we have been so worried about you these past two days that we can't even eat."

"Yes, I think about how you are doing there every day, and I worry that you will not have enough to eat and live a good life. Alas, I am happier now than anything else to see you back."

Xu Song listened to the words of the two people and felt guilty.

Are you worried about me? Are you two wrong? You should be worried about my money, right?

But Xu Song didn't expose it. Since you two want to act, then let's continue acting.

Anyway, in the end, you will never get any actor fees. By then, Xu Song will be flattered and go abroad, and the Supervision Bureau of China will not be able to control him.

Seeing the obedient expressions of the two women, Xu Song recalled the past, when there was not much money and these girls didn't even want to talk to him.

Because you can get more rewards by accompanying other people, and it’s the same job, so why don’t you accompany him?

So in fact, this kind of woman is not very willing to deal with Xu Song, and her acting skills are even a bit poor.

But it's different now. After they have money, these women's acting skills have directly improved to a higher level, and their attitudes when serving are very, very good.

Experiencing this feeling, Xu Song felt very happy.

"It's okay. Since I'm back now, it's no big deal."

Xu Song touched the heads of the two women with both hands, "You two behave well, maybe I will buy two apartments for each of you, and then you just need to sit and wait for me to come over."


Hearing this, the two women's eyes lit up almost in unison...

This can be said to be a very big surprise for them. It means that they can get a house in Shanghai without any struggle.

In fact, there are many cases like this in the industry, when big bosses keep women.

Under normal circumstances, the woman will be bought a house for her to live in, and the boss can come over at any time.

Almost everyone in the industry does this.

However, the two women did not expect that this day would come to them so quickly.

It can be said that I have reached the sky in one step, and I will never have to accompany others again.

They just need to take good care of this man, which is relatively easy, and they are still two women, so they will not be too tired in the future.

"When have I ever lied to someone? I, Xu Song, always keep my word."

Xu Song didn't blush at all and said seriously.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, hehe."

"Young master Xu is so kind. He is much more generous than other young masters from wealthy families. He can spend one million yuan and a house at the same time."

"Yes. What does this mean? We, Mr. Xu, are not short of money at all, unlike those people who don't have much money and like to pretend."

"If you want to be lucky, just be lucky that we followed Mr. Xu. We will never suffer a loss in the future, and we will live a very, very good life."

Looking at the discussion between the two, Xu Song couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

This feeling of playing tricks on others is really good.

"Dong dong dong."

While a few 2.7 people were chatting, the knock on the door suddenly rang again.

This made Xu Song's smile stop abruptly, and he said towards the door: "Who's going to be so late? What's the matter?"

"Oh, I'm the food delivery guy."

A still strong voice came from outside the door.

Xu Song glanced at the time, it happened to be dinner, so he didn't think much and directly motioned to the two women to open the door.


After opening the door, both women were a little shocked because this was the same waiter who came last time.

Because his eyes were remembered by the two of them last time, and the impression was quite deep.

"You two, please give way a little. I want to push the car in."

The waiter's voice rang in the ears of the two women.

"Oh, okay."

Looking at the expressions of the two women, Hei Yi also knew that they had recognized him.

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